I had another read of the half yearly that I initially only skimmed, and I found myself feeling way better about everything.
I mis-read this statement:
"On 6 March 2024, AVZI, GLH and Dathcom filed a motion requesting the ICSID tribunal make financial penalty orders
for non-compliance"
This must have been what the update on the ISCID site was about, and I imagine it will be granted too.
Currently Cominierie owe $40 Million in fines from the ICC, which AVZ have requested be payed out.
Now it's likely the DRC Government will be fined by the ISCID soon if they don't comply.
Dathomir to confirm it's ordered compliance to withdraw it's court action by the next ICC hearing in 6 days.
ICC Ruling on Zijin expected any day now, and it's expected to be a win for us (I think), and a catalyst for progress.
The statements made by AVZ regarding $20 Mil funding gives a very straightforward impression that they're expecting it to be granted.
At first read (skim) I was of the belief we probably wouldnt get it.
Looks like we will know at the end of this month.
The report reiterated to me that we're in a very strong and winning position for all litigation, on all fronts.
I don't know why I was so depressed about it now.