I absolutely agree Carlos. Jens is a large shareholder and the only person we aware of who knows Nigel well enough to play golf with him and he has been copying and pasting all of Dave Evans' rundowns on AVZ's history on Twitter so obviously he thinks it's a good idea
I know Dave has done his share (replying to every bank and company who advertised on THE VUKA GROUP's DRC MINING WEEK 2023 Facebook page) and he even got some replies, including one from https://copperbeltkatangamining.com/
I think Dave has done a fair job and deserves a break and I think I've provided enough information to have a break as well. I would love to see a shareholder copy and paste AVZ's history to each of the following media outlets listed below who have supported our cause by exposing corruption in the DRC Mining Sector.... Before the MINING WEEK 2023 event is over
A report by Global Witness states that concessions on and around DRC’s lithium deposits are or were held by or involved people with close business relationships with former President Joseph Kabila.
La Commission Episcopale pour les Ressources Naturelles de la Conférence Episcopale Nationale du Congo (CERN-CENCO) a organisé, ce jeudi 11 août 2022, une conférence sous le thème : « comment le lithium de Manono en RDC peut-il contribuer à la transition énergétique ? Réflexion multipartite en...
Ever since Félix Tshisekedi took power, Washington had hoped he would curb China's huge influence in the country. Four years later, the United States is bitterly disappointed that it has failed to - 9/5/2022
The Financial Action Task Force plans to put Democratic Republic of Congo on a list of countries subject to increased monitoring, the country's Communications Minister Patrick Muyaya said on Saturday.
La société du portefeuille de l'Etat congolais COMINIERE SA est accusée de continuer à multiplier les manœuvres illégales pour bloquer le démarrage effectif du projet minier de lithium de Dathcom Mining SA, à Manono, dans la province de Tanganyika. La dénonciation est faite par les...
Le projet d’exploitation du lithium de Manono, dans la province du Tanganyika, piétine. Et la Société civile, évoluant dans le secteur des ressources naturelles, n’hésite pas à nommer le coupable : la Cominière (Congolaise de l’exploitation minière), cette entreprise du Portefeuille de l’Etat...
La Cominière s'oppose-t-elle à la réhabilitation des centrales hydroélectriques de Mpyana Mwanga par AVZ POWER ?
Par Gilbert Ngonga Dans un communiqué conjoint, les organisations et plateformes de la Société Civile congolaises spécialisées sur les questions minières ( Justicia Asbl , LICOCO , RND Asbl , POM , MDR , GANVE , CDH , ESPOIR ONG , RCEN , CERN / CENCO , TPRDC , MAX IMPACT ), qui ont fait
La société civile regroupée (Justicia Asbl, LICOCO, RND Asbl, POM, MDR, GANVE, CDH, ESPOIR ONG…) a exhorté à la ministre du portefeuille, Adèle Kahinda Mayina, de démissionner pour avoir failli sur plusieurs points dans le dossier COMINIERE dont le directeur général ai et le Directeur technique...
Le Congo n'est pas à vendre (CNPAV) adresse une lettre au président de la République Démocratique du Congo Félix Tshisekedi pour exprimer son plus "profond désarroi" suite à la découverte, dans les colonnes du Journal New York Times, de sa lettre
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) corruption exists in various sectors, including the police, legal system, public administration, and mining industry.
Actualité - C’est un manque à gagner pour le Trésor public de l’ordre de 148.999.749.440,95FC mensuellement, soit 64.782.499 USD au taux de 2300FC que l’Inspection générale des finances a déniché dans la paie des fonctionnaires et agents de l’Etat. Les conclusions du rapport de sa mission...
According to the findings of an audit of the government's payroll, the IGF noted numerous irregularities, with tens of thousands of fictitious employees.
Jules Alingete Key est l’un des hommes les plus redoutés du Congo, faisant trembler fraudeurs et corrompus et mettant en cause les contrats chinois qui ont grevé les finances du pays. Il estime que les Chinois se sont « accommodés du laxisme qu’ils ont trouvé au Congo ».
The World Bank has suspended funding for humanitarian and development projects in Democratic Republic of Congo worth more than $1 billion after the government dissolved the project fund without warning, the lender said.
Les difficultés rencontrées par l'australien AVZ MINERALS sur son projet Manono au Tanganyka dans le sud-est du pays ont fait réfléchir la société française
Simply copy and paste an email saying the following.... it couldn't be that hard, Jens has been doing it on Twitter
Read the AVZ story. AVZ Minerals spent 6 years & millions of dollars developing the Manono Project, only to have the project, ML & ownership delayed by the illegal actions of Cominiere, Chinese company Zijin and Simon Cong (Read the IGF report)
For 6 years in the DRC AVZ Minerals carried out Soil Sampling; Field Mapping; Consulting; Drilling; Metallurgical Testing; FEED Study; Securing a lease on an Industrial Site for logistics including road haulage, rail & port services & infrastructure rehab to the road from Manono
AVZ produced a 160-page Definitive Feasibility Study; Received DFS Technical Approval; Had a SEZ Agreement; Tendered for Mining Infrastructure and followed the DRC Mining Code. AVZ satisfied all required approvals - Environmental Approval; Financial Capability (through Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s, Arranging funding and Offtake Agreements with CATH, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin) Favourable Cadastral Opinion & Favourable Technical Opinion of the DFS for the Manono project. The Ministerial Decree to award the ML was granted last April then taken away
AVZ Minerals also produced an 85-page Sustainability Report committed to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) including Socio - economic benefits, Preserving environmental values, Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain, Ending poverty, Improving health and education, Economic growth and employment, Minimising greenhouse gas emissions, Preserving biodiversity, Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant and Supplying energy and contributing to the local communities. AVZ's Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports included 7 ESIA's and Groundwater Management.
Now following the DRC taking away AVZ's ownership and delaying the Mining License, AVZ has been forced to take the DRC to International Centre For Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
I've got a few million shares too, and I've been here fighting for the company every week unlike others and even when I say I'm going to take some time off I probably don't. I'm not one of those shareholders who thinks the DRC are ever going to play nice, that's why it's in the fucken courts