Thanks for posting Jazz but seriously there is more chance that DLA Piper will announce they are giving AVZ a small discount on their latest invoice than this bloke showing up in Australia!
Thanks for posting Jazz but seriously there is more chance that DLA Piper will announce they are giving AVZ a small discount on their latest invoice than this bloke showing up in Australia!
Well we can live in hope that there's a chance that both of these can happen. Makes little to no difference if he shows up anyway.Thanks for posting Jazz but seriously there is more chance that DLA Piper will announce they are giving AVZ a small discount on their latest invoice than this bloke showing up in Australia!
I think he'll be showing. he's had plenty of time to consider attending and would know the smell around the manono situation, so why put your name up to only pull out last minute? Doesnt make sense to me but then who really knows with the drc. I optimistically view it as an opportunity for avz and the mom to meet behind closed doors in a safe, non chinese scum bag environment.Thanks for posting Jazz but seriously there is more chance that DLA Piper will announce they are giving AVZ a small discount on their latest invoice than this bloke showing up in Australia!
Thanks for posting Jazz but seriously there is more chance that DLA Piper will announce they are giving AVZ a small discount on their latest invoice than this bloke showing up in Australia!
I think he'll be showing. he's had plenty of time to consider attending and would know the smell around the manono situation, so why put your name up to only pull out last minute? Doesnt make sense to me but then who really knows with the drc. I optimistically view it as an opportunity for avz and the mom to meet behind closed doors in a safe, non chinese scum bag environment.
Is anyone going to this event? If so, would be great to get some feedback.
Political risk is high in Africa in general.Different country though? Or is it that geopolitics in this region are less stable then ever?
The DRC Ministers live in the land of make believe and self importance. I would be surprised if he doesn't turn up - it is an opportunity to tell Australia and the World that they are open for business. Emphasising their record in Mining and the government enforcing the rule of law.
I would love to be there to watch the audience's reactions to what he says - lots of eye rolling I suspect.
Be like someone stealing your Ferrari then showing up at your place for Christmas dinner . No chance this guy is showing up . imo