Trouble is these fuckers have continually fed a stream of bullshit to the Congolese population over the course of 14 plus months and even beforehand with the talk of Graeme having a warrant out for his arrest in drc and so on.
Nobody has a real idea of what's going on apart from AVZ shareholders (at least we think we do with near zero communication from management). Even the western media is simply spreading a heap of misinformation and bullshit, purposefully or otherwise due to the all the crap that's floating around and confusing the issues which should actually be simple.
Corrupt DRC courts seemingly have ruled against us in prior cases that weren't really disclosed to us by management if we're being honest. Those cases were clearly illegitimate but nonetheless it seems they did happen.
The whole thing is fucked and we need some solid positives both officially from management through the asx and critically from the corrupt shit fight that is the DRC government moving forward.
When is enough enough and how long do we have to wait for all this escalating shit fight to be put to bed once and for all?
I am so sick of bullshit upon bullshit piling up like a festering quagmire of shit.
Does one's fucking head in tbh. Fucking drowning in shit with no real end in sight.
Dodgy cunts the world over spewing shit from their filthy orifices and their dodgy media platforms. No doubt largely driven by Chinese who we like on the one hand but are trying to fuck us on the other and a select few in the DRC government desperately fighting for their system of self serving bribery and greed. Likely with the top dog as either one of them or powerless to do anything about them it seems at this stage.
Anyway still hopeful for the good news soon...
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Sure, there is plenty of hyperventilating rubbish being pedaled by a daisy-chain of back-room rodents (don't look up the meaning of a daisy chain). Only apologists for the DRC and Chinese govts and themselves could possibly believe that crap, so in reality they're just talking to themselves. While distasteful and annoying, it's just drivel.
Those who will not be influenced or swayed include those with a working brain: knowledgeable holders (us), CATH and institutional investors, genuine potential investors who do their due diligence, AVZ board members, ICC and ICSID arbiters. It's these groups that matter.
Parrot in the ear of the poor bastard in the straight-jacket...LOVE IT.
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