China will flood the market and will build the mine in record time vs the WestHow about the West gets RD and the East keeps CDL. Comminere/DRC retains minority interest in both reserves. Too simple? Works for me.![]()
If you have 2 marbles, do you give 1 marble away for free because someone is bullying you, or do you fight for both marbles, because they are really yours?How about the West gets RD and the East keeps CDL. Comminere/DRC retains minority interest in both reserves. Too simple? Works for me.![]()
Looks like Manono Lithium (Cominiere/Zijin) didn’t get the memo to cease all activities on our 13359 tenement as they’re advertising for tenders now for construction - it’s a long article so I’ve just posted the first para.
Société MANONO LITHIUM SAS : Phase de prospection de Manono Lithium SAS - Travaux de la construction et l'installation d'un site logistique, la construction et l'installation d'un site de production d'énergie solaire, la construction et l'exploitatio
发包编号:MNNLY-GC-202400830 AAO N0: MNNLY-GC-202400830 马诺诺锂业探矿阶段--物流场地建筑安装工程、太阳能发电场地建筑安装工程、200吨每小时碎石生产系统建设及运营及供水井工程施工招标公告 Avis d’appel d’offres : Phase de prospection de Manono Lithium SAS - Travaux de la construction et l'installation d'un site logistique, la construction et l'installation d'
Company MANONO LITHIUM SAS: Prospecting phase of Manono Lithium SAS - Construction and installation of a logistics site, construction and installation of a solar energy production site, construction and operation of a 200-ton-hour aggregate production system and construction of water supply wells
Published on Tue, 20/08/2024 - 10:51 | Modified on Tue, 20/08/2024 - 10:51
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AAO N0: MNNLY-GC-202400830
Notice of call for tender: Manono Lithium SAS prospecting phase - Construction and installation work of a logistics site, construction and installation of a solar energy production site, construction and operation of a 200-tonn-hour aggregate production system and construction of water supply wells
马诺诺锂业简易股份有限公司,商业和动产登记证书号:NCD/LSH/RCCM/23-B-01276,国家身份识别号:N05-B0500-N27040M,税号:A2315586S,注册地址:刚果民主共和国卢本巴希市�� 因公司业务开展需要,现对马诺诺锂业探矿阶段--物流场地建筑安装工程、太阳能发电场地建筑安装工程、200吨每小时碎石生产系统建设及运营及供水井�
The Company MANONO LITHIUM SAS, registered at RCCM:NCD/LSH/RCCM/23-B-01276, ID. NAT.:N05-B0500-N27040M, NIF: A2315586S, whose registered office is 11B, Avenue de la Ribambelle, Annexed District, Municipality of Lubumbashi, City of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Due to the development of the Company's activities, this call for tenders on "Manono Lithium SAS prospecting phase - Construction and installation work of a logistics site, the construction and installation of a solar energy production site, the construction and operation of a 200-ton-hour aggregate production system and the construction of water supply wells" has been launched.
It's a joke. The joke is that Avz negotiated a settlement worth 1.4million! (Down from 4.7billion)
"I guess the big shareholders that participated in the recent cash injection have been asked to stay quiet."Hadn't thought of the Saudi's being involved. They could be a good fit. Cashed up to the hilt, looking to diversify from the carbon economy, US/Western leaning and geographic proximity. And their governmental structure means they don't have to play nice. US$3 billion would be a hiccup for them.
I guess the big shareholders that participated in the recent cash injection have been asked to stay quiet. But I'd love to know if they have any goss. (Not implying that they would be more informed than the average shareholder, mind you.)
If you have 2 marbles, do you give 1 marble away for free because someone is bullying you, or do you fight for both marbles, because they are really yours?
What are you going to do, after giving up one marble to keep the peace and they want to have half of your only remaining marble?
Give that as well, just to keep the peace?
How to give the lot and get it over and done with, just to keep the peace?
And what about if they want your mother in law as well?
Give her up as well, just to keep the peace?
I mean when are they are happy to stop giving you a hard time? Ever considered that?
Have you ever had a proper look at how China behaves all over the world?
Something is brewing. Please pick up the speed!It was definitely about Manono. She deliberately slotted her mention of large critical projects including the DRC in her last comment. Which I think was actually “we aren’t ready to talk about those just yet”.
Transcript of the press briefing:It was definitely about Manono. She deliberately slotted her mention of large critical projects including the DRC in her last comment. Which I think was actually “we aren’t ready to talk about those just yet”.
These guys. Driving around in a 400k G wagon.
Fuck better be careful of DMasonic, brand new and most likely a troll. My bad"I guess the big shareholders that participated in the recent cash injection have been asked to stay quiet."
View attachment 68646
View attachment 68647
A little bit of a tease doesnt hurt......Fuck better be careful of DMasonic, brand new and most likely a troll. My bad
Not a troll mate. Don't usually post here but a long history of posting on the other site.Fuck better be careful of DMasonic, brand new and most likely a troll. My bad
Whats your Avatar on HC ?Not a troll mate. Don't usually post here but a long history of posting on the other site.
Bit cheeky of me but we are all starved of information.
DmasonicWhats your Avatar on HC ?