AVZ Discussion 2022


That would be a very poor move! Need leverage of courts until the coin is paid off my mortgage. Pay the fees asap!
We would be paying the court fees to the ICSID not the DRC.

What I am implying, is that the fact neither party has paid fees could imply negotiation is happening in the background. If both parties wanted to go through the courts the fees will be paid, by both or us directly.
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If we pay court fees for DRC, I am assuming that means there is no negotiation going on anymore.
we're not paying their fees, but It seems the only ones who thought negotiations were going on and that we have good relations with the government was the board, while in reality their government seemed to have only used this as stall tactics, idk but after over 2yrs of absolute shenanigans and drama after drama while us donkeys get dangled carrots from a few with obviously no control in their government well its hard to draw any other conclusion
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we're not paying their fees, but It seems the only ones who thought negotiations were going on and that we have good relations with the government was the board, while in reality their government seemed to have only used this as stall tactics, idk but after over 2yrs of absolute shenanigans and drama after drama while us donkeys get dangled carrots from a few with obviously no control in their government well its hard to draw any other conclusion
  • If the DRC don't pay their fees, we will on their behalf to ensure the case is seen to it's finality.
  • If neither party pays the fees - perhaps we are talking now, with our $15m behind us and the outcome of going to court a foregone conclusion?
  • Why pay the fee if neither party wants to go to through the ICSID?
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The fees have to be paid
We would be paying the court fees to the ICSID not the DRC.

What I am implying, is that the fact neither party has paid fees could imply negotiation is happening in the background. If both parties wanted to go through the courts the fees will be paid, by both or us directly.
Yes, I know we would be paying both parties fees to the ICSID. Wouldn't trust the lowlife to honour any negotiated outcome without the threat of ICSID looming. Fees will be paid 100%.
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  • If the DRC don't pay their fees, we will on their behalf to ensure the case is seen to it's finality.
  • If neither party pays the fees - perhaps we are talking now, with our $15m behind us and the outcome of going to court a foregone conclusion?
  • Why pay the fee if neither party wants to go to through the ICSID?
What a great form of justice, if your guilty and dont show up and the other side is poor you get to sail into the sunset with billions in assests stolen

Kind of icing on the cake of the whole ordeal really

Fuck Zijin
Fuck the DRC
Fuck Comininere
Fuck the ICSID
Fuck Fatarse pigs
Fuck our government and pretty much every other government and all the unelected scumbags calling shots while feeding from the trough of the masses

Theyre all sadistic greedy parasitic vultures
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What a great form of justice, if your guilty and dont show up and the other side is poor you get to sail into the sunset with billions in assests stolen

Kind of icing on the cake of the whole ordeal really

Fuck Zijin
Fuck the DRC
Fuck Comininere
Fuck the ICSID
Fuck Fatarse pigs
Fuck our government and pretty much every other government and all the unelected scumbags calling shots while feeding from the trough of the masses

Theyre all sadistic greedy parasitic vultures

It does seem odd doesn't it. Justice only for those who can afford it!

But I guess ICSID have to protect themselves against frivolous cases.

And because it's run by a bank, you gotsta pay deem fees.


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noun: constant; plural noun: constants
  1. a situation that does not change.

    Similar: unchanging factor - unchanging state of affairs - unchanging situation

    The Only Constant in the DRC is the Constant load of Corruption and BS coming our way :poop:


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More mud on X vs NF...does this ever stop? NF will be a mentally wreck after this stupid episode...
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This just gets wilder and wilder! I think it goes without saying that accusations are just that (accusations), but bloody hell can’t believe the narratives, ups and downs etc etc.
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Wow, they put out all those questions on X for Nigel to respond before sending to AFP, IGF and etc... lol

Why don't they just forward their evidences of corruption to those authorities?
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Cumquat Cap

All of those grievances are re-written points ************** has made throughout this saga as a way to artificially defame Nigel (who dla, icc and ICSID clearly belief haven’t acted corruptly). That NGO account is followed by our detractors only and most likely run by Shane himself the dumb cunt.

Ignore the noise, we will see them in June at ICSID and see how they go contextualising their clear breaking of Laws and corruption.
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I like this line the best : " DO you acknowledge actively participating in acts of corruption, specifically by ordering and organizing payments of significant amounts of money to the MoM THROUGH CHINESE COMPANIES ."

Locke Funding got these c--ts running scared . ICSID here we come .
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How about these cunts right a fucking letter to Celestin Kibeya and Zijin

What a fucking joke this is

Corruption, graft, misconduct, criminal activity, bribery, perversion of justice, compromised court actions, theft and embezzlement on a grand scale staring them in the fucking face in the DRC and they write a fucking letter to Nige?????

All the corrupt players and detractors working in orchestration to steal Manono from AVZ can absolutely go fuck themselves
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All of those grievances are re-written points ************** has made throughout this saga as a way to artificially defame Nigel (who dla, icc and ICSID clearly belief haven’t acted corruptly). That NGO account is followed by our detractors only and most likely run by Shane himself the dumb cunt.

Ignore the noise, we will see them in June at ICSID and see how they go contextualising their clear breaking of Laws and corruption.
Definitely written by a native English speaker.Not some corrupt French only speaking NGO representative. Very much in the tone of that Shane dude and the way he carries on.
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Dave Evans

@eqtrade @Cumquat Cap @Winenut @Dazmac66

I replied to that NGO lawyer on X, just in case he didn’t know that fraudulent letter supposedly came from him 👇

BTW @Cumquat Cap I’ve been reading your and other’s replies on X, fantastic work mate 👍

This is the lawyer that supposedly wrote that letter👇

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This is like one of those emails I get in my spam about being hacked and threatening to release videos of my jacking off if I don't pay $10,000 immediately 🤣🤣 except this was written by someone that speaks fluent English.
If you changed around the names in this email, doesn't it just outline everything the Chinese and detractors have done? :rolleyes:
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There seems to be more human rights NGOs in the DRC than there are mining companies.

You'd think they'd actually have a good standard of living if these NGOs were effective, rather than busy aligning themselves with the latest money grabbing beaureucrat.
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Lol, WHATSAPP.........i think that says it all.

desperado shit.

One of the conversations i had with John Clarke at the AGM was about corruption. He said most affiliates / services of Government expected a brown paper bag concession to progress matters, but he stressed, if you did that, then you automatically get whistle blown and then they have you by the balls.

Suffice to say, AVZ progressed Manono the honourable way much to the chagrin of corrupt members of Govt.

Reminds me of my Bali experiences, being offered magic mushrooms by the locals, if you accept, then the locals go to the cops and dob whereby the cops will either jail you or ask for brown paper bags to turn the other cheek, you then decide to pay the cops a brown paper bag and then they return the favour and jail you anyway.....;)

Suffice to say, i told the locals to fuck off and if i had any brains, i should of gone to the cops and dobbed as drugs is supposedly illegal, but as we all know, that only applies to the " rich " westerners, not the poor locals.

Suffice to say, I have never visited Bali ever again and have no intentions of ever doing so in the future.

no deal.gif
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