AVZ Discussion 2022


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Jens Emil Soderlund

$AVZ so ppl asking me what’s next - not an easy question to answer IMO Note: Below are my views based on observations and local intel from Congolese;
1. MMGACIC huge tick, as been booted and this has now to get back to DRC higher powers (PR, MoP, MoJ, Mom etc), so question remains will this be enough to readdress our MoU, which has been drafted up, reviewed and ready to sign ? Personally, I don’t think so as geo political landscape is getting muddier and more complicated (elections - EU has withdrawn their team for coming elections);

As a local Congolese contact commented re EU withdrawal of electoral experts “IF THERE ARE REAL ELECTIONS” So he is hinting will this be another rigged election ?

3. The two main opponents to Mr Felix Tshisekedi, who are the most popular are Katumbi and Fayulu - leading contender more Moise Katumbi. Best outcome for us SHs is IF one of these contenders or both bring up “AVZ file” as an exemple how corrupt Sama2 has been and use this file as debate topic (as here Australian followed their Law and Minining Code down to a tee, and see you let Chinese Zijin steal it out from under their nose) or

Will any opponent go as far as calling out the PR as a traitor ((selling out his country, as in still too much corruption) and which still carries the death sentence in DRC)), but I doubt this will happen as society / government will be thrown into kaos and even a sound mind of any opponent wouldn’t want this for their People / country, as all know democracies are not built over a day.

ICC / Washington / ICSID. It is well known in local circles that the Cominiere informed his superiors (MoP, MoM, MoJ and higher up to PR, that AVZ has done nada in PR15775, as in not proving up any resource in that area - we all know this is an outright lie (CdL and more), once this is known and proven to higher powers, this hopefully will - minimum - move the boarder line to original ML decree (where South was much higher up than so claimed Manono Lithium (Zijin)), and North originally was to provided to us as an extended exploration license) Conclusion, with all above taken into consideration, worst case we will have an MoU / ML for the “original” South, the million dollar question is how soon or after elections Q1 next year under a new PM (like VK) and where MoP is moved to some other small ministerial function.

So yes, IMO Mr Tshisekedi will be re-elected again, whether rightfully or not. In the meantime, we will just have to witness Zijin drilling on an area of Manono (since November 15), part of which drillings has already been proven up with the blessing of corrupt Cominiere; Lisette, Célestin and Adele #Zijin but there will IMO be consequences here (as in at least moving the Manono Lithium further North). Next couple of months will be a nervy one for all, both for locals and us foreign investors and hope that the higher powers in DRC will take ICC further findings seriously and address AVZ file, accordingly. As for ICSID - any incumbent would have to take this seriously, last trump card - that has to disappear - otherwise no more funding from current stalled 1bn USD World Bank funds !! Jens Emil Soderlund
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Cumquat Cap

How much is the Rd/South worth in everyone's estimation? would be nice to get this moving whilst they bicker over the northern portion FFS
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Sorry to bring up the topic again . What is the method of extraction when it comes to collecting the $$$ from Cominiere ? Where are the $$$ coming from ? Does AVZ get it in one lump sum or can the DRC delay it or f--k us around and drip feed it ? Clearly if AVZ can access this money then concerns around running costs and legal expenses disappear completely . 1 million $$$ a week in fines is in and of itself a decent business and Cominiere is being very accommodating providing proof on a regular basis of their breach. Cheers
Taking a step back, we have ongoing cases against them so non-payment on emergency rulings will look poorly on them - so logically they can't just do a runner.

If they do a runner*, because lets face it they probably don't care about ICC cases and its just to drain our funds - I've mentioned before that ICC and ICSID have the power to intercept payments from most international banks and institutions. DLA just need to raise this point to the courts - and wouldn't you know it, if you don't pay according to ICC and ICSID, they don't really favour you going forward.

*This is a possibility for sure.... Refusing to pay is classic DRC, playing the victim, crying poor etc. but there is precedence for intercepting payments which is easy to argue.

For the way payments work, if the damages amount is high, they will draft the payment scheme. If its payment to the Arbitrator and legal teams, its a lump sum immediately, but won't go through AVZ, payable directly to DLA and ICC/ICSID.

We can even ask the courts to force securitization at the next hearings which puts a portion of the payable amount into escrow and will be paid upon a verdict. I'd say with the penalty ticking up to 100mil, we could ask for 20mil as security without much issue - then just work on the verdict and 20mil instant in the bank with the following 80mil that we have to chase up.

Obviously leaving it to DLA and BOD to decide, but that's my takeaway, and why i'm cool as a cucumber.

everyone revolution GIF

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Taking a step back, we have ongoing cases against them so non-payment on emergency rulings will look poorly on them - so logically they can't just do a runner.

If they do a runner*, because lets face it they probably don't care about ICC cases and its just to drain our funds - I've mentioned before that ICC and ICSID have the power to intercept payments from most international banks and institutions. DLA just need to raise this point to the courts - and wouldn't you know it, if you don't pay according to ICC and ICSID, they don't really favour you going forward.

*This is a possibility for sure.... Refusing to pay is classic DRC, playing the victim, crying poor etc. but there is precedence for intercepting payments which is easy to argue.

For the way payments work, if the damages amount is high, they will draft the payment scheme. If its payment to the Arbitrator and legal teams, its a lump sum immediately, but won't go through AVZ, payable directly to
I guess another question is where would Cominiere come up with 20million USD, let alone 100m? I can't imagine they are often receiving transactions with these kind of funds that could be intercepted, given they were complaining before about not having the cash available to fund their operations as is. ZIJIN could stump up I guess, but I can't see them making that easy for us given they are trying to choke us into the ground. I know Cominiere have made selling off tenements into an art form and not depositing the funds into the government coffers, but this doesn't seem to happen all that regularly and seemingly rarely at the lofty figures we may expect if 100k keeps ticking over. I wonder what their operating budget is and whether that's something that could be intercepted- though that would put the government off.
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Hi all, very interesting read8ng peoples comments on what might happen next now we're out of the MMGA chapter.

I'd be interested what everyone's thoughts are on our relationship with CATH. They sided with MMGA right? So now that they've public sided with a Chinese cartel that's against the interests of most shareholders...

Is it still good keeping them involved?
I always thought they were a good complement to the project, but can we still consider them a reliable partner knowing they will willingly conspire with other Chinese parties to screw other shareholders out of their interests? Or is that just the risk of business?

CATH was always getting a great deal. If they'd wanted to sign the dotted line before mining license I'm sure they could have, but they didn't. And a lit has changed since then. $20mil break fee? Well probably end up getting that much in damages. Or another party willing to stump it up as part of a better deal. But I assume TIA has a clause about not engaging with other parties, but given WhatsApp happend and how long the process has dragged out I wonder how valid such a claus would still be.

I don't know who would replace them, but um sure other parties have approached AVZ about creating an alternatieve arrangement (Saudis?).

CATH bring processing knowledge and funding that could help the project grow,
But they also got a stupid cheap deal and have now shown they're wilting to conspire against other holders.
But if they weren't involved the Democratic Republic of Chingo might continue to freak out about a mining operation with no local Chinese involvement.

So where does that leave us?
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Cumquat Cap

Some great points raised, I personally would prefer to piss them off entirely in lieu of another partner - Saudi's, US et al.

Problem is it is difficult to ascertain the market for a JV partner and whether other countries would scoff at the DRC exposure, avz' plight in the media certainty isn't helping.

We're stuck between a rock and a Chinese miner currently and I would prefer to get rid of Pei and CATH as their allegiances will always be CCP.

I have heard a few rumours that Felix doesn't want any Chinese around Manono which I doubt is true given what we have seen over the past 12 months.

Nightmare currently
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I guess another question is where would Cominiere come up with 20million USD, let alone 100m? I can't imagine they are often receiving transactions with these kind of funds that could be intercepted, given they were complaining before about not having the cash available to fund their operations as is. ZIJIN could stump up I guess, but I can't see them making that easy for us given they are trying to choke us into the ground. I know Cominiere have made selling off tenements into an art form and not depositing the funds into the government coffers, but this doesn't seem to happen all that regularly and seemingly rarely at the lofty figures we may expect if 100k keeps ticking over. I wonder what their operating budget is and whether that's something that could be intercepted- though that would put the government off.

If you have assets and no dry powder, what do banks do to lend you money?

If Cominiere don't pay securitization, the entire case goes in favour of AVZ?

On top of this, lithium produced could be legally ambiguous and many international companies may not consider dealing with them - not 100% conflict minerals of course, but along those lines, it makes their production and distribution very narrow.

I'm sure 20m securitization would be paid for by Zijin in anycase. then try and delay the verdicts.... This saves face, makes the timeline longer etc etc.

15775 has dividend payment to Cominiere in the JV, advance funds etc. If Z doesn;t pay them, could also turn them back to us.

I'd suggest doing your own research and coming to some conclusions. But funding and obtaining damages is pretty standard - also getting the new partners to foot the bill is super common for those snack munchers.
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Hi all, very interesting read8ng peoples comments on what might happen next now we're out of the MMGA chapter.

I'd be interested what everyone's thoughts are on our relationship with CATH. They sided with MMGA right? So now that they've public sided with a Chinese cartel that's against the interests of most shareholders...

Is it still good keeping them involved?
I always thought they were a good complement to the project, but can we still consider them a reliable partner knowing they will willingly conspire with other Chinese parties to screw other shareholders out of their interests? Or is that just the risk of business?

CATH was always getting a great deal. If they'd wanted to sign the dotted line before mining license I'm sure they could have, but they didn't. And a lit has changed since then. $20mil break fee? Well probably end up getting that much in damages. Or another party willing to stump it up as part of a better deal. But I assume TIA has a clause about not engaging with other parties, but given WhatsApp happend and how long the process has dragged out I wonder how valid such a claus would still be.

I don't know who would replace them, but um sure other parties have approached AVZ about creating an alternatieve arrangement (Saudis?).

CATH bring processing knowledge and funding that could help the project grow,
But they also got a stupid cheap deal and have now shown they're wilting to conspire against other holders.
But if they weren't involved the Democratic Republic of Chingo might continue to freak out about a mining operation with no local Chinese involvement.

So where does that leave us?
I would say that Cath (if they voted against AVZ BoD and in favour of the clowns team, AVZ would know this) is well aware that rocking up at the AVZ office for a cuppa and a chew the fat exercise, is for the next few weeks not so smart.

I don't know what Xi told his troops to do, after the MMGA debacle.
Xi understands a big fat middle finger for him, don't you worry, it is a face loosing exercise for Xi.

Fuck Zijin

People stating the DRC/Zijin/Cominiere can't pay.... they can pay the next 10-20 years of production from Manono, tax free to AVZ fukkum.
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Taking a step back, we have ongoing cases against them so non-payment on emergency rulings will look poorly on them - so logically they can't just do a runner.

If they do a runner*, because lets face it they probably don't care about ICC cases and its just to drain our funds - I've mentioned before that ICC and ICSID have the power to intercept payments from most international banks and institutions. DLA just need to raise this point to the courts - and wouldn't you know it, if you don't pay according to ICC and ICSID, they don't really favour you going forward.

*This is a possibility for sure.... Refusing to pay is classic DRC, playing the victim, crying poor etc. but there is precedence for intercepting payments which is easy to argue.

For the way payments work, if the damages amount is high, they will draft the payment scheme. If its payment to the Arbitrator and legal teams, its a lump sum immediately, but won't go through AVZ, payable directly to DLA and ICC/ICSID.

We can even ask the courts to force securitization at the next hearings which puts a portion of the payable amount into escrow and will be paid upon a verdict. I'd say with the penalty ticking up to 100mil, we could ask for 20mil as security without much issue - then just work on the verdict and 20mil instant in the bank with the following 80mil that we have to chase up.

Obviously leaving it to DLA and BOD to decide, but that's my takeaway, and why i'm cool as a cucumber.

everyone revolution GIF

Thanks again mate .I guess first things first is the MoU .Unfortunately delayed due to the attempted MMGA coup , however already written up and ready to be signed after several meetings with "high level" members of the DRC gov. Once we know the outcome of that I'm guessing we will know what our path is moving forward, and also a sense of closure to the uncertainty SH have endured . IMO
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I am highly interested in the current state of the "said" MOU between AVZ and presumably the DRC Government

What is the content?

Who are the participants?

What are the objectives?

Who is accountable?

What conditions are involved?

How enforecable is the MOU if it's a non-binding agreement?

If anyone can add to the discussion I'd really appreciate the contribution because after getting the fucktard, anti-Australian, money grubbing, Tommy loving, MMGA, Chinese backed corrupted arseholes out of the way for the time being this for me is the next most critical piece of the puzzle

Disclaimer: And I mean this 100% .... don't share a fucking word of anything here on the open forum if it might prejudice the plans of the current BOD or assist the self serving c#nts trying to steal Manono from genuine shareholders/stakeholders and the good people of the DRC.....you know who those pricks are
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I am highly interested in the current state of the "said" MOU between AVZ and presumably the DRC Government

What is the content?

Who are the participants?

What are the objectives?

Who is accountable?

What conditions are involved?

How enforecable is the MOU if it's a non-binding agreement?

If anyone can add to the discussion I'd really appreciate the contribution because after getting the fucktard, anti-Australian, money grubbing, Tommy loving, MMGA, Chinese backed corrupted arseholes out of the way for the time being this for me is the next most critical piece of the puzzle

Disclaimer: And I mean this 100% .... don't share a fucking word of anything here on the open forum if it might prejudice the plans of the current BOD or assist the self serving c#nts trying to steal Manono from genuine shareholders/stakeholders and the good people of the DRC.....you know who those pricks are
Sorry W.N I’m a bit confused by your disclaimer… this forum is available to anyone whether you have a stock exchange account or not, you can read all the threads - therefore an open forum. I’ve probably misunderstood and completely agree with keeping any information which may jeopardise us away from here, but was confused by your wording?
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Sorry W.N I’m a bit confused by your disclaimer… this forum is available to anyone whether you have a stock exchange account or not, you can read all the threads - therefore an open forum. I’ve probably misunderstood and completely agree with keeping any information which may jeopardise us away from here, but was confused by your wording?
Just interested in what's happening going forward with the MOU now that the MMGA goons are sidelined after their absolute fucking arsekicking at the AGM

What a complete and utter public flogging that was.....embarrassing for MMGA and Fat Slob Holdings

Complete DUDS with corrupt backers

Anyhoo...wanted to move on and discuss the potential AVZ/DRC MOU but maybe that's best left to the board and the appropriate time

No need to carry on ....might wait for an official announcement for the time being rather than speculate

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Sorry W.N I’m a bit confused by your disclaimer… this forum is available to anyone whether you have a stock exchange account or not, you can read all the threads - therefore an open forum. I’ve probably misunderstood and completely agree with keeping any information which may jeopardise us away from here, but was confused by your wording?
He's advising the secret squirrel crew to discuss things off forum on their Wechat group. Or some other safe space for sensitive souls. Apparently this place is infested with spies. 🥺
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Cumquat Cap

Not a great sign Felix waving off the EU counterparts who were there for electoral legitimacy.

Biden and the US won't play too nicely if there's been signs of electoral fraud (which there certaintly will be).

Felix has shown his true colours in the past 6 months imo
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Not a great sign Felix waving off the EU counterparts who were there for electoral legitimacy.

Biden and the US won't play too nicely if there's been signs of electoral fraud (which there certaintly will be).

Felix has shown his true colours in the past 6 months imo
The US were fine with the election shenanigans last time around, I'd say their response will be predicated on their view of FT's position vis-a-vis China versus the West.
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"The Company is continuing to investigate the conduct of certain third parties and the unauthorised disclosure of confidential and privileged information"

"The Board expects the conclusion of this investigation to allow it and the Company’s management team to refocus its efforts on its strategy to advance the development the Manono "

Refocus ??? Maybe do both at the same time . Get the f--king ML /settlement asap AND investigate certain third parties . You getting paid enough to multi task .
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Cumquat Cap

Nigel better get his ass back to the DRC and see if Felix wants to sign this MoU as part of his campaign platform - a bullshit excuse tabled for the delay a few months ago.
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