AVZ Discussion 2022


Yes Nigel did buy on market. 1 million shares at 6cents, 60k worth. The issue is he is the only one, the other have freebies, no skin in the game.
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Fuck off,

Fuck off. I run my own superfund, not that I am an expert. You can say what you like but how it looks the optics are terrible. They knew what was happening. Lets not forget that they wanted to give John Clarke fucking performance shares before had had started in the job FFS. It was voted down thank goodness. This BOD has absolutely treated the shareholders with absolute contempt.
disclaimer - I voted against the other wankers who should be locked up for their treasoness crimes
Oh my!
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Again am I incorrect? Have you been around that long? What I have said is correct. Please show me incorrect you fuck wit
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Fuck, you and and i dont drink the same red wine tonster.... my second bottle has me ready for bed, not taking on the world.... put the pen away for tonight, reiterate it tomorrow when sobre...

But, if you insist, I'll take a "fuckwit" also... fuck it, why not.
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Fuck, you and and i dont drink the same red wine tonster.... my second bottle has me ready for bed, not taking on the world.... put the pen away for tonight, reiterate it tomorrow when sobre...

But, if you insist, I'll take a "fuckwit" also... fuck it, why not.
Red wine or no red wine it’s the facts
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Any plumbers out there?

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Red wine or no red wine it’s the facts
I agree and was one of the first to protest it when annual report was released... but, people have likely had a rough week and are probably sick of hearing negative shit, justified or not.... so say your piece and let others go about their night and reading...

I voted for 1, as I feel it is better for our long term prospects, not because I agree with it in the slightest...

Wine time...
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I agree and was one of the first to protest it when annual report was released... but, people have likely had a rough week and are probably sick of hearing negative shit, justified or not.... so say your piece and let others go about their night and reading...

I voted for 1, as I feel it is better for our long term prospects, not because I agree with it in the slightest...

Wine time...
Depends on your perspective, as you say, you believe our long term prospectives are better by voting for 1. What if our long term perspectives are better by voting against 1 in the belief that this would motivate our BOD.
disclaimer: I have voted in line with the BOD.
I have been in this for over 5 years, do you remember the steak and red wine, lol. It has been very hard, and to see the BOD continually treat the shareholders this way is hard to take.
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Are you okay? Are you with us or MMGA?
Mate, have a chat with Beisha and Jag, they know me. I, like many other are just frustrated with what is happening. like I said previously I will be attending the AGM so I would be happy to chat with you there. I am against the other mob (I dont even like saying their name) it detests me so much. I am 100% behind AVZ, saying that, if I believed that if someone could produce better results than what we have currently, then I would support that.
I was at the last AGM and was one of the few that directly ask the board questions
Disclaimer: I received a call from Shaun and advised that I had voted as the board directed.

I should also respond to your question "Are you ok". No I am not. I have put up with this for over 5 years. The continual state of yeah were going to get the license and to then have the rug pulled from underneath you. I am not ok, this is absolutely wrong and not what I invested in. I invested in the biggest lithium resource known (unknown at the time, leap of faith) and to have it deferred by corrupt and illegal actions, I am not ok.
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AZS taken out.

Acquisition market hotting up.

The Geopolitical situation for supply and control Li is dirty…..and don’t we know it.

Critical minerals: EU signs strategic partnerships with DRC and Zambia

On the sidelines of the Global Gateway Forum in Brussels, the European Union (EU) signed, Thursday October 26, 2023, strategic partnerships with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia, on the value chains of critical minerals.

The two African countries were represented respectively by Antoinette Nsamba, Congolese Minister of Mines and Situmbeko Musokotwane, Zambian Minister of Finance, while the EU was represented by Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner responsible for international partnerships.

These new partnerships supported by the USA and the African Development Bank also aim to develop the Lobito corridor, which connects the southern part of the DRC and the north-western part of the Republic of Zambia to regional and global commercial markets via the port. from Lobito in Angola.

According to the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, the new partnerships with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia will support the development of sustainable and resilient value chains of critical raw materials, while creating quality local jobs.

“The Lobito Transport Corridor will also be a game changer in boosting regional and global trade,” she explained.

The MoUs signed in Brussels establish close cooperation in five areas: Integration of sustainable raw materials value chains; Mobilization of financing for infrastructure development; Cooperation to achieve sustainable and responsible production; Cooperation in research and innovation; Capacity building to enforce relevant rules.

The EU highlighted that following the signing of these MoUs, respective roadmaps with concrete joint actions to be implemented by 2030 will be developed.

These partnerships provide benefits to all parties, ensuring on the one hand that the resources of the DRC and Zambia are used to support sustainable, equitable, inclusive and peaceful socio-economic development, while simultaneously enabling the EU to implement its ambitious Green Deal, by strengthening green energy and digital transitions in both regions.



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Know when to pick your battles! This is NOT the time to be picking that one.

When facing nefarious corrupt players trying to steal YOUR investment…..you want the BoD working for YOU.

Support the BoD in winning this existential battle first…..then once your investment is secure….then have your say on remuneration.

Dont shoot yourself in the foot!

Priorities 1st and foremost OUR company.

Everyone (with more than two braincells, I just scraped in) agrees this BOD is our best bet.

WTF vote against them. Why give a win to the enemy FFS.

Bad strategy end of
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At this AGM it would be good if we could organise a list of questions we want answered.

An properly answered, not smug fuck or shrug and wink. If the question isn't properly answered we ask again. An again if needed.

I'm sure we will have many there so it's not as if we can't coordinate this.

About time we take a hold of our company and hold it to account (if need be).
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Gulp, fucking gulp. gulp, gulp.

If I have time, I might book into the Novotel.
I did once a Project around the corner from the Fenians, did a lot of brainstorming there.
The brain still hurts if I have to think about all those storms.
Our excuse for not showing up in the office after the events was, we were busy storming and exchanging ideas and forgot all about the time.
You do forget the time, if you get all engulped.

If I see you before, or after, at this moment the trend is tequila, it promotes my chest hair grow faster mate.
Just a hint, I don't look like Money Bags, so if you see a short arse jumping out of a shithouse cubicle, it isn't me.

If MB comes, he can sit on my shoulders so he can look straight into your eyes.
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Mate, have a chat with Beisha and Jag, they know me. I, like many other are just frustrated with what is happening. like I said previously I will be attending the AGM so I would be happy to chat with you there. I am against the other mob (I dont even like saying their name) it detests me so much. I am 100% behind AVZ, saying that, if I believed that if someone could produce better results than what we have currently, then I would support that.
I was at the last AGM and was one of the few that directly ask the board questions
Disclaimer: I received a call from Shaun and advised that I had voted as the board directed.

I should also respond to your question "Are you ok". No I am not. I have put up with this for over 5 years. The continual state of yeah were going to get the license and to then have the rug pulled from underneath you. I am not ok, this is absolutely wrong and not what I invested in. I invested in the biggest lithium resource known (unknown at the time, leap of faith) and to have it deferred by corrupt and illegal actions, I am not ok.
Tonster goes bang! Great to see some hard hitting questions and truths, and as much as the situation everyone is in is shit, it's nice to see some emotion and passion on the threads, this is what it is all about, some days we might not agree with each other on the particulars but we are all on the same side. Personally I can see both sides of the fence on this one, I'm disappointed from the outset in the bonuses they've awarded and I got the indication from last AGM that the BoD reviewing the financial situation every 3 months may have meant they took a pay cut, but alas they have given themselves possible bonuses.

None of us really know what is going on behind the curtain though with all of these meetings Nigel would be attending and I'm sure he is a dog with a bone like he says, being over there for however many days it's been in the last 6 months, with death threats etc. Would be an absolute tough slog so I can also see that side of the coin aswell.

I think we can all agree unanimously that we have the best chance of a favourable resolution with our current board, but the final for/against numbers for resolution 1 will be a telling story this year by the sound of it.
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