AVZ Discussion 2022


Of course we will come to a expedited settlement once Iran nukes Israel, a race war kicks off in the UK and the global economy crashes. :rolleyes:

I might be able to cash my shares in for half a tank of oxygen and some soylent green in the bunker.
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FFS. Really? I'd hoped we were better than this.
It's an anonymous forum, there is no 'we'.

If you'd heard the way Chinese speak about Westerners like I have, you'd understand they are unironically one of the most hateful, jealous and racist people on earth.
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When will they meet again to negotiate and lock in terms of MOU set out by AVZ? It would be nice if the company gives us some heads up. Good announcement today out-of- blue (red) day. LoL
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"However, as previously advised, the Company will continue to pursue its claims against the DRC
Government and hold La Congolaise d’Exploitation Minière (Cominière), Dathomir
Mining Resources SARLU (Dathomir) and Zijin Mining Limited (Zijin) to account until
such time as a settlement is formally agreed."

I reckon that should be "until such time as a settlement is formally received".
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It's an anonymous forum, there is no 'we'.

If you'd heard the way Chinese speak about Westerners like I have, you'd understand they are unironically one of the most hateful, jealous and racist people on earth.

Ok then. I like to think I'm better than that.
When I was little, my Mum said it's not ok to be a racist prick just because little Johnny is also a racist prick. That doesn't make it ok.
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The entire problem in one sentence

From preliminary observations, it appears that the AVZ's claims, as formulated in the said project, are disadvantageous for the Republic where the defence team has recommended the continuation of the arbitration as long as AVZ does not diminish its ambitions.
The entire problem comes back to three words 'greed and corruption'.

Of course a first proposal for an MOU will be aggressive as it’s the starting point of negotiations and there has to be room to move in the other direction.

Detractors have made it clear that they aren't letting up at ICC even when faced with interim orders against them, while the DRC govt hasn't budged and has actually moved further against ICSID interim orders. Why would AVZ give up any leverage at this point?
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FFS. Really? I'd hoped we were better than this.
hes also asian too so just like aussies calling each other dickheads
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Dow Futures look well and truly fucked again......get ready for more pain on the market tomorrow me thinks
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Dow Futures look well and truly fucked again......get ready for more pain on the market tomorrow me thinks
Japan absolutely smashed! The next crash puts us closer to the next boom!!
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The entire problem comes back to three words 'greed and corruption'.

Of course a first proposal for an MOU will be aggressive as it’s the starting point of negotiations and there has to be room to move in the other direction.

Detractors have made it clear that they aren't letting up at ICC even when faced with interim orders against them, while the DRC govt hasn't budged and has actually moved further against ICSID interim orders. Why would AVZ give up any leverage at this point?
Really wonder what the DRC's endgame is (if they even have a plan that far ahead - might be incapable of it). Everything they continue to keep doing only increases our leverage at the negotiation table, it's almost like they actually think they'll come out the end of this as a winner, maybe they are fully convinced from Chinese whispers that we will go bankrupt and they won't have to deal with us? It sounds like they have a committee to look at the potential risks of losing the entire case....

@Carlos Danger do you know if by them continually disregarding interim orders, will this further increase the final damages claim - or because they're mounting a defence for their decisions to ignore interim orders (even after being told a second time) does that mean they can get away with the stalling without any further repercussions?
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The "experts" must have been paid for by china
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Really wonder what the DRC's endgame is (if they even have a plan that far ahead - might be incapable of it). Everything they continue to keep doing only increases our leverage at the negotiation table, it's almost like they actually think they'll come out the end of this as a winner, maybe they are fully convinced from Chinese whispers that we will go bankrupt and they won't have to deal with us? It sounds like they have a committee to look at the potential risks of losing the entire case....

@Carlos Danger do you know if by them continually disregarding interim orders, will this further increase the final damages claim - or because they're mounting a defence for their decisions to ignore interim orders (even after being told a second time) does that mean they can get away with the stalling without any further repercussions?
In my view AVZ coming out with this now means that they're even more confident of our position after seeing Cominiere and DRC's statements of defence.

Failure to comply with interim orders would certainly play into the final outcome of ICSID and ICC. They have already been reminded that there is no defence or negotiation when it comes to the orders made so far, they are what they are. I'm not sure what the tribunals would do in the case that they are continually ignored on interim orders prior to final orders though.
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People give the board shit, but their legal chess game has been a masterclass..... Despite DRC and Chinese companies not adhering to the orders 😂
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In my view AVZ coming out with this now means that they're even more confident of our position after seeing Cominiere and DRC's statements of defence.
Interesting 🤔
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Hates a beer
Really wonder what the DRC's endgame is (if they even have a plan that far ahead - might be incapable of it). Everything they continue to keep doing only increases our leverage at the negotiation table, it's almost like they actually think they'll come out the end of this as a winner, maybe they are fully convinced from Chinese whispers that we will go bankrupt and they won't have to deal with us? It sounds like they have a committee to look at the potential risks of losing the entire case....

@Carlos Danger do you know if by them continually disregarding interim orders, will this further increase the final damages claim - or because they're mounting a defence for their decisions to ignore interim orders (even after being told a second time) does that mean they can get away with the stalling without any further repercussions?
Short term pocket stuffing, retire in Belgium. Solid, proven strategy for these cunts
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Hates a beer
People give the board shit, but their legal chess game has been a masterclass..... Despite DRC and Chinese companies not adhering to the orders 😂
This mob are whinging because they complain there's been no comms, and yet they are still whinging after 4 announcements in a week. Tough audience
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Great response to the announcement / Temple on HC by Amovatio👏👏👏

143 Posts.
05/08/24. 21:22
Post #: 75081772

You called for the announcements and more detail so you could understand the complexity of the disputes AVZ finds itself in, now show some common decency, read them and get behind our Leadership team and its lawyers. We are going to be successful in our Legal challenges and the DRC will have to pay massive penalties for the wrong doings which have been allowed to take place.

You Temple7 continue to beat up our management team for the work they are doing each day to fight the battle on behalf of shareholders and our sophisticated investors. Take time to understand the complexity of the issues before the Courts and In the DRC and what has been allowed to happen to steal the interests of this project from underneath our eyes and the corruption that has gone on in an attempt to conceal their actions.

The tone of your posts is clear that you are a strong supporter of the Chinese lead MMGA and Fat Tail group with the sole intent to bring down the team. That's not going to happen because AVZ's success will be a direct reflection of our commitment, preparation and thoroughness, to flush out what has happened and who is responsible and to see the Project reinstated to AVZ through the proper channels. Yeh, this is going to take time if the DRC want to push this all the way but in the end they are going to pay a massive price for their unjust and corrupt practices whether they like it or not.
Attaching yourself to this bunch of expelled losers reflects the ungrateful degenerate you are. On ignore you go with the rest.

The DRC may not want AVZ to advance this project so lets see how quickly the ICSID & ICC rulings can change the focus of the DRC and force them back to the negotiation table to work out an amicable deal. The DRC have reviewed our DFS and know the enormity of the Project. Either partner with us through an MOU or Pay AVZ out for all the exploration work our Team has done to prove this resource. You can take back control, but first Pay AVZ and its shareholders a Fair price for showing you where the resources are and what you can expect to benefit over the life of the mine.

$3 PER SHARE is a small price to pay IMO. Then DRC, you can engage the International community to reap the enormous free trade benefits and infrastructure investment to advance your economy.

From todays announcements it is clear The DRC can end the litigation before the end of the year and ensure no more money is wasted on unnecessary legal costs and arbitration. If this has to happen AVZ will find a financial partner or partners to see this through to completion. That is a guarantee.

So Mr President Stop justifying your governments actions and those of your Ministers to International Courts. AVZ will persist with whatever action is necessary to bring about a good outcome for our Shareholders. The world is witness to what has happened here and the part played by the Chinese.
End the bribes and Stop the Corrupt dealings which are bringing adverse publicity on your Country. The International community is watching every step as this this saga continues and the hopes of the people are contingent on your actions to ensure the economic benefits for your economy are realised.
Pay out AVZ and take back control so we can all move forward before the end of the year.

Stand together true AVZ shareholders and keep pushing the positive path to get an equitable settlement.
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Thats a bit of a read.


Bit of education needed. With all the ICSID and ICC orders, if (when) they find in AVZ's favor. Will the DRC be able to sell the lithium if they choose to continue to ignore all the ICSID and ICC orders?

That is even if the DRC wanted to sell the lithium would they be able to ship or transport it out of the country?
i.e the countries surrounding Manono are all signitures with the ICSID (or is it world bank?), would they block the transport of the lithium?

If you get the gist of what im trying to understand.
I can remember reading something about this ages ago?
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