I’ve got him on mute so will have to respond on the bird.
‘Relevant or irrelevant’
in this forum today, an April screenshot according to Sammael, showed a change predating the AVZ asx suspension in May (attached)
Which means if PE13359 reverted to “research” in April or earlier, and is material for shareholders then did AVZ management announce this change of status in April or earlier?
Because many believe this status on CAMI as material. But if I were to mention this April change from PER -> PE (active) to PER (static) in April, it would be deemed irrelevant by shareholders? Only relevant when it suits shareholders narrative September 02?
It basically suggests the AVZ-led Dathcom mining license application for “exploitation” “PE” on 13359 was (attempted) rejected in April?
Because I don’t see why rezoning portions of 13359 entails reversion to “exploration”, any rezoning is part of transformation of research “PER” permit to mining permit “PE”. Something unexplained by Congolese again. But at least it shows the Congolese are moving. But in the right way?
RCCM.cd website extremely slow, obviously everyone and his dog trying to confirm all legals
Once the mining license is realised it is not clear this means trading on ASX again as the Dathomir matter appears to be material