AVZ Discussion 2022


Does Felix care about ICSID now he has solidified his next term? I still think yes but have a feeling they're doing everything in their power to rat fuck avz
All depends upon who Felix is beholden to in this next term of power. His last term was enabled by Kabila which allowed his proxy ministers to basically do what Kabila wanted.

If Felix is somehow not completely under the Chinese yoke and can now govern in his own right with 78% of the vote, he should be in a position to move decisively and resolve Manono in a negotiated settlement to a degree of satisfaction for all parties. In which case ICSID will be pivotal. IMO.
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The DRC Constitutional Court has validated the election of Felix as President.

Next step would be to name the PM and the Ministry team.

Will be very interesting to see!
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Cumquat Cap

Mate, everyone shares your frustration in this cunty situation, but i feel you need to get this idea of a "buy out " scenario out of your mind, cause imo, i cant see it happening.

If you believe the critical mineral pact that the US has with Australia and the west is real and the desire to reduce reliance of China supply chain as per rare earths is real...

then a buy out from Z and Cath is just not viable in any way !!

What pissed me off with the recent AGM , was the manner in which it closed without question time, cause i would of asked Nige and co, what US intervention was playing out with the Australian consulate and or AVZ management regards to tactis to resolve this mess to prevent China stealing what is essentially 30% of world supply of lithium and ultimate control of yet another critical mineral.

In no way can the west allow China to take control of Manono, the only pragmatic way to dissolve this mess is by negotiation ( Binding MOU ) and continue the international arbitration pressure until that is finalised.

Its all up to FT and AVZ management to make that happen and lets hope that gets done soon , cause the fatigue factor on this thread is very evident and no surprise.

As i said before, we are going to find out what FT agenda is really about this year and AVZ BOD ability to enact a plan B to enable shareholders a pulse for a better future and prevent world domination of China regards to the lithium sector.

Hi Beish, love all your work and would've loved to watch you ask some pertinent questions to the board.

Unfortunately, the West is too far behind and with an election overshadowing 2024 in the US, I think China steps up and takes us out - a disasterous sitatuon for the western world but one that I predict happening.

I think ICSID will be the sticking point in which Z, Cath and another party will take us out to leave and never come back.

Don't see the west getting it done sadly, have been terrible disappointed with their levels of engagement thus far.

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Its all up to FT and AVZ management to make that happen and lets hope that gets done soon , cause the fatigue factor on this thread is very evident and no surprise.

Fatigue factor is real..
Don't want talk of a T/O or buyout, just communication from the company on what is actually happening.

I can wait this out as long as possible just need dialogue.

How's the MOU going ??
ICSID update?

December it felt like we had positive momentum and communication.
Searching for updates constantly just so I have a feeling that things are progressing.
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Fatigue factor is real..
Don't want talk of a T/O or buyout, just communication from the company on what is actually happening.

I can wait this out as long as possible just need dialogue.

How's the MOU going ??
ICSID update?

December it felt like we had positive momentum and communication.
Searching for updates constantly just so I have a feeling that things are progressing.
feels like the countdown to extinction. for all you md fans


He looks like he cares...

More about his tennis shirts and baseball caps.

When i see 2024 pictures of him out in country talking to the poor ill take him seriously.

Anyway, im an eternal optimist so no judgement for the next few months while he gets his house in order...and i dont mean the chateau in France.

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He looks like he cares...

More about his tennis shirts and baseball caps.

When i see 2024 pictures of him out in country talking to the poor ill take him seriously.

Anyway, im an eternal optimist so no judgement for the next few months while he gets his house in order...and i dont mean the chateau in France.

View attachment 53964 View attachment 53965
That plane will be getting a spit and polish ready for take off . Curious to see which country he visits first .
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That plane will be getting a spit and polish ready for take off . Curious to see which country he visits first .
Good morning Wombat,

Yes the plane will get a good spit and polish - however flying outside the DRC boarders will leave it open to being seized and subsequently being swapped out for a pogo stick.

Ho hum - its not over until the Fat Lady Sings.

Always the optimist - SilentOne
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Mate, everyone shares your frustration in this cunty situation, but i feel you need to get this idea of a "buy out " scenario out of your mind, cause imo, i cant see it happening.

If you believe the critical mineral pact that the US has with Australia and the west is real and the desire to reduce reliance of China supply chain as per rare earths is real...

then a buy out from Z and Cath is just not viable in any way !!

What pissed me off with the recent AGM , was the manner in which it closed without question time, cause i would of asked Nige and co, what US intervention was playing out with the Australian consulate and or AVZ management regards to tactis to resolve this mess to prevent China stealing what is essentially 30% of world supply of lithium and ultimate control of yet another critical mineral.

In no way can the west allow China to take control of Manono, the only pragmatic way to dissolve this mess is by negotiation ( Binding MOU ) and continue the international arbitration pressure until that is finalised.

Its all up to FT and AVZ management to make that happen and lets hope that gets done soon , cause the fatigue factor on this thread is very evident and no surprise.

As i said before, we are going to find out what FT agenda is really about this year and AVZ BOD ability to enact a plan B to enable shareholders a pulse for a better future and prevent world domination of China regards to the lithium sector.

Yes disappointing MMGA ruined our AGM . Will there be another AGM ?
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Please take the time to report this account on X/twitter.
It's very obvious he's trying to appear as an AVZ investor casting racist bile in the hopes he hurts AVZ's reputation in the DRC.
However this might get lost in translation and be taken for real and actually hurt us so please if we can collectively get him banned it's something.

It really astounds me such utter human trash actually exists, it's probably that guy again, 'Dudicas" or whatever it's name was.
What a piece of shit.
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Do you have similar thoughts to @Cumquat Cap that AVZ is doomed ?
Not yet . I'll wait and see what happens over the next few months .
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Cumquat Cap

Activities by Manono Lithium suspended by Tanginyaka Governor due to illegality and not paying taxes - wonder if the MoM has to answer for this shit?

Pressure building against Zijin and hopefully they are stopped by ICSID which makes Felix pull the trigger.
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Been said a thousand times on here, they bribe off the officials and just dont give a fuck. the world knows it, eveyone knows it and Felix dont give a fuck.

Manono: The suspension of Manono Lithium's activities is debated​

Manono: The suspension of Manono Lithium's activities is debated

The governor of Tanganyika province suspends the quarrying activities of the Manono Lithium mining company for an indefinite period. She criticizes this Chinese company for non-payment of taxes without specifying them. Civil society actors in Manono are demanding more transparency from the authorities in the measures they take.
The provincial authority expressed its decision in a decree signed on January 6. According to this document, “ the Manono Lithium company exploits gravel, rubble, and sand without authorization from the province. In addition, says the governor , the company does not pay state taxes.
Quarry work on behalf of the company Manono Lithium is suspended for non-payment of taxes due to the province and lack of prior authorization.
In addition, this measure applies to the transport and use of construction materials.


The Manono company, for its part, is asking the provincial authority for a little more precision in the accusations made against this company. Dieu Merci Kabila, coordinator of the Dynamic Regroupment for Christian Integration, demands more transparency.
Read also: https://magazinelaguardia.info/2024...-du-lithium-manono-toujours-dans-la-pauvrete/
We met this Wednesday with the administrator of the Manono territory to try to understand this dispute. What taxes does the company not pay? However, we have information that Manono Lithium pays fees to the service of SAEMAP . This gives the impression that the money is not reaching the state coffers. This is why, at the community level, we do not see benefits from our mineral wealth. And to continue, the territorial authority has undertaken to provide us with this information this Friday.
The civil society of Manono reminds that companies have the obligation to pay taxes. For its part, the State should improve the business climate.
Manono Lithium is a Chinese company which is in the Lithium exploration phase. She has just opened a road of almost 3 km which leads to her accommodation site. With the suspension of activities, nearly 200 local agents have been made unemployed.
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Biding my Time 1971
Dieu Merci Kabila, coordinator of the Dynamic Regroupment for Christian Integration, demands more transparency.

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