Thank you for your detailed post. Firstly I guess the question as to whether you are a glass half full or half empty type of fella has now been cleared up
You are correct, every bit of info or feedback normally comes with a caveat of “apparently, or maybe” and so on. I’m sorry that’s a problem for you. I too will only be 100% satisfied once AVZ announcements are issued and provide the information we are all waiting on. (Yet funny how the announcements are not always 100% correct BTW.)
What would you like me to do in the interim? Not try to seek out information? Maybe these forums should not exist in your world, or people should only discuss the company’s announcements only and be banned from providing any non-sanctioned or unconfirmed information?
Talk about damed if you do and damed if you don’t. Some people are doing there best to dig up more information for our benefit, particularly considering bugger all comes from AVZ. Even AVZ lawyers get asked to remove Tweets by AVZ as they want no info going out to provide any advantage to the various parties attacking in recent months. So those of us who are suitably invested and motivated have no choice but to go digging and hunting for information on the ground. Some of us are not happy with the amount of information in the official AVZ announcements and want more.
Maybe it’s just best that you only focus on the company announcements (which are overflowing with detailed information) if that makes you feel more comfortable and put anyone like me providing unsubstantiated feedback on ignore.
You seem upset that any feedback is not detailed enough, or doesn’t have a confirmed source or is vague. This is a PUBLIC forum Sam, what do you expect? documents? sworn statements? an ABC news reel?
We are all trying to survive this debacle in our own way and sometimes I can give myself and others (accept your apparently) some comfort that things are going to be ok, or conversely if the wheels have fallen off, either way it’s better than doing nothing and complaining about the quality and accuracy of information provided at various times that can and has changed unexpectedly thereafter, and changed of course for AVZ management and their lawyers, who then need to pivot to the next challenge.
Just when management think everything is completed and we should be out of suspension in 4 or 5 days, another challenge presents itself and people like me who provided feedback that is accurate at the time all look like dick heads. You say to yourself why did I bother? and more so after reading your post.
So going forward I’ll still provide the best feedback I can secure, I’ll still put caveats on the information, there won’t be a any documents and names to share regarding the source of information and there’ll be no guarantees that information won’t change after it’s been shared.
If that doesn’t work well for you, I get it. Up to you if you want to read my posts, keep complaining or put me on ignore, take some comfort that at least you can control all those actions which are at your disposal in view of not being able to control the type of information and confirmations you want.
Over the last week I’ve added to my connections and been able to secure additional lines of communication as to what’s going on in the DRC. I will have to consider how to frame current feedback or maybe it’s best to just reiterate that I’m very confident that everything is sorted, all issues have been resolved and in favour of AVZ. A timeline to out of suspension has been discussed, but since previous timelines have not been correct, I’ll keep my power dry on the exact date which should make you happy, if that’s possible.
I look forward to reading the AVZ announcements confirming everything is sorted and ML has been issued, just like you.
Cheers The Fox