Hi my AVZ fellows, long term holder here (6yrs) but mainly only doing supplimentary reading on TSE. I'm as frustrated as all of you and there's been too many ups and downs from page 758 to 1370 which none of us good spirit people deserve to be honest. The only good and consistently good thing I see here is we are united and share information on daily if not hourly basis, i know we don't have much of a choice, but still, this is precious, and that's the only way to be informed and keep the hope up during this difficult time. So whatever the end saga is, i'm so glad to know you guys here, everyone contributing here is a hero
my take on today's announcement is neutral. reason i rate it this way is because although previous announcements were all reading confident and positive, we LTH always know it's sugarcoated and never looking that good, so this time, they decided to use the raw language to give us an idea about the raw situation at the moment, which, might be a bit bitter to swallow tonight, but I rather see that kinda blunt communication than some meaningless bs.
there's a little more I'd like to share with you guys, I was actually born in China but spend half of my life in Australia now (in my 30's), i fully understand the attacks on China which I was doing some times myself too tbh

, but it's quite complicated, just like in DRC, we have the villains but we also have the kikis and francks, and although Zijin is a dh, we also have CATH, huayou and all that on our side (i hope they are not enermies within

) anyway, i've also been keeping an eye on the chinese internet domain for news, it's very limited and mostly are pro-zijin (mostly paid i reckon), if there's anything of value i'd share it here
the situation is pretty complicated now, it went from AVZ vs Zijin to AVZ vs the dark force which is Zijin + DRC gov in my view, from what we have observed over the last few months this country surely pays a little respect to its own code, law and has very minimal interest to the wellbeing of its people - it's all about personal wealth and political gains. i personally think the utmost important thing is to get all stakeholders back on the same table and work out anything that's not too unfavourable to us to get the ball rolling, as some said here, it's either 1c or $12