Ties up with the timeline of the zijin letter to cominiere, but obviously they’ve been unable to wrap it up and the 60 days of the original offer has expired...but an extended offer has probably been issued
As per the article
@Charbella posted earlier this morning - “according to the mining code, any portion of a permit to which its holder renounces is first paid into the public domain of the State, it means that any interested person to apply to the Minier Cadastre.”
So if 13359 is split, it goes back to CAMI first....Zijin would technically need to apply and they would likely be competiting against other applicants; along side, no doubt, Mupandes mates AJN even with a bank balance of sub $1m

....id also assume some other big players will have been sniffing around trying to suss out the situation to see if there is now an avenue open to submit and application and mine it themselves....and even if AJN did snag it , AJN would probably flog it on for a few hundred million in any case ; so to prevent any of that, zijin have probably thought that they need to keep 13359 as one and they’ll try work out something whereby ( whilst trying to slips under the mining code without making too much noise ) , they get to take a chunk of Manono without having it reissued and becoming open season with best in best dressed for the North...
its difficult to see how they can take north without having it split and going back to cami.....but they’ve likely been behind the wavering of the decree ; the excuse issued within the wavering was basically ‘need to knock out the conflict between shareholder’.. The comment from Tommy fluteheads article, where Ms Chen Chen from Zijins Legal council basically says, that AVZ should communicate with the other shareholders, suggests that zijin probably expected AVZ to start to hyperventilate, thinking that all is nearly lost and be pressured into negotiation with leverage being increased on Zijins side with wording ‘urgency’ for a decision to be made...'paralysis of project..'.
I had heard that AVZ had appealed straight away after receipt of the decree wavering, but thought ye nah probably untrue, then the response to MoM which only popped up on Twitter this week had me thinking that they just of only responded this week, until I seen the date on the original letter posted here, which verified that AVZ were on the ball with their appeal ; so even though everyone was losing their minds and thinking how would she react to such a letter...we’ll that letter was opened and read by MoM near two weeks prior .
AVZ response which was legally very to the point, is something id say Zijin were either not expecting or hoping AVZ would just rush to the table to negotiate.
ICC is coming up in April, I don't think Zijin will want to get to those steps ; they know that negotiating with AVZ would be highly unlikely now and with the whole tenement now under 13359 things are maybe more in AVZs favour ; albeit AVZ currently don't have a decree, but which AVZ have now given legal reason, as to why the decrees should not be waivered which probably gave MoM a holy fuck moment
So what happens now, has Zijin realized that cancelling the split and trying to negotiate is not the best avenue to try and capture the north or the 15%.....MoM will be feeling the heat also considering she cancelled without following the code.. does it suit them to run with plan xyz, get MoM to cancel the waiver (it pulls her somewhat out of the fire) and reissue the decrees , as they were and try and do a deal with Mupande with regard to applications and so either they go as a 100% applicant or maybe use cominiere or AJN pick it up and run with it that way, with some sort of JV?
I cant see Zijin being successful in ICC for the 15%, unless they manage to brown bag...i doubt they want to go there(ICC). The only I can see this working in Zijins favour is reissuing of the decrees and trying organise something with cami ; I assume the decrees be reissued and MoM hanging onto the comments in AVZ appeal letter, that AVZ didn't consider the partitioning to be illegal and just reissuing under those same conditions or could AVZ get lucky here and Felix deciding that the decrees have been cancelled and one decree announced to cover Exploitation across the tenement in compliance with the mining code and all the dirt washed off in one wipe....but maybe Felix is happy enough behind closed doors, to let it roll with the split and run some of the big hitters into the north
The greed and lust for Manono ; all just highlights the importance of the resource