I agree with some of Sir Les's comments. The DRC in my opinion has been corrupted for so long that they have little wriggle room to do the right thing by AVZ. Looking at the situation from the DRC point of view AVZ appears to be only left with only legal redress. Shareholders need to better understand the DRC corruption and how AVZ now appears to be not in the loop. As Henry Kissinger stated power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. With an Election coming up the President will use all the people and funds he can muster to support his reelection. In my opinion, this is part of the reason why corrupt ministers have not been sidelined. The funds that the Chinese have provided to try and take over the Manono project would also assist in paying supporters of the ruling parties. The Chinese will supply further funds to corporations and individuals to buy influence for the coming election and to get favourable treatment on any project. Even in the unlikely scenario that AVZ does not lose Manono the Chinese are still winners. Their tactics and compliance by DRC personnel has already frightened off one French corporation from investing in the DRC. This is the tip of the iceberg.
My perception is that the only way AVZ can get some return is either via the International courts or by doing a deal to sell their stake in the project. Either way i don't expect shareholders to get adequately reimbursed.
My perception is that the only way AVZ can get some return is either via the International courts or by doing a deal to sell their stake in the project. Either way i don't expect shareholders to get adequately reimbursed.