I would imagine management are constantly consulting lawyers and ASIC on their obligations regards disclosing this or that and would be shocked to hear otherwise. If they did update us everytime something that may be slightly of concern from what's happening on the ground in the DRC I don't think any of us would have a penny left invested in AVZ. I'm sure we all had a good think and some reservations before investing because of location, now imagine announcements ontop of that everytime some snake was sniffing around! I have to trust management and their experience in Africa, and that they are playing between the lines and doing what's in everyone's best interests. The silence can feel deafening sometimes but it's also draining the swamp of all the sneaky buggers! Imo
Great post
Sometimes stating the obvious, that any non-disclosure would be after legal advice, is necessary to realign the context.
AVZ management was far more aware of the situation than retail and no doubt still are.
They were/ are playing a high risk game of chess.
It would be FUCKING STUPID to discuss your tactics.
I don't like criticising/ attacking other posters, as the ethos of TSE is right up my street (well apart from beisha's old mate on the crapper who is to charting what Trump is to honesty)
But this SW character has been correctly described by Winenut.
Here with all guns blazing and expecting management to keep the enemy fully informed.
Only the enemy would be disappointed that they didn't.
Zero credibility.