he sat at home for the full covid crisis on full pay ( and I still believe thats where we lost this thing ). Its a bad metric.I know it sounds like lets crap on the BoD day but I remember clearly at the shitshow in Sydney where Nigel stated that funds would be looked at every 3 months and savings made where necessary. I cannot see one instance of tightening the belt, IN FACT they had the gall to slide in some bonuses last financial year. I think people would be more understanding of our situation if we believed the BoD was in the trenches eating out of a can of expired baked beans and shitting in a hole like the rest of us. I know Nigel would be working his arse off but its about image, he sat at home for the full covid crisis on full pay ( and I still believe thats where we lost this thing ). Its a bad metric. If Nigel would of taken a small hit somewhere along the way his image would be totally different IMO.
Saying that we still in the fight ( at the moment ) so we back the board to get some resolution out of this.
Its a fact, Nigel said so at 2022 AGM, Covid period was when the dark lords hatched their plan to steal manono, create a negative image to FT that AVZ wasnt capaple of developing ( even tho we achieved 3 technical approvals ) , was derelict in our duties and other bull shit.
Fact remains, if FT was closely monitoring the development of Manono ( the crown jewel of mining projects and ultimate catalyst to his lithium hub dream ), then he would of realised the dark lords were feeding him bullshit, but alas, he was too occupied flying here , there and everywhere spruiking DRC as the ultimate investment destination .......

You cant blame AVZ bod for being instructed to go back home to Australia for Covid protocals and as Nigel stated......." We knew China would continue to try and under mine us, but we had no idea DRC govt would be complicit"
Apart from AVZ bod being negligent in their DISCLOSURE obligations, the real culprits in our demise so far is Dathomir, Zijin, Cominiere and that useless, gutless, incompetent president FT!
We are now into March 2024, FT re elected for another 4 yrs, so cant use politics anymore as a excuse for sitting on his hands regards to Manono...
What is Ft priorities in lifting his nation out of the gutter ?
Its obvious to everyone what it is, .........the lithium hub dream, cant do that without sorting out the stranded RD, CDL wont be in production anytime soon despite Zijin illegally having 8 rigs on the go, yet here we all are........about to celebrate , oops, commiserate nearly 24 months of oblivion.