Just for a laugh and some fun I thought I'd try and dig up some more of these posts, just about broke my heart though knowing how long it's been.
Many, many, many variables have already changed as it's been 2 years, and again this is all theoretical and IMO/Napkin math with assumptions, but things to consider:
- New updated BFS
- Hydroxide plant study completed (still not released to market?)
- Latest RD drill results could mean a better pit optimisation earlier on to improve financial metrics
- CDL as we all knew is just as big if not bigger than Roche Dure
- 2x 10mtpa plants down the line
- Lithium market is in a "lull" at the moment but we are still very early in the S curve of growth
- Further exploration pushing total resource to +1B tonnes
- The long awaited Manono SEZ
$12AUD for 66-75% total ownership IMO would be locked in for 20mtpa operation, with upwards of/to $15AUD being achievable with further growth (7-10 years from start of first production). Talking some wild Market caps there, but if you've got 1x single project that is a licenced printing machine for 30+ years....
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