Tonster goes bang! Great to see some hard hitting questions and truths, and as much as the situation everyone is in is shit, it's nice to see some emotion and passion on the threads, this is what it is all about, some days we might not agree with each other on the particulars but we are all on the same side. Personally I can see both sides of the fence on this one, I'm disappointed from the outset in the bonuses they've awarded and I got the indication from last AGM that the BoD reviewing the financial situation every 3 months may have meant they took a pay cut, but alas they have given themselves possible bonuses.Mate, have a chat with Beisha and Jag, they know me. I, like many other are just frustrated with what is happening. like I said previously I will be attending the AGM so I would be happy to chat with you there. I am against the other mob (I dont even like saying their name) it detests me so much. I am 100% behind AVZ, saying that, if I believed that if someone could produce better results than what we have currently, then I would support that.
I was at the last AGM and was one of the few that directly ask the board questions
Disclaimer: I received a call from Shaun and advised that I had voted as the board directed.
I should also respond to your question "Are you ok". No I am not. I have put up with this for over 5 years. The continual state of yeah were going to get the license and to then have the rug pulled from underneath you. I am not ok, this is absolutely wrong and not what I invested in. I invested in the biggest lithium resource known (unknown at the time, leap of faith) and to have it deferred by corrupt and illegal actions, I am not ok.
None of us really know what is going on behind the curtain though with all of these meetings Nigel would be attending and I'm sure he is a dog with a bone like he says, being over there for however many days it's been in the last 6 months, with death threats etc. Would be an absolute tough slog so I can also see that side of the coin aswell.
I think we can all agree unanimously that we have the best chance of a favourable resolution with our current board, but the final for/against numbers for resolution 1 will be a telling story this year by the sound of it.