AVZ Discussion 2022

Dave Evans

Not being a member I figured out how I could send Sam some photos on our private thread, but as soon as I deleted them from this thread they disappeared on our private thread.

TSE is so fucked, if MB didn’t privately tell zeebot he was going to start deleting all the information he put on other threads, the troll would probably still be here

Anyway I’m fucken out of here 😉

I might seem a bit short on patience @9cardomaha
but I wasn’t even going to sign in today. It was just that I was going through all MMGA’s garbage that they emailed me and saving it all just in case they decided to get rid of it.

I was dot pointing all the bullshit and disinformation and then thought to myself, why don’t I start a CV on Carrotdick, after the bullshit he and his stooge mates put us through.

You know the kind of CV that would ensure he’d never get another job, full of his lack of achievements and lies. Anyway, one thing led to another and I found myself back here.

One thing I’m surprised about is that some shareholders are still wanting Nigel and the BOD to be more accountable. Surely everyone here knows what they have been dealing with for the last two years, it couldn’t have been spelt out any clearer and now that they have had their remunerations knocked back and a first strike I’m pretty sure they’ve got the message.

Nigel answered @BEISHA and other’s questions about CDL, the hydro power station and Zijin as well as a other things and no doubt many things people want to know are confidential or need to be kept in check because we have seen how tommy and MMGA have tried to twist any information coming out of the company against us.

After this last attempt by Zijin, Cong, Guy Loando, Adele Kayinda, Leonard Math, the stooges and Yibin, Huayou, Lithium Plus and CATH to undermine us and roll the BOD, it’s pretty clear what the BOD had been dealing with behind the scenes, and that’s only half of it.

It’s time to let the legal processes run and the dominos fall, as 9card says. In @9cardomaha I trust
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If that's their goal that's fine. We've already laid out a pathway to that for them.

Lucky to get a 1 buck 50
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I would say the suggestion is that AVZ is doing the legwork in terms of countering Chinese corruption. In that sense, we are the bad guys. This allows DRC to maintain amicable relationships in terms of the very large construction and development contracts in place with Chinese firms in DRC.
Who knows, there is likely enough factors to make your head spin. I would say the sad fact of the matter is the DRC is not even remotely set up to handle its mineral wealth.
As stated before, I am very happy that Zijin are so openly involved in this situation. They have tangible assets that can and will be accessed by ICC/ICSID. China is a member state of ICSID after all. Whilst people can argue that the DRC will not pay us what is owed, I don't think the same argument can be applied to Zijin. If they take ownership of Manono then we will be all over them with litigation with full backing of ICSID.
Hi bison,

I haven't looked at finer details yet, but, I would assume we are being rat phucked by a zijin subsidiary... one that has phuck all assets... usually the way these things are played... zijin owns the shares in subsidiary... but, just close it up if shit goes wrong... with no crack at the parent entity...

Not to say they always play out so simplistically though...
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I had my doubts about Locke - they wouldn't be in my top picks for financing.... Wasn't able to find any track record of successful funding. Also wanted to let tse members know that paying for DD isn't unusual in these highly complex cases which involve multiple parties and high-risk sovereignties, so that didn't set off any red flags for me.

I think passing the first round of DD with them is promising, if we nab the win at ICSID before christmas, should increase the chances of funding significantly.

Any litigation funder is, in the end, not on the side of justice, but to make bank.... i'd say 85%+ for confirmed funding if ICSID remains impervious to snacks and brown baggies.
"After consultation and negotiations with various potential funders, the Board has elected to proceed to a phase of exclusive due diligence with Locke until, at latest, 31 March 2024"

Various potential funders ? Funders that declined?
IMO the number one purpose of the MMGA/China grubs was to drop ICC/ ICSID . With that in mind surely DRC/China will wait to see if AVZ can secure funding or go broke ? No funds . No litigation .

"In the event that the Term Sheet is terminated by Locke on the basis of due diligence, or the formal agreement is not executed by 31 March 2024 AVZ must pay Locke’s reasonable costs in relation to the Transaction capped at US$200,000"

At this stage of the game the pineapples go straight in without lube . When you pay someone over $300k + aud to determine whether they can make a profit investing in you .That's when you know you have limited options . Lube free ladies and gentleman .
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I might seem a bit short on patience @9cardomaha
but I wasn’t even going to sign in today. It was just that I was going through all MMGA’s garbage that they emailed me and saving it all just in case they decided to get rid of it.

I was dot pointing all the bullshit and disinformation and then thought to myself, why don’t I start a CV on Carrotdick, after the bullshit he and his stooge mates put us through.

You know the kind of CV that would ensure he’d never get another job, full of his lack of achievements and lies. Anyway, one thing led to another and I found myself back here.

One thing I’m surprised about is that some shareholders are still wanting Nigel and the BOD to be more accountable. Surely everyone here knows what they have been dealing with for the last two years, it couldn’t have been spelt out any clearer and now that they have had their remunerations knocked back and a first strike I’m pretty sure they’ve got the message.

Nigel answered @BEISHA and other’s questions about CDL, the hydro power station and Zijin as well as a other things and no doubt many things people want to know are confidential or need to be kept in check because we have seen how tommy and MMGA have tried to twist any information coming out of the company against us.

After this last attempt by Zijin, Cong, Guy Loando, Adele Kayinda, Leonard Math, the stooges and Yibin, Huayou, Lithium Plus and CATH to undermine us and roll the BOD, it’s pretty clear what the BOD had been dealing with behind the scenes, and that’s only half of it.

It’s time to let the legal processes run and the dominos fall, as 9card says. In @9cardomaha I trust

You are not permitted to leave - otherwise I will set my Devil Hounds apon u - and they are not the licking type.

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"After consultation and negotiations with various potential funders, the Board has elected to proceed to a phase of exclusive due diligence with Locke until, at latest, 31 March 2024"

Various potential funders ? Funders that declined?
IMO the number one purpose of the MMGA/China grubs was to drop ICC/ ICSID . With that in mind surely DRC/China will wait to see if AVZ can secure funding or go broke ? No funds . No litigation .

"In the event that the Term Sheet is terminated by Locke on the basis of due diligence, or the formal agreement is not executed by 31 March 2024 AVZ must pay Locke’s reasonable costs in relation to the Transaction capped at US$200,000"

At this stage of the game the pineapples go straight in without lube . When you pay someone over $300k + aud to determine whether they can make a profit investing in you .That's when you know you have limited options . Lube free ladies and gentleman .
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Do you actually think before you type.

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Do you actually think before you type.
I'm on a roll SilentOne . Leave me alone . What part of my post doesn't agree with you ?I'm being thought provoking . Out of curiosity does anyone know what we are paying the new members of the BoD ?Is it effective immediately ?
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We are working hard with the authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and with stakeholders from around the world to advance the Manono Project and to secure diverse critical minerals supply chains for the benefit of our shareholders and most importantly the people of the DRC. We will continue to pursue our objectives with care, while being sympathetic to the needs of our partners in country.
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I'm on a roll SilentOne . Leave me alone . What part of my post doesn't agree with you ?I'm being thought provoking . Out of curiosity does anyone know what we are paying the new members of the BoD ?Is it effective immediately ?
Litigation funders may vary in their practices, but it's not uncommon for some to charge an application fee to cover the costs associated with due diligence. This fee helps them assess the merits and risks of the case before deciding to provide funding.
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We are working hard with the authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and with stakeholders from around the world to advance the Manono Project and to secure diverse critical minerals supply chains for the benefit of our shareholders and most importantly the people of the DRC. We will continue to pursue our objectives with care, while being sympathetic to the needs of our partners in country.
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Litigation funders may vary in their practices, but it's not uncommon for some to charge an application fee to cover the costs associated with due diligence. This fee helps them assess the merits and risks of the case before deciding to provide funding.
"the fee helps them "

No pay . No play .

I knew a women like that .Pre marriage of course .
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Why would Felix simply not stop the ship from sinking rather than hatching some bizarre plan to let CKK be the fall guy while his vision of a battery hub in the DRC is potentially delayed in international arbitration courts?

Felix is on board with the mantra of resource nationalism. They want a bigger cut of the takings and ultimately aren't afraid to rat fuck us to get it if we won't do a deal as they see the lithium as their property. He literally promoted CKK by Presidential order after the purported termination of the Dathcom JVA and the initiation of the ICSID proceedings. This is all happening on his watch imo

If Felix really believed in AVZ running all of the pride lands he would have signed the MoU before the vote on MMGA. But instead he waited to see if a better option was available. The gringos obviously got him shook. But I think that has more to do with trying to avoid sanctions on his friends than anything else.

The ICSID is the only thing keeping us in the game which to me is a clear sign that he doesn't give a fuck about the law. The DRC mining code is crystal clear about reasons available to the state for termination of a PE. It shouldn't require outside forces to encourage him and the MoM to follow the path of reason but here we are.

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Let's give the toothless tiger some credit, he has managed to dangle that carrot and have us all believing he had a master plan behind the scenes, or that he can't be seen to publicly swing the axe "yet". Just imagine how much FaceTime Zijin and co have had with him, perhaps even a few wine and dine dinners.

I don't know why we keep defending him, but we probably shouldn't...
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Let's give the toothless tiger some credit, he has managed to dangle that carrot and have us all believing he had a master plan behind the scenes, or that he can't be seen to publicly swing the axe "yet". Just imagine how much FaceTime Zijin and co have had with him, perhaps even a few wine and dine dinners.

I don't know why we keep defending him, but we probably shouldn't...
Felix is Xi Jinping's puppet .
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Let's give the toothless tiger some credit, he has managed to dangle that carrot and have us all believing he had a master plan behind the scenes, or that he can't be seen to publicly swing the axe "yet". Just imagine how much FaceTime Zijin and co have had with him, perhaps even a few wine and dine dinners.

I don't know why we keep defending him, but we probably shouldn't...
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We are working hard with the authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and with stakeholders from around the world to advance the Manono Project and to secure diverse critical minerals supply chains for the benefit of our shareholders and most importantly the people of the DRC. We will continue to pursue our objectives with care, while being sympathetic to the needs of our partners in country.
Wouldn’t mind the company I’ve invested in and tied up a great deal of money being sympathetic towards my needs ffs.

Don’t mean to sound like a C@nt but Fuxk bro I’ll be living in the DRC if this shit keeps up.

I want my money..
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"After consultation and negotiations with various potential funders, the Board has elected to proceed to a phase of exclusive due diligence with Locke until, at latest, 31 March 2024"

Various potential funders ? Funders that declined?

"In the event that the Term Sheet is terminated by Locke on the basis of due diligence, or the formal agreement is not executed by 31 March 2024 AVZ must pay Locke’s reasonable costs in relation to the Transaction capped at US$200,000"
So its a little more complicated than just % win. Burford from recollection doesn't fund even if you are 100% going to win, if the counterparty is poor as fuck, or in a jurisdiction which is hard to enforce, period, herp derp DRC.

I think most of the tier one funders are like that - its like a credit score, if your case is against the DRC, you have a shit rating, unless someone with tangible assets like Zijin is actually 100% in the fray (they aren;t currently but likely will be). So the more niche funders like Locke who are open to taking these risks are viable.

Funders that touch the DRC are pretty scarce, and obviously the first round of DD is going to say this is a dispute against the DRC, so if Locke is okay with it, or sees the potential it is a positive.

Burford also has a DD breakfee, in case clients withhold critical information, its north of 200,000 as standard, but they also have a fucking high % recoup track record so...
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