AVZ Discussion 2022


Hi 9cardomaha

Re: The only way a new party can be included into Dathcom and registered through RCCM is by holding a Dathcom AGM.

I am wondering if the removal of a partner, by whatever means, also requires a Dathcom meeting in order to formalise and ratify the new structure.

It is therefore reasonable to assume that Dathcom held an out-of-sessions meeting to formalise Jin Cheng's exit, and get the new partnership registered through RCCM.

I believe it should be the same for any update to the registry - inclusion or exiting.

Dathcom meeting minutes would be available if they had gathered to ratify the change. But i think the JV is quite dysfunctional at the moment so doubt that it happened.

But just as the 2021 RCCM inclusion was done without proper process, i'm assuming they just bypassed the formalities and go do what they want - This action should also be in breach of the ICC Emergency Injunction.
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Fair point . Something shifty is going on one way or another .
Let's assume Zijin is out .
And returned the 15% .
The compensation case included Comminiere and Zijin are together at the ICC case for lost revenue.
How can this proceed now if Comminiere has been returned the 15% but is requested to transfer to another DRC mining company as Franck suggested.
Certainly hope they are out .
Fishy indeed .
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Why concerned?

This is the internet. Stop asking where it comes from. It is what it is, believe it or not is up to the individual. We've seen plenty of false dawns in AVZ and plenty of rumours and theories.

Best to take everything with a grain of salt.

I'd presume an official document would have DOB and spelling correct.


the DOBs for the two DRC fellas at the end are the same too. not sure if its a clerical error at the RCCM or what, but its what i was given so there it is. If rumours of Zijin being out were formulated from this document then at least there was some evidence to back it up. But i got similar confirmations on Zijin being out of Dathcom through some deal (not sure what the deal is) - so its not as simple as the bird made it out to be.

I don't believe Zijin were forced/kicked out, but there was a deal for this 15%.

Same source that has provided me with other documentation including previous AVZ and Cominiere/Dathomir correspondence, old RCCM documents and more. Previous calls have mostly panned out as stated but it is the DRC so who fucking knows.

Not a stickler for details in the DRC maybe, but yeah, for all things AVZ i am also eating my fair share of salt. My aim is not to sway you to believe one thing or another, just to provide what I have.

Eitherway the document doesn't do anything in our hands, those with greater knowledge and decision making power could use it or try and verify it then give us an Ann. Who knows. Better than nothing, and in my book, i'm still sticking by my call that they are out, returning the 15% for a deal with the DRC on something else.

Further to this, the return of 15% also indicates that Cominiere doesn't have the power to terminate JVA nor does it have power to reallocate Manono to itself or other parties, and ultimately Dathcom still holds PR13359. Otherwise the return of 15% in Dathcom by Zijin doesn't have any weight in bargaining for other deals.

Take it or leave it, I will return to caveating my messages with this - forgot this time because i got swept up in the hype so apologies.

No I get it. All fair points. Appreciate your efforts.
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Let's assume Zijin is out .
And returned the 15% .
The compensation case included Comminiere and Zijin are together at the ICC case for lost revenue.
How can this proceed now if Comminiere has been returned the 15% but is requested to transfer to another DRC mining company as Franck suggested.
Certainly hope they are out .
Fishy indeed .
This document has been around for 8 days . AVZ BoD know share holders have a photo copy . If it is rubbish they will remain silent . Otherwise something has to give . With respect to 9cardomaha's point , I don't see why the ICC case in a few weeks will go ahead if the 15% has been surrendered . That to me will be the indicator whether this is another false flag . At least it's not too long wait to find out .
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Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 9.38.16 am.png
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This document has been around for 8 days . AVZ BoD know share holders have a photo copy . If it is rubbish they will remain silent . Otherwise something has to give . With respect to 9cardomaha's point , I don't see why the ICC case in a few weeks will go ahead if the 15% has been surrendered . That to me will be the indicator whether this is another false flag . At least it's not too long wait to find out .
Not necessarily. I agree with 9Card that even if Zijin have returned the 15%, it wasn't done unwillingly. There was no doubt a deal done. However this doesn't need to be a deal on some other unrelated benefit they can get from DRC, it could still be part of some for now unseen strategy regarding Manono. I just don't see then giving up at this point. The prize is too large and the cost relatively small - legal fees and some potential reputational risk. So if this were the case, they may not cancel their ICC cases which could fit into their previous delayance strategy.

Or who knows, they could see the initial case as a way to gain understanding of the evidence against them and cominiere, to better prepare their support for Cominiere's subsequent ICC case, after which in case of a win they can then raise the issue of the 15%.

All speculation and conjecture, I just don't think that Zijin and Cominiere have given up on the Manono gambit - despite the damages claims.
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The Fox

If Zijin have returned or conceded any ownership of the 15%, PR05 could have just used a stick not a carrot. Lot's of chatter about warnings provided to Zijin prior to the visit to China.

Or of course, both a carrot AND a stick could have been used. I hope it was a big stick and a small carrot that PR05 repeatedly used on Zijin. (with no lubrication)

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Seriously these supposedly official fucked up documents with spelling errors and copy/paste birthdates are doing my fucking head in

Can't believe a fucking thing on the internet or coming out of the DRC

Jesus fucking Christ when are we going to get some official information on what the actual fuck is going on?????

Fuck me....
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If Zijin have returned or conceded any ownership of the 15%, PR05 could have just used a stick not a carrot. Lot's of chatter about warnings provided to Zijin prior to the visit to China.

Or of course, both a carrot AND a stick could have been used. I hope it was a big stick and a small carrot that PR05 repeatedly used on Zijin. (with no lubrication)

Zijin deserves a pineapple without lubrication, or simple the Chinese way, the bullet.

The carrot is much too nice.

They probably would say not so squeezy and squint a little more with a carrot, they are used to it.

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Seriously these supposedly official fucked up documents with spelling errors and copy/paste birthdates are doing my fucking head in

Can't believe a fucking thing on the internet or coming out of the DRC

Jesus fucking Christ when are we going to get some official information on what the actual fuck is going on?????

Fuck me....
Gotta agree Nut, reading the bible makes more sense.

Can we fuck Zijin for a change?

On second thoughts I prefer a big Mac with a couple of shirazs, the result looks so colourful when I think about Zijin.
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Seriously these supposedly official fucked up documents with spelling errors and copy/paste birthdates are doing my fucking head in

Can't believe a fucking thing on the internet or coming out of the DRC

Jesus fucking Christ when are we going to get some official information on what the actual fuck is going on?????

Fuck me....

Unfortunately, we need to assume everything is bullshit until was have irrefutable proof otherwise.

This is not a slight on the hard work, diligence and honesty of many good people here, but we have been burned and disappointed on far too many occasions to take anything on face, particularly if it originates in the DRC.

A little paranoia is a good thing...until it's not.

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Cumquat Cap

Can't help but think and look back on some of Nigel's interviews over the years outlining how efficient the govt was and how good relations were even mentioning MoP directly. Nigel is in a world of shit if he cannot pull a positive outcome for shareholders. Also, both him and Greame would be wealthy in their own right but imagine if they lost the lot at the end of their careers + reputational damage - c'mon boys lets get something going
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Can't help but think and look back on some of Nigel's interviews over the years outlining how efficient the govt was and how good relations were even mentioning MoP directly. Nigel is in a world of shit if he cannot pull a positive outcome for shareholders. Also, both him and Greame would be wealthy in their own right but imagine if they lost the lot at the end of their careers + reputational damage - c'mon boys lets get something going
Please don't take this the wrong way, but Put a cork in it buddy!

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If Zijin have returned or conceded any ownership of the 15%, PR05 could have just used a stick not a carrot. Lot's of chatter about warnings provided to Zijin prior to the visit to China.

Or of course, both a carrot AND a stick could have been used. I hope it was a big stick and a small carrot that PR05 repeatedly used on Zijin. (with no lubrication)

This is what I've been wondering also Fox. Why does everyone assume zijn 'got' something like n return for pulling out?
They took a gamble to do something dodgy, it didn't pay off, the benefit for them pulling out is they don't get slapped with a massive fine/damages/other restrictions on their operations in the country.
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Can't help but think and look back on some of Nigel's interviews over the years outlining how efficient the govt was and how good relations were even mentioning MoP directly. Nigel is in a world of shit if he cannot pull a positive outcome for shareholders. Also, both him and Greame would be wealthy in their own right but imagine if they lost the lot at the end of their careers + reputational damage - c'mon boys lets get something going

Agree. I'd extend, mining is not a vocational career. Anyone involved is in it to make big money. Atleast to that capacity I think Nigel has every incentive to get this over the finish line.
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Cumquat Cap

Agree, guess that provides some comfort that we'll at the bare minimum get a settlements of sort.

Nel, nice one man very helpful
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Rare earths, cobalt, copper, lithium; the EU relies on local extraction and refining, processing, recycling of minerals imported into the EEC​

June 7, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Patrick Kienge
In order to achieve its independence in the supply of critical raw materials and to guarantee a secure and sustainable supply, the European Union has as its battle horse, the “European legislation on critical raw materials”.
European legislation on critical raw materials wants to strengthen domestic supply chains, strengthen international dialogue for mutually beneficial partnerships with single supplier countries.
The European Union seeks to diversify its supplies of critical raw materials, 65% of its annual needs should not come from the same country outside the EU.
  • 63% of the world's cobalt, used in batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • 97% of the EU's magnesium supply comes from China.
  • 100% of the rare earths used for permanent magnets are refined in China.
  • 98% of the EU borate supply comes from Turkey.
The European Union is keen to pursue the development of strategic partnerships and collaboration with reliable partners to foster their own economic development in a sustainable way through the creation of value chains in their own country, while promoting safe, resilient, affordable and diverse enough for the EU.
Belgian Euro MP, Maria Arena said;
“The objective of the European Commission's proposal for a regulation on critical raw materials (rare metals, cobalt, copper, lithium, etc.) should enable the EU to access a secure, but above all sustainable supply!
Mining in countries that have these resources is currently harmful to the environment, but also to human rights. There is an urgent need to provide mechanisms that respect the populations living in the countries that hold these resources.
Guaranteeing access to resources for the well-being of Europeans to the detriment of the populations living in these countries is a solution from another age and unworthy of the European project. »
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I'm not sure what to think about this new rccm document but what it does make clear is that dathomir is still there after 12+ months of this shitshow.
Zijin still seems like the distraction and dathomir the problem imo.
What about Mmcs?
This arbitration shit is a fucking joke. Why in fucks name does it take so long? ...
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