IMO Mate it could be because if they decide to sell out due to this BS at whatever price and let’s hope it’s a “Just Outcome” most of us will do very well, so possibly Nigel just priming us for what’s to come and hey it’s out of our control but BOD have millions of shares they will want a “Just Outcome” as they worded it…IMV unfortunately for us patient SHldrs, Ferguson's usually upbeat "she'll be right mate" gung-ho manner has led SHldrs over more recent times to believe that the ML was just a matter of time, it's difficult but it's in hand. It appears however to becoming increasingly clear that he hasn't quite had the ear of those that make the decisions that can affect such a positive outcome, even when taking into account all the shit that has been flying around being exposed, he still appears to be failing to gain favour from the very top of gov.
I also wonder is this now NF paving the way for potential failure in getting the ML, "previously confident".
Let's face it, if he NF is unable after all the corruption that has now been exposed relating to the MOM, MOP and others for all to see Including Felix al Presidente and yet we are still on shaky ground, one has little choice but to wonder what really is Felix's agenda...... maybe it's all just "oh shit I didn't realise my government ministers were dodgy, grubby and unfairly shafting you" oh what am I going to do?......
Your fg job! fix it, stop leaving it to every man and his dog to fix, this total shit show is on your watch, which means it's your responsibility to sort!
Rant over (apol) getting pissed like most at this endless loop of crap. I realise Felix doesn't even know what his ministers are up to, his words of cleaning up corruption are simply empty words/BS and mean as little as mine.
You think Nige & BOD will just let this all fall over with 50million ish shares ???? Even at $1 he’s still FUCKING WINNING
Pretty sure they cannot just take it back from AVZ are they are the ones that made all this happen…
That would be the biggest Steal in history and would not look good for DRC…
Fuck the rest of the conspiracy theories over the next month again I’m going with my gut… NF HAS 50millions reasons to get at least a $2 a share on a poxy TO
Manono is worth BILLIONS
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