AVZ Discussion 2022


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At least 2 SH on TSE have reported perthbrokerasx on twitter. If you have a twitter A/C, please report this China Slave/Shorter for inciting racism whilst pretending he's an AVZ supporter. IMO. Br Sparrowhawk12
Reported and blocked along with the other trolls.
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I often wonder how the camp construction is coming along. Assuming it's still being built at this point. :unsure:
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Interesting answer on twitter from:

August V
NYC | Dad | Jew | Investor | Former Prosecutor | Lifter | #DRC | Anti-Racist | #Africa | He/Him | #Bitcoin

That's not realistic, Mrs. Cybelle.
This postponement request will be refused because no extenuating circumstances authorize a new postponement.
The referees will see this as a delaying tactic and will dismiss the request.
Zijin then risks losing and Cominière will receive a very large fine.
Once this is done, AVZ will file a lawsuit in federal court in Washington DC against Cominiere.
The Paris court allows the plaintiffs to sue in US courts to demand payment of the fine.
Given the evidence, he'll likely lose the case in America as well.
US federal court judges don't care about the Congo, China or Australia - they care about the law.
The American judge will then order the government of the DRC - as owner of Cominière - to pay a very heavy fine.
As long as this fine is not paid, no one will touch Manono because this heavy debt weighs on her.
It is in the interest of the DRC government to avoid losing in Paris and then in DC.
It is time for the DRC government to reach an agreement with the Chinese and the Austrians to solve this problem because AVZ is now on the warpath and will not give up.

9:07 AM · Jul 11, 2023
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The three interesting questions Kiki asks at the end of this article....



Lithium Manono: US$200,000 for 2 mining squares in 2017 to COMFORCE/Jason Brewer, 2021 they go to ZIJIN/Katamba Mining!​

May 2, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
Manon's lithium file is like a Chinese box, once you open the first one, it hides a second one and this one a third one, all of which keep secrets on contract files, share transfers, selling prices and others.
The DR Congo so far has not yet started the exploitation of one of the largest lithium deposits in the world, which should start normally this year, following the suspension of the DATHCOM exploitation permit by the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Nsamba Kalambayi .
At the moment the DATHCOM file, joint venture of COMINIERE with AVZ Minerals and DATHOMIR and that of the Sino-Congolese contract, seem to have taken over all the mining files in the media and even for the Congolese authorities.
But COMINIERE having signed several joint venture contracts with other partners on mining squares containing lithium, today we wanted to analyze the one with the company, Force Commodities RDC.
Force Commodities RDC, which had its headquarters at the time of signing the contract with COMINIERE in the Crow Tower building at the intersection of Boulevard du 30 juin and Batetela in the commune of Gombe, is a company owned by the Australian, Jason Brewer which would notably own other companies for the valuation and development of mining projects in Africa.
On November 11, 2017 COMINIERE, a Congolese State company, signs a joint venture contract with Force Commodities RDC, the same contract will be certified at the commercial court on October 16, 2020 as you will see in the photo. From this agreement came COMFORCE, a joint venture between the two companies with a capital of US$100,000 for 1,000 shares, distributed as follows.

  • COMINIERE: 30%
  • Strength Commodities: 70%
For two mining perimeters, No. PR12453 and No. PE13247 for an area of at least 400 square kilometers, Force Commodities only paid the modest sum of US$200,000, which was paid as a result;
  • US$50,000 at the date of signing.
  • US$150,000 in three installments of US$50,000 every three months from the date of signing the contract.

Force Commodities had the mission to study and identify a good technology to process Lithium, Niobium, Tantalum, Wolframite and Tin in its two perimeters. In November 2018 Force Commodities had even applied for the transformation of an exploration permit for its Kitotolo-Katamba lithium project in Tanganyika into a mining permit for 30 years at the Ministry of Mines.
But here in August 2021, the Chinese mining giant, ZIJIN signed a cooperation agreement with COMINIERE for two perimeters; the first is that of Force Commodities, the PR12453 and the second the "PE13427" according to the site of the ZIJIN group, thus creating Katamba Mining joint venture between ZIJIN and COMINIERE.
Strangely enough, on the list of COMINIERE partnerships, there is no permit that corresponds to the number 13427, but a mining square with the number 13247 exists on the list, which oddly is the one that belongs in particular to Force Commoditie in the contract signed with COMINIERE!

  • Is it the same permit?
  • How much were they valued at the time of sale by COMINIERE?
  • Who was the seller, COMINIERE or Force Commodities?
  • How much are the two mining squares worth today?
To conclude, in order to fully understand the situation, let's try to make a small comparison between two COMINIERE joint-venture agreements:
  • In 2017, the Australians of AVZ Minerals for a purchase of 60% of the shares of DATHCOM from DATHOMIR, they had to pay 6,000,000 $US to COMINIERE and 750,000 $US to DATHOMIR, to then spend 75 million $US for the feasibility study and initial work in Manono.
  • In 2017, Force Commodities paid US$200,000 to own 70% of the two licenses in Manono, to achieve nothing so far.
To get an idea of the evolution of the price of the shares of the lithium joint ventures of Manono, 1% of that of DATHCOM is worth no less than 10,000,000 $US currently.


  • Why this feeling of disinterestedness of the Congolese authorities on its two perimeters which contain lithium and Katamba Mining of which the DR Congo owns 30%?
  • If ZIJIN is a shareholder of Katamba Mining with 70%, why not invest in the two mining squares for the exploitation of lithium, rather than go after the 15% of DATHCOM?
  • How did ZIJIN come into possession of the 70% of Katamba Mining and how much did he pay?
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Manono lithium: Here are the law firms of ZIJIN and COMINIERE who requested a postponement from the ICC for their own complaint​

July 11, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
COMINIERE and ZIJIN had seized the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (CCI) to claim damages from AVZ MINERALS, US$850 million for Jin Cheng (ZIJIN) and US$566 million for COMINIERE, for a total of US$1,416,000,000, notably requesting the termination of the DATHCOM joint venture.
QUID: How did the ZIJIN group feel aggrieved by AVZ MINERALS in DATHCOM if the 15% purchased from COMINIERE was deemed illegal by the IGF, the financial inspection body of the Presidency of the Republic in DR Congo?
Now the Chinese group ZIJIN "in partnership with COMINIERE" associated in the complaint, has just requested a new postponement in the arbitration in Paris requested by themselves.
The reason would be, according to the Chinese mining giant, a necessary need for time to prepare to properly respond to the allegations of the IGF report which accuses it of having violated Congolese law by its attempt to buy 15% of the shares. de la COMINIERE at a price of US$33,400,000 than US$150,000,000 of its market value.
Some reactions on social networks:
Cybelle Kamba Kabasu ;
“The exploitation of #Lithium has been delayed enough because of the bad faith of the CominiereS, it is however urgent to end the arbitration and make Manono benefit from this new start…. »
August V. Cohen ;
“That's not realistic, Mrs. Cybelle.
This postponement request will be refused because no extenuating circumstances authorize a new postponement. The referees will see this as a delaying tactic and will dismiss the request. Zijin then risks losing and Cominière will receive a very large fine. Once this is done, AVZ will file a lawsuit in federal court in Washington DC against Cominiere. The Paris court allows the plaintiffs to sue in US courts to demand payment of the fine. Given the evidence, he will likely lose the case in America as well…
It is time for the DRC government to reach an agreement with the Chinese and the Austrians to solve this problem because AVZ is now on the warpath and will not give up. »
De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés law firms.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin
The Congolese firm Muamba Mukengeshayi & Associés.
The procedure had been launched jointly before the International Chamber of Commerce of Paris (ICC) between COMINIERE and the ZIJIN group.

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Biding my Time 1971
Re the two prior posts

Kiki does a great job, but he's years behind the eight ball on that Zijin news release. We have discussed that article every groundhog day since it was published, and determined:

Firstly, we observed that Zijin were reluctant to specify EXACTLY which tenements they "purchased shares from COMINIERE" in. Of course it was 13359, and they knew it was illegal. They only started mentioning it when they were outed

Secondly, they made a typo when mentioning the Cooperation Agreement signed with COMINIERE and wrote 13427 instead of 13247. This was never corrected. I think that was a genuine error

Some of you here held shares in Force I think. Do any of you know how they lost those tenements? I seem to recall they just walked away, saying there was nothing of interest found, but would be happy for Kiki to uncover more dodgy manoeuvres between those two

Cohen seems to also be confused saying the request for an extension by ICC will be refused, as in fact it has already been agreed to - now September/October, as announced by AVZ a couple of weeks ago. But I agree with his sentiment - they are running scared, delaying and will lose badly
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Where’s the lithium coming from Mr Pei? 🤔

Tianhua New Energy: plans to invest 5 billion yuan in the construction of new energy lithium electric materials project

2023-07-11 08:29 Source: Polaris Battery Network

On July 10, Tianhua Xinneng announced that the company and the Ganmei Industrial Park Management Committee of Meishan City, Sichuan Province plan to sign a project investment contract to build a new energy lithium electric material production line and related production facilities and supporting facilities. The total investment of the project is expected to be 5 billion yuan. The start-up time is expected to be the third quarter of 2023, and the two phases will be completed by the end of December 2025.
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Another fun article out from the other side this morning.
Written by the renowned "User1"

Covers AVZ intentionally stagnating the project for 7 years, as the DRC missed the lithium boom.
Also covers Cominiere being so kind as to support the ICSID case.

Worth a read, for a laugh, with translate.

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Hates a beer
It is time for the DRC government to reach an agreement with the Chinese and the Austrians to solve this problem

Hope that doesn't mean Klaus🤣🤣🤣
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Another fun article out from the other side this morning.
Written by the renowned "User1"

Covers AVZ intentionally stagnating the project for 7 years, as the DRC missed the lithium boom.
Also covers Cominiere being so kind as to support the ICSID case.

Worth a read, for a laugh, with translate.

Fucks sake, round in circles with this shit again.
That other dodgy Chinese paid website has released another bullshit article as well.
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Biding my Time 1971
Re the two prior posts

Kiki does a great job, but he's years behind the eight ball on that Zijin news release. We have discussed that article every groundhog day since it was published, and determined:

Firstly, we observed that Zijin were reluctant to specify EXACTLY which tenements they "purchased shares from COMINIERE" in. Of course it was 13359, and they knew it was illegal. They only started mentioning it when they were outed

Secondly, they made a typo when mentioning the Cooperation Agreement signed with COMINIERE and wrote 13427 instead of 13247. This was never corrected. I think that was a genuine error

Some of you here held shares in Force I think. Do any of you know how they lost those tenements? I seem to recall they just walked away, saying there was nothing of interest found, but would be happy for Kiki to uncover more dodgy manoeuvres between those two

Cohen seems to also be confused saying the request for an extension by ICC will be refused, as in fact it has already been agreed to - now September/October, as announced by AVZ a couple of weeks ago. But I agree with his sentiment - they are running scared, delaying and will lose badly
Re Cohen tweet - I assumed he refers to the first case re the 15%, but on reflection and reading the article again, maybe Z have asked for delay on their joint case for damages? I can't find anything about it, but if it was set for a hearing earlier than the first case, it would make sense to delay it
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Cumquat Cap

Man these articles make my blood boil - anyone have any ideas how we can fuck over Tommy R as he's clearly working to fuck us over - Klaus clearly is butthurt that every AJN post receives about 10 comments about his character which is fantastic.
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Fucks sake, round in circles with this shit again.
That other dodgy Chinese paid website has released another bullshit article as well.
Hi there!

Can someone of you please make a claim against the AFR? Need to be in near future.

I will do it against Klaus Eckhoff.

I have no idea about the australien laws but in germany this article is easy contestable and would not have a chance in a courtroom.

Headline: „Former AVZ chairman slams ‘racist’ shareholders“

„has slammed “racist” shareholders for inflaming tensions between the suspended lithium miner and its partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo.“

It clearly suggests AVZ shareholders are racist. So Klaus and the AFR calling me out I’m a racist.

There is no evidence a AVZ shareholder using racist pictures or anything. It’s the internet, could be everyone even enemies of the company like axel and some more. I have the feeling they have deliberately staged this shit to use it.

You don’t need to go to the supreme court, but using the racist card is not acceptable in my eyes and need an answer!
All these local articles are quoting Tommy as facts. I am so pissed off with AFR and this article, I have made a formal complaint this morning. I am a retail shareholder and I am not RACIST!
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Another fun article out from the other side this morning.
Written by the renowned "User1"

Covers AVZ intentionally stagnating the project for 7 years, as the DRC missed the lithium boom.
Also covers Cominiere being so kind as to support the ICSID case.

Worth a read, for a laugh, with translate.

Fucks sake, round in circles with this shit again.
That other dodgy Chinese paid website has released another bullshit article as well.

These articles (in tandem) are clearly full of lies, deception and misleading claims all of which are clearly able to be proven as false.

The deception and desperation from klause jerkoff, tommy turd burglar and CKK (the latest from this chinese website) is another example of how desperate they are.

I’m glad they are here watching us expose their lies…. The poor little fuckwit turd burglars🖕

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Cumquat Cap

Agreed, it's a sign something is happening in the background but fuck me Tommy is such a prick, I might go wait for him out the front of the AFR headquarter's if I can get away from work and beat the piss out of him
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Cumquat Cap

Also, was informed a month or so ago that CominiereSA twitter has been baiting us into making derogatory comments so they could relay back to PR5 - this ties in and glad everyone stopped/blocked them
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Hi there!

Can someone of you please make a claim against the AFR? Need to be in near future.

I will do it against Klaus Eckhoff.

I have no idea about the australien laws but in germany this article is easy contestable and would not have a chance in a courtroom.

Headline: „Former AVZ chairman slams ‘racist’ shareholders“

„has slammed “racist” shareholders for inflaming tensions between the suspended lithium miner and its partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo.“

It clearly suggests AVZ shareholders are racist. So Klaus and the AFR calling me out I’m a racist.

There is no evidence a AVZ shareholder using racist pictures or anything. It’s the internet, could be everyone even enemies of the company like axel and some more. I have the feeling they have deliberately staged this shit to use it.

You don’t need to go to the supreme court, but using the racist card is not acceptable in my eyes and need a answer!
Tommy quotes Klaus so it will be impossible to sue the AFR. We could sue Klaus but no chance he would respect a court in Australia.

The biggest issue for me about Klaus's comments is why the fuck Nigel still holds his AJN shares. If I was leading a company and some old dumb bitter little cunt called my shareholders racist I would dump every share I held in their company in the most rat fuck damaging way possible to teach them a lesson.
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It's laughable. C want's to also get in on the case at the ICDS.

They are appealing to emotions and trying to influence ongoing discussions. A bit desperate.

Let the case(s) run their course, I think. Let it all come out. Not ideal, but it is what it is.
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Also, was informed a month or so ago that CominiereSA twitter has been baiting us into making derogatory comments so they could relay back to PR5 - this ties in and glad everyone stopped/blocked them
All the more reason for rational discussion and to reframe from bitching, blaming, and general untoward behaviour when things are being worked out. YES, bitter f*&king pill.

Some shareholder: 'But I am special. And I hold a large percentage of my portfolio with AVZ. If I don't get my way NOW, I will raise hell for RDC government and AVZ Board'.

Some 'shareholders' just need to STFU and get over themselves. Stop making ammo for others. You are a slow-motion train wreck.
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Tommy quotes Klaus so it will be impossible to sue the AFR. We could sue Klaus but no chance he would respect a court in Australia.

The biggest issue for me about Klaus's comments is why the fuck Nigel still holds his AJN shares. If I was leading a company and some old dumb bitter little cunt called my shareholders racist I would dump every share I held in their company in the most rat fuck damaging way possible to teach them a lesson.
He is on the BOD of KAI Kairos Minerals based in WA, it maybe easier than you think 🤔
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