I found this an interesting statement.
I would also encourage Aussie retail investors to continue to learn more about how Congolese (regular folks and its elites) currently view the West and the geopolitical rivalry in Africa w/ China. One concrete (though imperfect) way to do so is to continue to follow Congolese Twitter influencers and their tweets about the US, Russia, Mali, France, the conflict w/ Rwanda and the M23 rebel groups, etc. Of all of Africa's peoples, Congolese are deeply skeptical of Westerners and intrigued by China's rise. And, given their history, it is from their vantage point understandable. $AVZ
Interesting point Sammael.
We tend to view things through a Western lens where the separation of powers, rule of law and accountability are givens. We denounce and condemn graft and corruption. However, other countries, including the DRC have a different set of values, particularly where government and business intersect. Regardless of whether we like it or not, graft, corruption and payola are accepted ways of getting things through an opaque and often moribund system.
While AVZ should not engage in corruption, it helps to understand the local context and negotiate agreements that all sides can live with, rather than perhaps maintaining the moral high ground and losing a head-to-head battle. AVZ cannot win a zero sum game when the table is rigged and the umpire makes up the rules on the fly. That means ultimately giving something in order to remain in the game.
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