AVZ Discussion 2022


Hates a beer
I reckon Eramet shareholders are happy that their management was paying attention to the AVZ story before deciding not to invest in the DRC.

Absolutely, I would be happy too with that decision if I was an Eramet shareholder. But I'm not - I am an AVZ shareholder, and AVZ currently only has mining or exploration interests in one country only, so there's nothing for me or any other AVZ shareholder to gain by sabotaging any remaining chance AVZ has of making something out of this long and tortuous situation. There's more downside potential from the Twitter whiners than upside - they could fuck things up completely when there is still some chance of a good outcome for AVZ and shareholders.
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Absolutely, I would be happy too with that decision if I was an Eramet shareholder. But I'm not - I am an AVZ shareholder, and AVZ currently only has mining or exploration interests in one country only, so there's nothing for me or any other AVZ shareholder to gain by sabotaging any remaining chance AVZ has of making something out of this long and tortuous situation. There's more downside potential from the Twitter whiners than upside - they could fuck things up completely when there is still some chance of a good outcome for AVZ and shareholders.

I just don't see the President pulling a licence cause someone on twitter said he sucked?
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Hates a beer
I just don't see the President pulling a licence cause someone on twitter said he sucked?

In that case, what's the point of "shareholders" spamming Twitter feeds with anti-DRC posts with AVZ tagged in every one of them? What are they trying to achieve - maybe they are only small holders so are happy to roll the dice and lose their lunch money, but I still maintain it's counter productive and there are many of us who have far more to lose if the constant stream of negativity persuades someone in the DRC government who has influence over the outcome to pull the plug. And that person may not even be the President.
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Absolutely, I would be happy too with that decision if I was an Eramet shareholder. But I'm not - I am an AVZ shareholder, and AVZ currently only has mining or exploration interests in one country only, so there's nothing for me or any other AVZ shareholder to gain by sabotaging any remaining chance AVZ has of making something out of this long and tortuous situation. There's more downside potential from the Twitter whiners than upside - they could fuck things up completely when there is still some chance of a good outcome for AVZ and shareholders.
Yeah calling people names won't help. But stating facts will. The DRC government wants gringo and European investors. Not gonna happen unless they do right by AVZ and they know it imo
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Going off the last 2 years I'd say there isn't much that can be shared on the forums because fuck all is actually happening to progress us to the mining licence

I see it differently with regards to the public relations campaign. I think that the pressure put on the DRC government that repeatedly making other investors aware of the shitshow we have had to endure in a respectful but assertive manner will make things progress quicker.

Whispers that the BOD don't want this happening that were prevalent a month ago appear to have stopped. I reckon Eramet shareholders are happy that their management was paying attention to the AVZ story before deciding not to invest in the DRC. And there will be many more companies that decide this and make it public unless Felix walks the 'business climate' he likes to talk imo

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I absolutely agree Carlos. Jens is a large shareholder and the only person we aware of who knows Nigel well enough to play golf with him and he has been copying and pasting all of Dave Evans' rundowns on AVZ's history on Twitter so obviously he thinks it's a good idea

I know Dave has done his share (replying to every bank and company who advertised on THE VUKA GROUP's DRC MINING WEEK 2023 Facebook page) and he even got some replies, including one from

I think Dave has done a fair job and deserves a break and I think I've provided enough information to have a break as well. I would love to see a shareholder copy and paste AVZ's history to each of the following media outlets listed below who have supported our cause by exposing corruption in the DRC Mining Sector.... Before the MINING WEEK 2023 event is over

Simply copy and paste an email saying the following.... it couldn't be that hard, Jens has been doing it on Twitter

Read the AVZ story. AVZ Minerals spent 6 years & millions of dollars developing the Manono Project, only to have the project, ML & ownership delayed by the illegal actions of Cominiere, Chinese company Zijin and Simon Cong (Read the IGF report)

For 6 years in the DRC AVZ Minerals carried out Soil Sampling; Field Mapping; Consulting; Drilling; Metallurgical Testing; FEED Study; Securing a lease on an Industrial Site for logistics including road haulage, rail & port services & infrastructure rehab to the road from Manono

AVZ produced a 160-page Definitive Feasibility Study; Received DFS Technical Approval; Had a SEZ Agreement; Tendered for Mining Infrastructure and followed the DRC Mining Code. AVZ satisfied all required approvals - Environmental Approval; Financial Capability (through Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s, Arranging funding and Offtake Agreements with CATH, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin) Favourable Cadastral Opinion & Favourable Technical Opinion of the DFS for the Manono project. The Ministerial Decree to award the ML was granted last April then taken away

AVZ Minerals also produced an 85-page Sustainability Report committed to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) including Socio - economic benefits, Preserving environmental values, Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain, Ending poverty, Improving health and education, Economic growth and employment, Minimising greenhouse gas emissions, Preserving biodiversity, Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant and Supplying energy and contributing to the local communities. AVZ's Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports included 7 ESIA's and Groundwater Management.

Now following the DRC taking away AVZ's ownership and delaying the Mining License, AVZ has been forced to take the DRC to International Centre For Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)

I've got a few million shares too, and I've been here fighting for the company every week unlike others and even when I say I'm going to take some time off I probably don't. I'm not one of those shareholders who thinks the DRC are ever going to play nice, that's why it's in the fucken courts
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In that case, what's the point of "shareholders" spamming Twitter feeds with anti-DRC posts with AVZ tagged in every one of them? What are they trying to achieve - maybe they are only small holders so are happy to roll the dice and lose their lunch money, but I still maintain it's counter productive and there are many of us who have far more to lose if the constant stream of negativity persuades someone in the DRC government who has influence over the outcome to pull the plug. And that person may not even be the President.
I think the idea is to expose the corruption to the wider investing community, to DRC people.
The fact that they are so thin skinned that twitter comments were causing problems with AVZ dealing with them, only points to the fact they are corrupt as fuck and know it full well.

I think with this latest action by AVZ, many people feel it's time to name, shame, expose, yell, scream, and carry on as to cause so much trouble that it's more of a headache to keep acting against their laws and with corruption than to act in good faith and with the law.
AVZ are now drawing global attention to "unlawful" DRC activity, so lets do the same.. well lets keep on doing the same.

I think that's how we began this campaign on twitter, then we got told to be respectful, and we did that. After all it's a different way of life in the DRC.

But I dunno man, Africa, China, the West, we are all human and the same creatures at the end of the day, and in the west, transparency, exposing corruption, naming and shaming seems to be the only way to beat the corrupt.

They want us to be quiet, keep it secret, the game of criminals.

Perhaps it's time to keep shouting, and draw as much attention as possible.
They must be embarresed as hell at the DRC mining week.
And fucking good!
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In that case, what's the point of "shareholders" spamming Twitter feeds with anti-DRC posts with AVZ tagged in every one of them? What are they trying to achieve - maybe they are only small holders so are happy to roll the dice and lose their lunch money, but I still maintain it's counter productive and there are many of us who have far more to lose if the constant stream of negativity persuades someone in the DRC government who has influence over the outcome to pull the plug. And that person may not even be the President.

Fair enough. It's not a hill I'd die on either way.


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In that case, what's the point of "shareholders" spamming Twitter feeds with anti-DRC posts with AVZ tagged in every one of them? What are they trying to achieve - maybe they are only small holders so are happy to roll the dice and lose their lunch money, but I still maintain it's counter productive and there are many of us who have far more to lose if the constant stream of negativity persuades someone in the DRC government who has influence over the outcome to pull the plug. And that person may not even be the President.
Everything in this sordid affair is out of the presidents hands and / or his cohorts, it's in the lap of the highest courts in the world, nothing we say on this forum or on twitter is going to make a difference regards to " pulling the plug " cause it's out of their hands too. So in that regard, no harm or foul in protesting / applying pressure to the corruptors and reminding them factually that they can't get away with ripping innocent coy like Avz and their shareholders interest.

I would fully agree with your argument, if the Drc govt was still in deliberations with Dathcom jv regards to awarding the ML imminently but clearly that isn't the case, cause AVZ have now taken the whole government to the ICSD, which is rather damning.

Us shareholders have done the stiff upper lip for well over 12 months, hoping that method would allow common sense to prevail, now, it's gloves off.

I liken the AVZ protestors on twitter, to the protest marches you see constantly in Australia, whereby nurses, police , transport workers etc fight for better pay and conditions...most of the time it works very effectively.

As long as the protests are respectful and highlight the facts, then there is no come backs.

Sometimes the quiet way is ineffective cause the bullies feel empowered to continue if not challenged, so a peaceful protest is the next best thing.

Fighting back to protect one's interest is perfectly fine by me.

Imo of course.
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Agree !
Everything in this sordid affair is out of the presidents hands and / or his cohorts, it's in the lap of the highest courts in the world, nothing we say on this forum or on twitter is going to make a difference regards to " pulling the plug " cause it's out of their hands too. So in that regard, no harm or foul in protesting / applying pressure to the corruptors and reminding them factually that they can't get away with ripping innocent coy like Avz and their shareholders interest.

I would fully agree with your argument, if the Drc govt was still in deliberations with Dathcom jv regards to awarding the ML imminently but clearly that isn't the case, cause AVZ have now taken the whole government to the ICSD, which is rather damning.

Us shareholders have done the stiff upper lip for well over 12 months, hoping that method would allow common sense to prevail, now, it's gloves off.

I liken the AVZ protestors on twitter, to the protest marches you see constantly in Australia, whereby nurses, police , transport workers etc fight for better pay and conditions...most of the time it works very effectively.

As long as the protests are respectful and highlight the facts, then there is no come backs.

Sometimes the quiet way is ineffective cause the bullies feel empowered to continue if not challenged, so a peaceful protest is the next best thing.

Fighting back to protect one's interest is perfectly fine by me.

Imo of course.
Agree 100% mate.

If you're on twitter or wherever banging those keys, stirring the nest, then you may wish to consider just how good entering an unwinnable war may be for you personally.

We've had a few meltdowns here and I think it's fair to say that they've been met with supportive comments.
Twitter is different.

As Beish say's, keep it respectful - for your own wellbeing - and don't really expect it to change anything very much.
But if it does, then great.

A few posters come here with what prove to be very over-optimistic 'insights'. Maybe they could consider what effect that may have on very stressed shareholders.
Hint: It really doesn't help.

So now the west is allegedly lining up to source critical minerals from all over the world. Weren't they already??
Don't get your hopes up just yet as FT is only interested in being re-elected. Promises, promises.

And when you'e all down next week, I'll be positive as a counter balance.
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Just as nobody in their right mind makes an investment decision based on anonymous Twitter or TSE posts, so too with corrupt government officers. No DRC officer is influenced by, or acts as a result of anonymous Twitter posts or any other posts.

They do it because they are directed to do it by their equally corrupt superiors, or because they are powerful enough to get away with it.

Fighting back to protect one's interest is perfectly fine by me also.

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18 days out from the postponed ICC hearing . An announcement re it's delay shouldn't be too far off . I'll take a stab and go with October for the next one. imo .
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Melbourne shareholder catchup.
Guys and girls, I’ve been chatting to one of the shareholders from the last roadshow. He’s a good contributor on here. We are going to have a catch-up soon in melbourne with a few other holders. Not sure on date or venue but we are based near Essendon airport so likely this side of town or maybe closer to CBD.
There’s a few of you who I chatted to last time that I would like to catch up with. We were among the small group that hung about downstairs after the last roadshow.
If anyone is interested in having a few beers, sharing their theories. and having a laugh, feel free to direct message me. It can be a good opportunity to vent your frustrations.
Don’t expect to hear any “inside info” as i don’t believe anyone has any of value, even the regular Twitter guys.
For context I have been on AVZ for about 4 to 5 years, feels like 45 years. Holding about 1.5m shares.
All welcome, even those Trolls on here who feel the need to kick their fellow Australians while they are down, as I am sure you have nothing better to do.
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*To Remind,


*To add,


*The Fight against Corruption is at the Development Milestone :rolleyes:

And it's got a long, long way to go if Manono is anything to go by Bro :mad:

Food for thought Tshisekedi Tshilombo :(

Frank 🙏
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Hates a beer
I would fully agree with your argument, if the Drc govt was still in deliberations with Dathcom jv regards to awarding the ML imminently

Are you certain those deliberations are not ongoing?

AVZ have now taken the whole government to the ICSD, which is rather damning.

What if the legal action is part of an agreed process to reach a conclusion?

I've said my bit today, mainly because of the now daily and repetitive shitstream in my AVZ Twitter feed. I know there are a number of fatigued and fed up holders here (as I am as well, having been a holder since July 2017) and while some of us still have some confidence based on our network intel, others have that fatigue rusted on and just want retribution - I know what I post here won't change anybody's position. At the end of the day we are all in this together (except for the trolls and lurking spies) so I wish all the best to all holders for a favourable outcome ... imminently
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Are you certain those deliberations are not ongoing?

What if the legal action is part of an agreed process to reach a conclusion?

I've said my bit today, mainly because of the now daily and repetitive shitstream in my AVZ Twitter feed. I know there are a number of fatigued and fed up holders here (as I am as well, having been a holder since July 2017) and while some of us still have some confidence based on our network intel, others have that fatigue rusted on and just want retribution - I know what I post here won't change anybody's position. At the end of the day we are all in this together (except for the trolls and lurking spies) so I wish all the best to all holders for a favourable outcome ... imminently
The great thing about this forum is that we can all have difference of opinion and debate accordingly with respect, I know where you are coming from Retro and I respect your opinion, as you say, we are all stuck in the mud together, we all wish for the best outcome, that's the most important thing here, for the record, I ain't fatigued and I ain't out for retribution per se, just completely pissed off and want what's rightfully ours either via a ML or a decent TO proposal.

My patience has run out and I hate farken bullies!!!!

BTW, when is the next AGM?

You better believe I will be back to torment NF once again with incisive questions...;)


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Can someone please give me a short/any URL to the IGF report on Manono? Tx Sparrowhawk12
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Think of it another way.

The DRC, Felix etc don't intend to give us anything, or they would have already.
Z and C are also waging a misinformation campaign, including on social media.

There are multiple cases between these parties and AVZ in multiple courts.

We need to wage a campaign to correct misinformation for the same reasons they are spreading it.

1. To ensure our version of events is known for our own reputation in the business community, our industry sector, and for future potential parters (mining, customers and financial)
2. To add to pressure from the people mentioned above re: any future investment plans in the DRC to assist with any negotiations that might be ongoing. Any free ride for Z and C to tell their own lies uncountered cannot be a good thing for us.
3. To let the DRC know that we aren't going to just roll over for an easy settlement in return for dropping any cases, as we believe we are in the right.

No doubt Felix and DRC officials aren't happy about what is posted, and Felix probably doesn't read the volume of posts tagged to him.

However, journalists, investors and others do read social media. Let's not give Z and C a free run, and let's not let corrupt actors remain in the shadows.

Corrupt actors may still get away with their actions if we continue posting. If we don't, they definitely will.
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I'm happy to settle with the DRC for a bucket of cash.

Here's the bucket. Hundreds will be fine.

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