Mate, have a chat with Beisha and Jag, they know me. I, like many other are just frustrated with what is happening. like I said previously I will be attending the AGM so I would be happy to chat with you there. I am against the other mob (I dont even like saying their name) it detests me so much. I am 100% behind AVZ, saying that, if I believed that if someone could produce better results than what we have currently, then I would support that.Are you okay? Are you with us or MMGA?
I was at the last AGM and was one of the few that directly ask the board questions
Disclaimer: I received a call from Shaun and advised that I had voted as the board directed.
I should also respond to your question "Are you ok". No I am not. I have put up with this for over 5 years. The continual state of yeah were going to get the license and to then have the rug pulled from underneath you. I am not ok, this is absolutely wrong and not what I invested in. I invested in the biggest lithium resource known (unknown at the time, leap of faith) and to have it deferred by corrupt and illegal actions, I am not ok.
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