Yes agree Carlos, odd thing for Klaus to say ; I reckon if AJNs application was withdrawn it would probably suggest that the state was trying to dull down this Cominiere (state) bullshite ; Cominiere accept Zijins offer, use the partitioning to slide the Zijin problem (15%) out of Dathcom and give them the North , which would result also in the 15% going back to cominiere who’d kindly offering it up to AVZ under ROFR

...state owned Cominiere getting all win for the incompetent !
obviously not the greatest for AVZ, with North being the antidote....imo the North has clearly been the stalling issue with AVZ claiming they didn't renounce the project, but agreeing to it falling back under an Exploration licence under Dathcom I.e not required to apply for it again.
With the reasoning behind the waiver not actually following the mining code ; I suspect that MoM was trying / hoping to force AVZ to the table and end their fight for the North..MoM I assume that she would have known, from the first mention of this reasoning, knew that it wasn't in line with the mining code....
Nigels response as per your post - paraphrasing -'Nah get fucked cunts you're just making shit up the initial decrees still stand according to the mining code'
Yes agree; the response was with sniper precision I reckon ; I don't think it left MoM with much movement ; it's backed her up into a corner imo..but we can see that's she's made a move outside the code....ive never had an issue with MoM, I considered her an allie ; I've heard before that the Chinese we're putting pressure on her to just take the north..this rolled on to just cancelling Dathoms licence, but she's hardline batted then back everytime......but now it appears that she's to ready to take a few shortcuts and deviate..she could well just be using the excuse that it was only ‘partially’ waivered with an intent to push the stalemate forward and only trying to get parties to the table in order to agree on a resolution so as to move forward with the Manono lithium project and she wasn't acting outside the code....but Dathcoms president NF has taken a clear stance, so it appears we’re at a point where something has got to give / break....will Nigels comment basically saying no legal issues around the split be an angle MoM / CAMi / state will now try and leverage off?
I think we’re at the pointy end now where they won't wanna go to ICC and we need to get this project moving ; AJN application in the this stage is be happy enough to let Zijin run with the 15% and for Dathcom to pull in the north under exploitation ; Zijin get 15% in a potential 2 billion tonne resource for fuck all and mining codes adhered to; give the DRC an extra 5% and move on....