Ok ok,,,you got me,,,,and I'm Deboss
Thank youYour posts are excellent.
“the 29th of September 2021. In his response to the question about the license progress at 3.05 he says that the DRC government have 30 days (It says 30 business days in the the DRC mining code) from the favourable opinion being put in place to award the licence otherwise AVZ can have it issued by court order.”
Yes I recall this “court order” comment too, but couldn’t recall when or where exactly so thankyou. What is not clear is the “favourable opinion” - if that is CAMI head then this is the bureaucratic hitch.
But if Cami not relevant, it seems Lukusa Momentum lawyers would be advising to not embarrass DRC government? So why is Nigel making such aggressive comment? Probably to prepare shareholders for the rough ride.
September 2021 it seems AVZ already knew about Zijin
I think Nigel said after the 30 days with mining ministry(?) a court order can be done - implicit is, this is the ‘end of the road’.Thank you
View attachment 15771
I think the favourable opinion mentioned by Nigel in that interview was the favourable technical opinion (link above) announced on April 13th, 2022. We did receive the mining license decree from the mining minister within 30 days announced on May 4th but as we all know that was just the beginning of the fun.
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View attachment 15772
As for Nigel's motivation in mentioning potentially going to court in his comments I'm not sure. Zijin's claim (link above) was that they made the agreement with Cominiere in September 2021 so the timing does sort of line up.
The right to have the licence issued by court order is in the mining code so he could have said it just because it was an option and it wasn't related to Zijin's claim. He also said in that interview that he expected the license in the next two to three weeks plus potentially the 30 days so I doubt he was aware of how rough the ride was going to be.
I think Nigel said after the 30 days with mining ministry(?) a court order can be done - implicit is, this is the ‘end of the road’.
I hesitate to believe AVZ didn’t know Zijin were not cooperating with Cominiere and Dathomir breaching pre-emptive rights early 2022 and how this would be dealt with. After mining license acquired?
Question I have is, would AVZ declaring to market these attempts at obstruction be properly meeting asx listing disclosure requirements? The test is, for example, a “could possibly affect project progress ”. I think it is hard to reason, about the apprehension that Zijin and Cominiere acting as they did, breach and steal %s, as “speculation” or “insufficient definite”
Listing Rule 3.1A / 3.1A3
What amazes me is how AVZ Congolese political elite allies could not stop it. The mining minister, seen as an ally, didn’t stop it.
The share price will need the ‘hand of god’ after all this spectacle because the fall out could be harsh for the company, some may resolve to take action to recover losses
I felt a little bit a little bit embarrassed putting my views of where I think the share price will go on opening (and I am allowing a week to see where the dust settles) but I wasn’t upramping, it’s my view based on my own due diligence and taking into account that ownership of mining and exploration rights as well as ownership in Dathcom are sorted out in our favour (which is how I speculate the outcome to myself). I admit I am not researched enough on what instos might do regarding selling or lending their shares, or the time they have to do it, but for some reason I suspect you of being a sneaky downramper. I can’t wait to see which way the share price goes, it won’t prove either of us right or wrong, but out of pure interest I’ll get an idea on how the world views our company and project. Anyone who suggests Nigel should have been more open, or is going to give up fighting for AVZ’s success doesn’t know him. You also seem to be wanting to spend more time on this thread, where I am wanting to spend less, so if you reply, bear in mind I won’t be back till tomorrowI think Nigel said after the 30 days with mining ministry(?) a court order can be done - implicit is, this is the ‘end of the road’.
I hesitate to believe AVZ didn’t know Zijin were not cooperating with Cominiere and Dathomir breaching pre-emptive rights early 2022 and how this would be dealt with. After mining license acquired?
Question I have is, would AVZ declaring to market these attempts at obstruction be properly meeting asx listing disclosure requirements? The test is, for example, a “could possibly affect project progress ”. I think it is hard to reason, about the apprehension that Zijin and Cominiere acting as they did, breach and steal %s, as “speculation” or “insufficient definite”
Listing Rule 3.1A / 3.1A3
What amazes me is how AVZ Congolese political elite allies could not stop it. The mining minister, seen as an ally, didn’t stop it.
The share price will need the ‘hand of god’ after all this spectacle because the fall out could be harsh for the company, some may resolve to take action to recover losses
It would all come down to when AVZ became aware of Zijin's and Dathomir's claims and whether a 'reasonable person' would deem that the information would have a material effect on the share price and need to be announced to the market.I think Nigel said after the 30 days with mining ministry(?) a court order can be done - implicit is, this is the ‘end of the road’.
I hesitate to believe AVZ didn’t know Zijin were not cooperating with Cominiere and Dathomir breaching pre-emptive rights early 2022 and how this would be dealt with. After mining license acquired?
Question I have is, would AVZ declaring to market these attempts at obstruction be properly meeting asx listing disclosure requirements? The test is, for example, a “could possibly affect project progress ”. I think it is hard to reason, about the apprehension that Zijin and Cominiere acting as they did, breach and steal %s, as “speculation” or “insufficient definite”
Listing Rule 3.1A / 3.1A3
What amazes me is how AVZ Congolese political elite allies could not stop it. The mining minister, seen as an ally, didn’t stop it.
The share price will need the ‘hand of god’ after all this spectacle because the fall out could be harsh for the company, some may resolve to take action to recover losses
That tends to happen after a few bottles mate..
Hi Dom
What’s become apparent in recent weeks is even AVZ being on the front line in the DRC with their finger in the button do not know what will happen tomorrow or the next day.
There have been far more bullish comments as part of feedback around everything being sorted then I have stated here. I always include the caveat “apparently” etc.
Yes the last decent info I picked up was everything was completed in AVZ’s favour (apparently) yet we all see the court case with Cong is taking longer then expected to finalise, as is the case with what is expected from CAMI.
So to answer your question more clearly yes the feedback was 100% positive on PR to PR and all other items. However there was also feedback on expected day/date to come out of suspension which has now been passed.
I can only surmise that AVZ are still being played with by some (unexpectedly) within hours and days after the champagne was being plunged into the ice buckets.
As mentioned earlier, in fear of more pineapples, I’m still seeking some feedback at the moment to share, not that anything I or others say affects the outcome here of course, but it’s nice to have some info to help make sense of current status and timeline to ML and coming out of suspension.
I like many others loaded up a bit more of AVZ knowing ML was “imminent” only to find 4 months later we await what should of happened in early May.
Anyway, from here it’s unlikely the court case with Cong will drag on much further and CAMI is under significant pressure from multiple parties to finalise the PE.
When everything comes out, this whole drama will make a interesting mini series on the ABC, assuming there is a happy ending in more ways then one.
Cheers The Fox![]()
I like it FoxJust when things seem at the worst......
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News coming in supporting a happy ending
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The question is, is good news really coming in? I've followed the forums very closely since late 2019 when I bought in, have at the very least lurked on TSE since day 1, and I don't think I've seen one prediction/call for excitement actually come true, and especially not in the time it was predicted to come in.
Many people with a "taxi driver", "close source", or "ear to the ground", or direct line to Nigel via email or text over the years, speaking rather cryptically or hinting that they know something is about to happen. Seems like a bit of an attention grab to me most of the time, but I could be wrong. There's no salt in this post trust me, with my current financial situation, and the suspension tying up hundreds of thousands of dollars of mine, that I can't use to buy land that will probably get bought by someone else before the suspension breaks, I wish more than anyone that one of these potentially well-informed persons are on the money. But its never come to pass in the 3 or so years that I've been following it.
There’s no salt in your post? Are you sure ? Come on, do you think we are all that stupid here to not see your MO ? FFS.![]()
Do you mean MO as in Main Objective? If you do then mate you must see something that I don't. I do genuinely like the company and believe in it if thats what you're questioning. I'm just questioning how informed the people are who keep dropping hints/timelines.There’s no salt in your post? Are you sure ? Come on, do you think we are all that stupid here to not see your MO ? FFS.![]()
News or more hearsay?Just when things seem at the worst......
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News coming in supporting a happy ending
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