1 regret could be not taking profits along the way, sure. That may put a few bucks back in your bank account but you end up with less shares and when this baby flies that just means less profit. Trust me, I get it and question myself often. Easy for me to say with a small entry price, but I do not gloat about it. If I was genuinely concerned about AVZ I would sell down 'some'. Alas, I am not a trader and often lack the discipline to contemplate parting with any of my 700,000 shares.
Since Oct 2017 I have paid careful attention to HC and read everything else I could find. Since then AVZ has been mocked and belittled and the BOD have borne the brunt of many attacks on their ability and credibility. Fast forward to today and I can say that every single negative post (eg: missed timeline, sovereign risk etc etc) means "nothing" because we've proven them all wrong. If any of those negative comments were
true, we wouldn't be where we are today.
We're experiencing an attack on all 4 fronts, from 4 Goliaths, so it is only natural to question AVZ's ability. We've sailed through arbitration (and saved JAG's nuts) without a single word from the BOD. A Country of no less than the second largest economy in the entire World has us in their cross-hairs and we are winning the battle.
I generally post smart-arsed comical posts with an occasional tug at the heart attempt because I am so comfortable where AVZ is right now. There are enough good quality researchers here and on the crapper that you don't need me posting more.
I'll will however repeat something I used to say to newbies often on the crapper. "We are all different and here for different reasons - what does YOUR trading plan say? Follow it. If it turns against you, learn and re-write your plan." My plan says "sit on your hands".
PS - don't take it as an omen but "Crumblin' down" by Mellencamp is playing right now