Lol, WHATSAPP.........i think that says it all.
desperado shit.
One of the conversations i had with John Clarke at the AGM was about corruption. He said most affiliates / services of Government expected a brown paper bag concession to progress matters, but he stressed, if you did that, then you automatically get whistle blown and then they have you by the balls.
Suffice to say, AVZ progressed Manono the honourable way much to the chagrin of corrupt members of Govt.
Reminds me of my Bali experiences, being offered magic mushrooms by the locals, if you accept, then the locals go to the cops and dob whereby the cops will either jail you or ask for brown paper bags to turn the other cheek, you then decide to pay the cops a brown paper bag and then they return the favour and jail you anyway.....
Suffice to say, i told the locals to fuck off and if i had any brains, i should of gone to the cops and dobbed as drugs is supposedly illegal, but as we all know, that only applies to the " rich " westerners, not the poor locals.
Suffice to say, I have never visited Bali ever again and have no intentions of ever doing so in the future.