AVZ Discussion 2022


Original post deleted? Shows you some posters don’t have the balls to follow through once they have made a statement. Typical girly man. View attachment 59238
Post was removed by mods not deleted, apologies to zeebot and DE for my night shift sober rant, truly was not meant to offend, please DE continue your amazing company changing work, we all appreciate every post you make👍👍👍
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Master of Quan
Things are on the up, feels like a Saturday night back in the good old days!!

Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
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how ya translate text in an image upload
ok, i have an apple, not a lemon

So put 2 fingers on top of text click, select search with google and translate.

I hope I didn't confuse you.

Just trying to help.
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he sat at home for the full covid crisis on full pay ( and I still believe thats where we lost this thing ). Its a bad metric.

Its a fact, Nigel said so at 2022 AGM, Covid period was when the dark lords hatched their plan to steal manono, create a negative image to FT that AVZ wasnt capaple of developing ( even tho we achieved 3 technical approvals ) , was derelict in our duties and other bull shit.

Fact remains, if FT was closely monitoring the development of Manono ( the crown jewel of mining projects and ultimate catalyst to his lithium hub dream ), then he would of realised the dark lords were feeding him bullshit, but alas, he was too occupied flying here , there and everywhere spruiking DRC as the ultimate investment destination .......🤣🤣

You cant blame AVZ bod for being instructed to go back home to Australia for Covid protocals and as Nigel stated......." We knew China would continue to try and under mine us, but we had no idea DRC govt would be complicit"

Apart from AVZ bod being negligent in their DISCLOSURE obligations, the real culprits in our demise so far is Dathomir, Zijin, Cominiere and that useless, gutless, incompetent president FT!

We are now into March 2024, FT re elected for another 4 yrs, so cant use politics anymore as a excuse for sitting on his hands regards to Manono...;)

What is Ft priorities in lifting his nation out of the gutter ?

Its obvious to everyone what it is, .........the lithium hub dream, cant do that without sorting out the stranded RD, CDL wont be in production anytime soon despite Zijin illegally having 8 rigs on the go, yet here we all are........about to celebrate , oops, commiserate nearly 24 months of oblivion.

View attachment 59206
Funny thing, FT is less able to use the excuse: "Ich habe est nicht gewuẞt", after being re-elected, if he does he is as thick as a fukkin brick.

It is more like: " Tell someone who gives a fuck, because sure as hell I can't give a fukkin shit".

If that is the case, I hope the DRC people understand the fukkin moron they elected to lead them into further poverty.
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Hey Beish,

Sorry I have to agree with Dave. Whilst most of the posters on TSE are here looking for and appreciate and share any info they get, there are a few miserable kunts that just continue to complain and be negative.
Almost everyone on here wanted an update with goings on, so when the company gives an update, all they do is complain about what a shit update it was!
Dave has done alot of digging, and has dug up alot of corrupt shit on the hierarchy in the DRC and should be commended in my opinion.
By the way I've DM'ed a couple of the miserable posters on here, and offered to buy their shares at a price agreeable to us both, but guess what, I'm still waiting to hear back from them!
Onwards and upwards for next week and the weeks after!!

Nells x
What's an agreeable price Nells ?
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That’s because you’re one. Unlike you and the other whingers, Nigel fights for AVZ every day and if he finally manages to get shareholders a substantial return on our investment after having to fight all the corrupt actors working against us, the most embarrassing thing in all this will be that whiners like you won’t even feel embarrassed by all your whining

You know what you have always said “The tribe has spoken”

Get the tribe to vote me off. I’m that sick of fucken whingers like you I don’t give a fuck, it’s why I post on other threads now.

Well, tell me what you really think davey boy.......;)


For the record, the only whinge i make is about that wanker FT , Cominiere and the scum china operatives and why not ? They are all cunts of the highest order!

I support our BOD, been to the last 3 AGM, spoke to Nigel personally more than a few times , Graeme Johnston too and have met the new directors , voted against MMGA and confident they will achieve a good result....whenever that will be.:unsure:

Personally i dont give a fuck if you post here or not, you are no more important here than anyone else, you keep threatening to leave time and time again, yet here you are, still ranting like a headless chook to anyone that dares has a different opinion to you.........grow up multi nic ;)

Learn to use the IGNORE button, or just close your multiple accounts.


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Well, tell me what you really think davey boy.......;)

View attachment 59240

For the record, the only whinge i make is about that wanker FT , Cominiere and the scum china operatives and why not ? They are all cunts of the highest order!

I support our BOD, been to the last 3 AGM, spoke to Nigel personally more than a few times , Graeme Johnston too and have met the new directors , voted against MMGA and confident they will achieve a good result....whenever that will be.:unsure:

Personally i dont give a fuck if you post here or not, you are no more important here than anyone else, you keep threatening to leave time and time again, yet here you are, still ranting like a headless chook to anyone that dares has a different opinion to you.........grow up multi nic ;)

Learn to use the IGNORE button, or just close your account.

View attachment 59241
well said,
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Well, let's not start a stink within our ranks, serves no purpose. We all know Beisha is an asset to this forum as is Dave or moneybags or whatever nic he uses.
Sometimes you have to rise above those who have a half empty glass and whinge constantly. We all know who they are.
I just can't see the western world letting our asset be gifted to China by a handful of simpletons. Have a crack at the corrupt c#nts, not each other.
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Hey Beish,

Sorry I have to agree with Dave. Whilst most of the posters on TSE are here looking for and appreciate and share any info they get, there are a few miserable kunts that just continue to complain and be negative.
Almost everyone on here wanted an update with goings on, so when the company gives an update, all they do is complain about what a shit update it was!
Dave has done alot of digging, and has dug up alot of corrupt shit on the hierarchy in the DRC and should be commended in my opinion.
By the way I've DM'ed a couple of the miserable posters on here, and offered to buy their shares at a price agreeable to us both, but guess what, I'm still waiting to hear back from them!
Onwards and upwards for next week and the weeks after!!

Nells x
Hi Nells

The beauty about public forums, is we all have a right to agree or disagree, yes Dave has contributed alot of good info at TSE which has been appreciated and yes there are some negative nellies ( no pun intended ;) ) here too, but does that give Dave the right to be a rude , contankerous prick and abuse them ?

We are all hurting Nellie, some more than others ( who are all in on AVZ ), nearly 2 yrs in the abyss, no end in sight, mental health on the wain clearly, cost of living crisis, i just think everyone needs to keep that in mind and chill before criticising the " whingers ".

Alot of folk going thru tough times.

Embrace, not disgrace.

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I came here to appreciate different takes on the AVZ debacle without the crapper bullshit. Yet here it is. Grow up fuckers, if someone posts something you don’t like and you meltdown in response then maybe it’s time to put your big boy pants on and see it for what it is and quit being so bloody precious.
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I came here to appreciate different takes on the AVZ debacle without the crapper bullshit. Yet here it is. Grow up fuckers, if someone posts something you don’t like and you meltdown in response then maybe it’s time to put your big boy pants on and see it for what it is and quit being so bloody precious.
another nic?
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That’s because you’re one. Unlike you and the other whingers, Nigel fights for AVZ every day and if he finally manages to get shareholders a substantial return on our investment after having to fight all the corrupt actors working against us, the most embarrassing thing in all this will be that whiners like you won’t even feel embarrassed by all your whining

You know what you have always said “The tribe has spoken”

Get the tribe to vote me off. I’m that sick of fucken whingers like you I don’t give a fuck, it’s why I post on other threads now.

So you just popped in to whinge about the whingers. Right.

You always were a funny guy, Bags. Thanx for the lolz. Every forum needs a clown. You'll be sorely missed.
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Well for the record I look at the quantity and quality of the posts on this thread and other threads directly related to AVZ and the current situation

Then I look at other platforms like Twitter X, HC, other stock and public forums to check what's happening there and who's contributing and delve into what they're "really" saying

Then I form some sort of opinion about who is researching, who is "active', who is contributing, who is trying to get info into the public domain, who is maybe "connected" a little more than me, who seems to get intel, who presents their findings or thoughts and also asks questions, who sits on their fat fucking arse, who pontificates, who's a wanker, who's a fucking idiot, who's a fucking sook, who's a bitter troll and who (maybe like me) has an occassional moment of clarity which provides something but other than that it's a bit of light relief to try and get through this shit

Long story short we've got "all" of that here :rolleyes:

May as well keep our eyes on the DRC and some of the roadblocking/corrupt bureaucrats, understand what the BoD are dealing with and try to harness the collective postive energy of SH's to promote the right behaviors and do what we can to assist the Board and get the best outcome for all the people of Manono, the DRC and AVZ shareholders
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Looks like Felix is starting to realise to mine you need mining licenses, something his government so far has bitterly failed to achieve.
Watch from about 9 minutes.

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We've all had a bit of angst recently not knowing what is going on and next steps/timing etc.

Nige and co obviously can't give us the whole picture re: legal manoevers etc, but the Friday's ASX announcement has provided some info re: status and some dates.

I've managed to get some time to trawl through the contingencies section of the announcement and summarise status and a timeline for the dates of next steps for us.


A bit more of a summary and notes. Cut down so it isn't War and Peace. Further details in the announcement if you want 'em.


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One Happy Camper
We've all had a bit of angst recently not knowing what is going on and next steps/timing etc.

Nige and co obviously can't give us the whole picture re: legal manoevers etc, but the Friday's ASX announcement has provided some info re: status and some dates.

I've managed to get some time to trawl through the contingencies section of the announcement and summarise status and a timeline for the dates of next steps for us.

View attachment 59243

A bit more of a summary and notes. Cut down so it isn't War and Peace. Further details in the announcement if you want 'em.

View attachment 59244
View attachment 59245
Nice work, thanks for creating this spreadsheet.
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Nigel HAS to fight every damn day because he fucked up in the first place, putting his ego in front of reality and ignoring "spurious in nature" info, while hes fighting every damn day hes still earning a massive wage meanwhile the rest of us are getting fucked in a constant limbo affecting our every day to day life.
Blueing with DRC idiots on twitter isn't gonna do shit, the fucking international laws and their own damn laws can't even do anything.
Stop acting like posting comments on twitter makes you a political god send


You have no idea - have you sat on a board, do you understand what the ICC and ICSID can do. Clearly you are one of these people that didnt do his due diligence and doesnt understand what sovereign risk is especially when if applies to 3rd world countries. I believe Nigel and his team have done an exceptional job in keeping us in the game.

Nigel is not overpaid for what he is doing - yes he has skin in the game over 50 million shares.

You invested in a country and clearly didnt understand the potential risks - thats on you.


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Looks like Felix is starting to realise to mine you need mining licenses, something his government so far has bitterly failed to achieve.
Watch from about 9 minutes.

From the happenings, attempted happenings, roadshows and visions that the DRC has with regards to mining and battery hubs, the only thing that would progress the country is WAR to rid of the entire political system. The corruption is so rife and deep that no matter what progresses in a positive manner, the next cat up or down the food chain is embedded in corruption with tentacles reaching deep, far and wide. They pretty much need a massive broom to sweep through it all and start with a clean slate via the assistance of a 1st world government.

I'm hopeful of a resolution despite the extended drawn out time lines and what is still yet to come. But I would like AVZ to cut through all the crap in the next 24 months and prop Manono up for sale and either China, US or Europe buy it. Australia doesn't have the punching power to fight off all the mud that will continue to be thrown if AVZ ever decide to mine it. If the US was in there, they would literally bring in a battalion and bomb the next party that tries to shut them down.
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Well, let's not start a stink within our ranks, serves no purpose. We all know Beisha is an asset to this forum as is Dave or moneybags or whatever nic he uses.
Sometimes you have to rise above those who have a half empty glass and whinge constantly. We all know who they are.
I just can't see the western world letting our asset be gifted to China by a handful of simpletons. Have a crack at the corrupt c#nts, not each other.
Hi Dazmac66

Re: "I just can't see the western world letting our asset be gifted to China by a handful of simpletons".

Unfortunately, that's just what is happening. Western governments, including our own Chinaphile government ignore the plight of AVZ, and only symbolically call out the endemic graft, corruption and bribery that define the Democratic Republic of Corruption (DRC). Our own regional bully-boy, China ignores the rule of law and is up to its chin (no pun intended) in facilitating this corruption. It coverts Manono and will stop at nothing to steal it.

Western governments, including Australia talk about promoting better oversight and regulatory processes in order to fight corruption, but that's where it ends. They get caught up in the niceties of diplomat-speak, and water down any criticisms in the interest of good government relations. While Red Penny Wong licks Xi Jinping's boots, AVZ is abandoned to fight alone.

You would think that the biggest and brightest hardrock lithium resource on the planet would generate plenty of financing and partnering interest from the major western miners with deep pockets and a desire for a high grade resource with longevity and scale. Glencore, SQM, Albermale, BHP and Rio come to mind. However even they are reticent to wade into this swamp for fear of having their assets arbitrarily stripped away and passed on to the equally corrupt Chinese...just as the corrupt-to-the bone DRC government is doing to AVZ. The commercial risk is simply too high.

In the end, AVZ is left to fight this David and Golliath battle single-handedly. Depending on who blinks first, the result is likely a negotiated least-worst option outcome possibly sometime in 2024 while spodumine is in surplus and prices depressed, or it plays out fully over the next couple of years through the international arbitration courts, ICC and ICSID.

Regardless of the final outcome and amount of capital returned to us, we shareholders will lick our wounds and move on to the next big lithium gamble...maybe this time focusing on Canada rather than Africa.

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