AVZ Discussion 2022


The BoD have got their policy absolutely spot on here.
Long may it continue.

See you cunts in court.
If you turn up.

As they say in my home town
'Bunch of shithouses'.
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Master of Quan
View attachment 74158

Lol, WHATSAPP.........i think that says it all.

desperado shit.

One of the conversations i had with John Clarke at the AGM was about corruption. He said most affiliates / services of Government expected a brown paper bag concession to progress matters, but he stressed, if you did that, then you automatically get whistle blown and then they have you by the balls.

Suffice to say, AVZ progressed Manono the honourable way much to the chagrin of corrupt members of Govt.

Reminds me of my Bali experiences, being offered magic mushrooms by the locals, if you accept, then the locals go to the cops and dob whereby the cops will either jail you or ask for brown paper bags to turn the other cheek, you then decide to pay the cops a brown paper bag and then they return the favour and jail you anyway.....;)

Suffice to say, i told the locals to fuck off and if i had any brains, i should of gone to the cops and dobbed as drugs is supposedly illegal, but as we all know, that only applies to the " rich " westerners, not the poor locals.

Suffice to say, I have never visited Bali ever again and have no intentions of ever doing so in the future.

View attachment 74159
The Whatsapp reference is telling imo.
Who can we think of that was throwing around screen shots of whats app conversations?
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Fucking gaslighting weiner dicks...and these fucking cunts have just realised that they need to do it and throw as much shit back to avoid focus.

Just sayin
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Cumquat Cap

Don’t be surprised if MMGA and Carrick try and pull an EGM off this saga and try and replace the board. Doubt it will be successful but their goal is to scare Locke into walking. That’s the strategy.

Good luck to the board and see you absolute CUNTS in court June 2025, DRC are shitting themselves believe that
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Don’t be surprised if MMGA and Carrick try and pull an EGM off this saga and try and replace the board. Doubt it will be successful but their goal is to scare Locke into walking. That’s the strategy.

Good luck to the board and see you absolute CUNTS in court June 2025, DRC are shitting themselves believe that
Locke are here for the duration.

This is a huge strategic asset in an economic / trade / military power struggle between East & West that is in its infancy.
There will be high level agreements to fit with international strategy.
The Australian government is across this, it is too important for it not to be.
But the yanks, as always, will call the west's shots.
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Locke are here for the duration.

This is a huge strategic asset in an economic / trade / military power struggle between East & West that is in its infancy.
There will be high level agreements to fit with international strategy.
The Australian government is across this, it is too important for it not to be.
But the yanks, as always, will call the west's shots.
Across this how, because didn't Nigel tell people that the Aus government is not supporting it?.
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Locke are here for the duration.

This is a huge strategic asset in an economic / trade / military power struggle between East & West that is in its infancy.
There will be high level agreements to fit with international strategy.
The Australian government is across this, it is too important for it not to be.
But the yanks, as always, will call the west's shots.
Nigel has stated at the AGM that the Aus gov is not involved at all in “private” business


Locke are here for the duration.

This is a huge strategic asset in an economic / trade / military power struggle between East & West that is in its infancy.
There will be high level agreements to fit with international strategy.
The Australian government is across this, it is too important for it not to be.
But the yanks, as always, will call the west's shots.
The yanks will call the West's shots.
Exact reason why AVZ needs to align with Kobolt Metals.
The heavy hitters that back this company are not aligned with China .
Unlike Elon Musk who has fabrication in China.
If US and EU are serious to secure critical minerals then prevent China from taking control of Manono.
Still waiting for the auction results or has it been taken off the market ? Geo
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Across this how, because didn't Nigel tell people that the Aus government is not supporting it?.
I know 100% that there were discussions ( plural ) in Europe on this and related issues.
It is gossip/ hearsay from somebody that I trust.
I very much doubt that anybody bothered to inform Nigel, at least officially.
If they did, it will be on the condition of silence.
My comments on Australia, are based on what I know of how it works, but admittedly are conjecture.

Believe what you want.
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If they've been reduced to slinging mud and personal accusations, hopefully that means they're nearing the bottom of their bag of tricks.
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Im convinced most of the DRC is like a bunch of retarded wannabe gangster kids pretending to be grown ups, fuckn degenerates

and yeah half way through reading the NGO's bs I thought oh wow this guy writes scam emails for Nigerians in his spare time, sure some of it may be true, but why now, desperation no doubt but if true have they been saving this as a last ditched wild card because it will also incriminate multiple officials, I have no idea what to really think at this point
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Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 15.36.04.png


It is always good to see the increase of troll activity, even here.

History tends to repeat itself, next we will see good news, it seems to be the cycle.

Toilet on HC is completely in overdrive, like a terrier with a fat bone in his mouth, sorry Frank.
Wombat gives him one push and tolate reacts with a salvo of his over-regurgitated BS. Bit like a metronome.
Followed by team shitstick, rattlecock, Letty, etc (I am sorry if I missed some of the cocksuckers, are highly likely on ignore) and they all were going or have attended the AGM.
Sure fucking sure, wankers.
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View attachment 74166


It is always good to see the increase of troll activity, even here.

History tends to repeat itself, next we will see good news, it seems to be the cycle.

Toilet on HC is completely in overdrive, like a terrier with a fat bone in his mouth, sorry Frank.
Wombat gives him one push and tolate reacts with a salvo of his over-regurgitated BS. Bit like a metronome.
Followed by team shitstick, rattlecock, Letty, etc (I am sorry if I missed some of the cocksuckers, are highly likely on ignore) and they all were going or have attended the AGM.
Sure fucking sure, wankers.

This crumpled paper with fonts that look a little too perfect reminds me of a famous corruption case from Pakistan,

The daughter of a Pakistani Prime Minister shared a receipt to back up her claims, and at first, everything seemed legit. But then, a sharp investigator caught something off— the font used in the receipt wasn’t even invented when the receipt was supposedly created. 😆😆

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 7.08.40 pm.png
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Here's a Friday funny...

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Sahyne Eestwood
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Where is that WoodEast f*cker from?


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Q) Why wasnt there a pregnant Barbie doll ?

A) Because Ken came in a different box...;)
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Dave Evans

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