AVZ Discussion 2022

The Fox

I see the Australian puppets working for Fat Tail that are working in the interests of themselves and other non-DRC and non-Australian parties as traitors, nothing more nothing else.

They are clearly driven by greed and self-interest and don't care one bit for the harm and damage being caused to 20,000+ Aussie retail investors who have invested in AVZ. The results of the AGM were clear. What other evidence does Fat Tail need that their strategy is not supported and in the interests of shareholders?

I seriously don't have one group of people I despise more than those representing non-Australian interests, trying to rob shareholders by undermining what AVZ is trying to achieve ethically, and following DRC law and regulations that will significantly benefit one of the poorest localities in the world for generations to come.

It's so obvious AVZ is genuinely seeking to achieve win-win outcomes since they were incorporated, unlike the parties who have acted criminally for generations and say it but have never followed through with actions. I feel so sorry for the Monano populace who have never had people representing their interests. I hope they get this opportunity with AVZ and Australia for an increased standard of living, it might be the last chance for some.

It is also time for the Australian government and DFAT to step up get actively involved. Do something and stop being passive. Even if DFAT need to make an exemption on what they ordinarily get involved in terms of diplomacy and their mission, they should get involved in this - other government's countries are involved, so why isn't the Australian government actively involved. DFAT have an African office - this should be one of their priorities. I mean set up a special focus group to ensure Australian interests are represented and succeed rather than being walked over. The African office is set up to make sure foreign aid programs make a difference and flow through to where it is supposed to go. DFAT - one of the best aid programs you cold deliver is making sure AVZ start this project and deliver on their promises to the Monano community. Separate to this, there are 20000 + Aussie investors interests at stake here, let alone tax royalties that would flow to Auustralia, and the strategic importance of this project.
Great post. Just to add a little tit bit, I don't see much noise about Zijin's Lawyers (CCP State Owned company) helping to defend the DRC Gov in the case AVZ have brought to the ICSID.

So there is a state owned Chinese company, paying for legal council to support a foreign Government (DRC), against an Australian company (AVZ).

Wherein the DRC Gov and one of its majority owned subsidiaries have committed nothing less than fraud against said Australian company. (AVZ)

What a juicy story this would make in the AFR, shame the AFR are a pack of cock suckers. Any other takers out there or journalists that have the gumption to write a negative article about China, or have you all lost your nerve?

Of course this overlaps into concerns as to who is funding FAT TAIL imbeciles as well.

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The Fox

DRC Elections are 20th December and I think there is a good chance Felix will loose. He didn't get the votes in 2018 and was only able to secure the presidency by doing a deal with Joseph Kabila. I dont think he will manage to do the same deal again so i dont see him winning. Knowing how corrupt the DRC is im sure he will try something shady to secure re-election so who knows.

But If he does loose i think Martin Fayulu has a good chance. The reading ive done so far suggests Martin is anti CCP and pro western nations so is a good opportunity to wipe the chess board clean and start fresh with a newly elected DRC Government. This would also nullify any under table dealings CCP has with Felix. Im thinking this is the better path for DRC as well as AVZ.
I am assuming this forthcoming election will be rigged in favour of "Felix the Cat" just like the last one that "elected" the Cat into the Presidential palace 5 years ago.

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one of the main reasons they pushed it south imo , was to deprive us of process water I.e they pushed the border just south of lake liska … double barrel but more of a lolz , was that it also meant that our camp which would be used for mining operations would be out of bounds to us , as it would be within the northern tenement .

basically Cominiere /zijin wanted the power ( hydro plant ) and process water source ( lake Liska ) for the northern tenement and leave Dathcom to scratch its head and solves its new issues… Dathcom would also need to find a camp elsewhere for its camp required for mining operations
is that Lake "Lukushi" you're looking to reference there Obe?
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Hi Jag so all jokes aside which are funny , do you think we can get a resolution sooner rather than later ??? i am 12 months till retirement and my boss just shut the company
Hi Pokok, unfortunately I can’t answer that question but what I will say is this.

Have faith in our BoD 👍

A lot of holders are in a similar situation like myself.

Let our BoD do what’s necessary for us all.

Ps fuck MMGA
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Great post. Just to add a little tit bit, I don't see much noise about Zijin's Lawyers (CCP State Owned company) helping to defend the DRC Gov in the case AVZ have brought to the ICSID.

So there is a state owned Chinese company, paying for legal council to support a foreign Government (DRC), against an Australian company (AVZ).

Wherein the DRC Gov and one of its majority owned subsidiaries have committed nothing less than fraud against said Australian company. (AVZ)

What a juicy story this would make in the AFR, shame the AFR are a pack of cock suckers. Any other takers out there or journalists that have the gumption to write a negative article about China, or have you all lost your nerve?

Of course this overlaps into concerns as to who is funding FAT TAIL imbeciles as well.

Great response to a great post Fox - particularly relate to this part -"AFR are a pack of cock suckers". The lack of support for AVZ has been criminal! I hope all these corrupt fuckers receive swift and and brutal carma. In some ways it will be more satisfying than the coin when all is said and done.
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We’ve just got left ones atm…

Help Endangered Whales: Slow Down in Slow Zones | NOAA Fisheries
Help Endangered Whales: Slow Down in Slow Zones | NOAA Fisheries
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Great post. Just to add a little tit bit, I don't see much noise about Zijin's Lawyers (CCP State Owned company) helping to defend the DRC Gov in the case AVZ have brought to the ICSID.

So there is a state owned Chinese company, paying for legal council to support a foreign Government (DRC), against an Australian company (AVZ).

Wherein the DRC Gov and one of its majority owned subsidiaries have committed nothing less than fraud against said Australian company. (AVZ)

What a juicy story this would make in the AFR, shame the AFR are a pack of cock suckers. Any other takers out there or journalists that have the gumption to write a negative article about China, or have you all lost your nerve?

Of course this overlaps into concerns as to who is funding FAT TAIL imbeciles as well.


I know it's only the ABC, but Ian Verrender is the Business Editor and recently wrote this article:

I wonder if he might be interested in the AVZ story as a follow-up to that article and a more detailed investigation into the Chinese web of influence, both on and offshore.
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Biding my Time 1971
Early start for the team this morning in WASC, for Judges directions sitting.

Thats easy - MMGA wrong direction

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 8.19.22 AM.png
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When comparing the inferred measurement of RD to CDL, the inferred measurement at CDL is actually bigger.

Does this mean CDL has the potenti to be bigger than RD? Or will that 173 CDL inferred be split into measured/indicated as more precise drilling happens? Possibily with upgrades?


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I think I've answered my own question here.

Here we can see the maiden resource announcement early mid 2018 (I think).


Next we have the updated resource announcement. Late 2018 roughly.

And then an update in May 2021. The total has changed, but inferred has decreased, spreading amongst measured and indicated.

Of note is that the maiden inferred resource of RD was 112 vs CDL 173.

Why were no measured/indicated results included in the maiden resource ann?
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Was it 11 drill rigs those fuckers are running on CDL?..must be pretty intense on site being so close to the core library etc..hope our security are well equipped ..I wouldn't put it past them to sabotage us again..
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obe wan

I think I've answered my own question here.

Here we can see the maiden resource announcement early mid 2018 (I think).

View attachment 52265

Next we have the updated resource announcement. Late 2018 roughly.
View attachment 52266

And then an update in May 2021. The total has changed, but inferred has decreased, spreading amongst measured and indicated. View attachment 52267

Of note is that the maiden inferred resource of RD was 112 vs CDL 173.

Why were no measured/indicated results included in the maiden resource ann?
Because they need more drilling to be done to closes the spacings . They’ve drilled about 4000 meters, but they’ll need to drill more holes closing the gap between bores, which will send it into the ‘measured / indicated ‘ pigeon hole . I.e in short they need to provide further drilling to show that there’s actually material in the areas between bores and its not a big Swiss cheese
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Anyone able to go to the court case this morning? Would be very helpful!


Master of Quan

News headline received for AVZ. Headline reads: AVZ Successfully Restrains Dathomir - CMC Markets Invest Alert.
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New announcement

"AVZ Successfully Restrains Dathomir "
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Interesting they’ve released pre-open when normally they do after market.

Maybe getting some practice in and getting to re list ….imminently?
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Biding my Time 1971

The General Inspectorate of Finance welcomes the proposal of the President of the Republic to work for the creation of a FINANCIAL PROSECUTION in the DRC to better fight corruption and embezzlement of public funds.
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