AVZ Discussion 2022


Think of it another way.

The DRC, Felix etc don't intend to give us anything, or they would have already.
Z and C are also waging a misinformation campaign, including on social media.

There are multiple cases between these parties and AVZ in multiple courts.

We need to wage a campaign to correct misinformation for the same reasons they are spreading it.

1. To ensure our version of events is known for our own reputation in the business community, our industry sector, and for future potential parters (mining, customers and financial)
2. To add to pressure from the people mentioned above re: any future investment plans in the DRC to assist with any negotiations that might be ongoing. Any free ride for Z and C to tell their own lies uncountered cannot be a good thing for us.
3. To let the DRC know that we aren't going to just roll over for an easy settlement in return for dropping any cases, as we believe we are in the right.

No doubt Felix and DRC officials aren't happy about what is posted, and Felix probably doesn't read the volume of posts tagged to him.

However, journalists, investors and others do read social media. Let's not give Z and C a free run, and let's not let corrupt actors remain in the shadows.

Corrupt actors may still get away with their actions if we continue posting. If we don't, they definitely will.

I don't necessarily agree that if Felix wanted to give us something he would have. He could have dynamic information in regard to AVZ, some of that being negative misinformation. He might also be trying to let the system work on its own, not a good look for an anti corruption player to come in and just stamp his will on who gets licences. We also don't know where AVZ ranks on his list of issues, while I'd speculate it would be high, that's information we don't know.

He could also just be corrupt. Couldn't tell you.
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LMAO. Come on mate, the golf thing was a piss take. Looks nothing like Nigel. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

View attachment 38415

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Next thing you’ll be telling us this isn’t you

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I don't necessarily agree that if Felix wanted to give us something he would have. He could have dynamic information in regard to AVZ, some of that being negative misinformation. He might also be trying to let the system work on its own, not a good look for an anti corruption player to come in and just stamp his will on who gets licences. We also don't know where AVZ ranks on his list of issues, while I'd speculate it would be high, that's information we don't know.

He could also just be corrupt. Couldn't tell you.

Felix either can't or won't help. I don't care if he's corrupt or impotent, the result is the same. Misinformation and attacks on AVZ spread all over the internet (and then to mainstream media) while AVZ are becalmed waiting for a license despite following DRC law and expending funds to prove the resource.

We can either sit by while the misinformation spreads and Rome burns, or we can counter the misinformation.

Those saying doing so is counterproductive cannot have it both ways.
If stating facts publicly can have a negative effect from hurting DRC feelings, it can also have a positive effect by correcting misinformation in the public domain.
People are taking notice, or they aren't.

If the DRC and Felix haven't addressed this by now (for whatever reason), then we have an indeterminate timeframe to let this crap continue to be published unchallenged, or correct it.
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Felix either can't or won't help. I don't care if he's corrupt or impotent, the result is the same. Misinformation and attacks on AVZ spread all over the internet (and then to mainstream media) while AVZ are becalmed waiting for a license despite following DRC law and expending funds to prove the resource.

We can either sit by while the misinformation spreads and Rome burns, or we can counter the misinformation.

Those saying doing so is counterproductive cannot have it both ways.
If stating facts publicly can have a negative effect from hurting DRC feelings, it can also have a positive effect by correcting misinformation in the public domain.
People are taking notice, or they aren't.

If the DRC and Felix haven't addressed this by now (for whatever reason), then we have an indeterminate timeframe to let this crap continue to be published unchallenged, or correct it.

Don't get me wrong, all for the campaign.
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LMAO. I'll be honest, when you go on your regular melt downs/tantrums and threaten to leave and then other posters try to console you, it always reminds me of this:

View attachment 38421

Other posters consoling me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Try and come up with something original and stop trolling…. for other shareholders that is, I’ve put you on ignore 🥱
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I absolutely agree Carlos. Jens is a large shareholder and the only person we aware of who knows Nigel well enough to play golf with him and he has been copying and pasting all of Dave Evans' rundowns on AVZ's history on Twitter so obviously he thinks it's a good idea

I know Dave has done his share (replying to every bank and company who advertised on THE VUKA GROUP's DRC MINING WEEK 2023 Facebook page) and he even got some replies, including one from

I think Dave has done a fair job and deserves a break and I think I've provided enough information to have a break as well. I would love to see a shareholder copy and paste AVZ's history to each of the following media outlets listed below who have supported our cause by exposing corruption in the DRC Mining Sector.... Before the MINING WEEK 2023 event is over

Simply copy and paste an email saying the following.... it couldn't be that hard, Jens has been doing it on Twitter

Read the AVZ story. AVZ Minerals spent 6 years & millions of dollars developing the Manono Project, only to have the project, ML & ownership delayed by the illegal actions of Cominiere, Chinese company Zijin and Simon Cong (Read the IGF report)

For 6 years in the DRC AVZ Minerals carried out Soil Sampling; Field Mapping; Consulting; Drilling; Metallurgical Testing; FEED Study; Securing a lease on an Industrial Site for logistics including road haulage, rail & port services & infrastructure rehab to the road from Manono

AVZ produced a 160-page Definitive Feasibility Study; Received DFS Technical Approval; Had a SEZ Agreement; Tendered for Mining Infrastructure and followed the DRC Mining Code. AVZ satisfied all required approvals - Environmental Approval; Financial Capability (through Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s, Arranging funding and Offtake Agreements with CATH, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin) Favourable Cadastral Opinion & Favourable Technical Opinion of the DFS for the Manono project. The Ministerial Decree to award the ML was granted last April then taken away

AVZ Minerals also produced an 85-page Sustainability Report committed to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) including Socio - economic benefits, Preserving environmental values, Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain, Ending poverty, Improving health and education, Economic growth and employment, Minimising greenhouse gas emissions, Preserving biodiversity, Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant and Supplying energy and contributing to the local communities. AVZ's Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports included 7 ESIA's and Groundwater Management.

Now following the DRC taking away AVZ's ownership and delaying the Mining License, AVZ has been forced to take the DRC to International Centre For Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)

I've got a few million shares too, and I've been here fighting for the company every week unlike others and even when I say I'm going to take some time off I probably don't. I'm not one of those shareholders who thinks the DRC are ever going to play nice, that's why it's in the fucken courts
There is no doubt your great at compiling information, filing and probably disturbing it but is it helpful? For me no. for the causes imo
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Biding my Time 1971
China upgraded their paper bags?

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[Congo President Chisekdi visited Luoyang Molybdenum Industry] On May 27, Congolese President Kisekdi and his entourage visited the Shanghai management headquarters of Luoyang Molybdenum Industry (CMOC)and held discussions with the management of Hongshang Group, Ningde Times (CATL)and Luoyang Molybdenum Industry. During the discussion, the management of Luoyang Molybdenum Industry and Ningde Times and members of the Congo delegation had in-depth exchanges on potential cooperation projects such as the development of green power and battery industry chain. ( Securities Times)
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There is no doubt your great at compiling information, filing and probably disturbing it but is it helpful? For me no. for the causes imo

Onthefm, most of my posts are facts and fact based, unlike a lot here that are just conjecture about takeovers and other things

There are shareholders here who don’t want the truth and facts out there because they are too busy shitting themselves and too scared to fight.

If I had more shares than I do I would be fighting even harder and by that I mean looking for more information and making it public. I’ve got a lot to lose too but I’m not going to shit myself and let the corrupt arseholes keep disseminating bullshit. You’ve seen my posts, they tell the facts and aren’t derogatory, except the ones to the trolls here.

I learned to be a fighter at a young age and I wont be giving up any time soon. I do feel sorry that you are so worried about our investment, but in my life I’ve found fighting for your rights is better than being a victim of circumstances.

I appreciate your balanced post to me and sincerely hope you can get some good nights sleep 👍
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Onthefm, most of my posts are facts and fact based, unlike a lot here that are just conjecture about takeovers and other things

There are shareholders here who don’t want the truth and facts out there because they are too busy shitting themselves and too scared to fight.

If I had more shares than I do I would be fighting even harder and by that I mean looking for more information and making it public. I’ve got a lot to lose too but I’m not going to shit myself and let the corrupt arseholes keep disseminating bullshit. You’ve seen my posts, they tell the facts and aren’t derogatory, except the ones to the trolls here.

I learned to be a fighter at a young age and I wont be giving up any time soon. I do feel sorry that you are so worried about our investment, but in my life I’ve found fighting for your rights is better than being a victim of circumstances.

I appreciate your balanced post to me and sincerely hope you can get some good nights sleep 👍
Mutt, TO imminent.. Jesus Christ don't accuse me of lying 😂


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Well fuck me sideways..I thought Jens was the caddy..just shows how naive i was...kunts
Yeah on 2nd thoughts I better do a troll check..farkk..so many pages!!
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