Well, tell me what you really think davey boy.......
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For the record, the only whinge i make is about that wanker FT , Cominiere and the scum china operatives and why not ? They are all cunts of the highest order!
I support our BOD, been to the last 3 AGM, spoke to Nigel personally more than a few times , Graeme Johnston too and have met the new directors , voted against MMGA and confident they will achieve a good result....whenever that will be.
Personally i dont give a fuck if you post here or not, you are no more important here than anyone else, you keep threatening to leave time and time again, yet here you are, still ranting like a headless chook to anyone that dares has a different opinion to you.........grow up multi nic
Learn to use the IGNORE button, or just close your account.
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