AVZ Discussion 2022


I think a pay cut might be seen as a sign of weakness but personally agree given the overall situation that bonuses are absurd.
I'd wager they thought they had something in the bag and then got shafted once again.
But of course the bonuses still stuck because why not hey?

I'll consider voting for their remuneration and their grubby tactic of packaging the bonus along with it but they can shove the bonus up their arse either way imo.

I go back to thinking how (by their own admission) they dropped the ball during covid and the rot set in. We've been paying the price ever since as they try to dig us back out. Nobody’s perfect but awarding themselves bonuses is insulting. At least until we're out of this mess and then they can go along carrying on like normal corporate crooks do.

If there was a viable alternative other than treacherous Chinese backed morons with sinister motives I'd be seriously considering it. But alas there isn't and we need to back the BOD to safeguard our own interests. But this BoD needs to prove up some results, they need to pick up their game or face a major shake up imo. Those praising them at this point in the game are drinking the coolaid in fantasy land. This isn't a pretty picture with everything taken into consideration and the BoD aren't the fucking Virgin Mary in the picture either imo.
Great post
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Dont get me fucking started. Jonhnston sold $750k of shares in Jan 2022 after his DRC trial in Sept 21. He fucking knew what was going and hung us all out to dry. They all knew what was going on and fucked us all.

Disclaimer 2nd bottle of red. But I am pissed off at the way shareholders have been treated.

Dont fucking tell that Johnston needed the money because it was his fucking superfund which means he doesn't have access to that cash

Another disclaimer, I have voted against those other wankers
Direct your juiced up anger and frustration at those who caused this situation…..Cominiere, MoP, Zijin, Cong and Eckhof FFS!
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Direct your juiced up anger and frustration at those who caused this situation…..Cominiere, MoP, Zijin, Cong and Eckhof FFS!
They did not pay them self a bonus, well maybe they did but not out of AVZ shareholders money.
What I have said, is it wrong or incorrect? I dont think it is, I like to talk in facts. The fact is, why do they think they are entitled to a bonus? Please enlighten me. They are employed or contracted to work in the fucking DRC so no extra payments there. And as I have said before, Nigel walks out on the South African conference when he finds out that the MoM has cancelled the decree, great fucking leadership!
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Dont get me fucking started. Jonhnston sold $750k of shares in Jan 2022 after his DRC trial in Sept 21. He fucking knew what was going and hung us all out to dry. They all knew what was going on and fucked us all.

Disclaimer 2nd bottle of red. But I am pissed off at the way shareholders have been treated.

Dont fucking tell that Johnston needed the money because it was his fucking superfund which means he doesn't have access to that cash

Another disclaimer, I have voted against those other wankers
With regard to Graeme’s super. I’m not certain, but I believe the sale was due to needing to rebalance his SMSF, this is a trustees obligation if the SMSF assets do not reflect the funds stated objectives, due to price movements etc. I also have the feeling that he maybe sold these shares to Nigel? Anyone else recall this? Very vague memory of all this.
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With regard to Graeme’s super. I’m not certain, but I believe the sale was due to needing to rebalance his SMSF, this is a trustees obligation if the SMSF assets do not reflect the funds stated objectives, due to price movements etc. I also have the feeling that he maybe sold these shares to Nigel? Anyone else recall this? Very vague memory of all this.
Yes correct Nigel purchased off market
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Fuck off,
With regard to Graeme’s super. I’m not certain, but I believe the sale was due to needing to rebalance his SMSF, this is a trustees obligation if the SMSF assets do not reflect the funds stated objectives, due to price movements etc. I also have the feeling that he maybe sold these shares to Nigel? Anyone else recall this? Very vague memory of all this.
Fuck off. I run my own superfund, not that I am an expert. You can say what you like but how it looks the optics are terrible. They knew what was happening. Lets not forget that they wanted to give John Clarke fucking performance shares before had had started in the job FFS. It was voted down thank goodness. This BOD has absolutely treated the shareholders with absolute contempt.
disclaimer - I voted against the other wankers who should be locked up for their treasoness crimes
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Yes Nigel did buy on market. 1 million shares at 6cents, 60k worth. The issue is he is the only one, the other have freebies, no skin in the game.
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Fuck off,

Fuck off. I run my own superfund, not that I am an expert. You can say what you like but how it looks the optics are terrible. They knew what was happening. Lets not forget that they wanted to give John Clarke fucking performance shares before had had started in the job FFS. It was voted down thank goodness. This BOD has absolutely treated the shareholders with absolute contempt.
disclaimer - I voted against the other wankers who should be locked up for their treasoness crimes
Oh my!
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Fuck, you and and i dont drink the same red wine tonster.... my second bottle has me ready for bed, not taking on the world.... put the pen away for tonight, reiterate it tomorrow when sobre...

But, if you insist, I'll take a "fuckwit" also... fuck it, why not.
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Fuck, you and and i dont drink the same red wine tonster.... my second bottle has me ready for bed, not taking on the world.... put the pen away for tonight, reiterate it tomorrow when sobre...

But, if you insist, I'll take a "fuckwit" also... fuck it, why not.
Red wine or no red wine it’s the facts
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Any plumbers out there?

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Red wine or no red wine it’s the facts
I agree and was one of the first to protest it when annual report was released... but, people have likely had a rough week and are probably sick of hearing negative shit, justified or not.... so say your piece and let others go about their night and reading...

I voted for 1, as I feel it is better for our long term prospects, not because I agree with it in the slightest...

Wine time...
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I agree and was one of the first to protest it when annual report was released... but, people have likely had a rough week and are probably sick of hearing negative shit, justified or not.... so say your piece and let others go about their night and reading...

I voted for 1, as I feel it is better for our long term prospects, not because I agree with it in the slightest...

Wine time...
Depends on your perspective, as you say, you believe our long term prospectives are better by voting for 1. What if our long term perspectives are better by voting against 1 in the belief that this would motivate our BOD.
disclaimer: I have voted in line with the BOD.
I have been in this for over 5 years, do you remember the steak and red wine, lol. It has been very hard, and to see the BOD continually treat the shareholders this way is hard to take.
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