AVZ Discussion 2022


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didnt contradict myself at all, and also explained myself and reconciled your short sightedness which you still refuse to acknowledge and then rather than PM me and ask all the questions you like to put an end to this madness you'd prefer to keep carrying on. Im not playing the religious card at all, ive been attacked for my name and went out of my way to explain that too. Your the one who accused me of stealing your name as if you have a trademark on it, so dont sook when you reminded that you have overstepped your islamic rights, cop it on the chin and man up

This is absolutely pathetic all round, multiple ppl having the nerve to ask who I am on HC, yet when I tell them to PM and I'll answer every question they want they go on to prove that theyd just prefer to troll. At least we've sorted who the real disingenious trolls are now so we can get back to discussing the stock only at last
Season 1 Reaction GIF by Rick and Morty
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Yassen, I am not a regular poster but your introduction, timing and number of posts are completely suspicious.
If you are not a troll then out of respect for the group, I suggest you give it a rest until after the AGM….take a breather.
A lot of $ on the line so pointless posting as you will continue to be attacked.
Best to back off mate….at least for now.

didnt contrdict myself at all, and also explained myself and reconciled your short sightedness which you still refuse to acknowledge and then rather than PM me and ask all the questions you like to put an end to this you'd prefer to keep carrying on. Im not playing the religious card at all, ive been attacked for my name and explained that too, and yes I'd expect better of a muslim, in fact anyone with some morals for that matter

Absolutely pathetic all round
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Yassen, I am not a regular poster but your introduction, timing and number of posts are completely suspicious.
If you are not a troll then out of respect for the group, I suggest you give it a rest until after the AGM….take a breather.
A lot of $ on the line so pointless posting as you will continue to be attacked.
Best to back off mate….at least for now.
so strange that Ive offered to prove to multiple ppl in PM that I am a genuine holder and also who i am on the crapper and X. To add to that Im pro board, anti MMGA and anti chinese coup. Yet instead of a sinlge person attacking me showing some genuineness the attacks persist

truly baffling, it really is

I have no idea how anyone can deny these individuals are attacking like a cult

anywho, if everyone cld just stick to discussing the stock and sticking the site rules all would be fixed, lets see
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I dont need to justify myself ot the cult, but am more than willing to prove to at least one of you privately who I am on HC and X, yet ironically not a single one of you are willing to do that thus far, instead you'd prefer to post gifs, high fivce each other and insult a fellow holder whilst carrying on like a pack of spoiled bully children

A few cult members asked you to put up some screenshots from x of you fighting the good fight that you claimed to be doing but you couldn't.

Put up or shut up before you piss off the cult leader.

I asked him what he thought of you so far and he just gave me this concerned look...

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A few cult members asked you to put up some screenshots from x of you fighting the good fight that you claimed to be doing but you couldn't.

Put up or shut up before you piss off the cult leader.

I asked him what he thought of you so far and he just gave me this concerned look...

View attachment 49930
if anyone wants proof(which they are not entitled to) then Im willing to give it in PM as said just to end the madness, but not one of you seem to respect anonomity. I dont need to post to justify myself to a bunch of ppl who are carrying on....can not one of the high ranking cult members show some leadership and genuineness and PM me so the attacks can stop and we can use the forum for the purpose of the forum...to discuss the stock

if none of you can then be content to know anyone who's sincere here knows who the real trolls are, you guys are basking in it and are showing you have no desire to put an end to it
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Aree you Hot Investor? Because you don't understand fuck off just like him
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if anyone wants proof(which they are not entitled to) then Im willing to give it in PM as said just to end the madness, but not one of you seem to respect anonomity. I dont need to post to justify myself to a bunch of ppl who are carrying on....can not one of the high ranking cult members show some leadership and genuineness and PM me so the attacks can stop and we can use the forum for the purpose of the forum...to discuss the stock

if none of you can then be content to know anyone who's sincere here knows who the real trolls are, you guys are basking in it and are showing you have no desire to put an end to it
Stop playing stupid games and post the information here.
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I dont need to justify myself ot the cult, but am more than willing to prove to at least one of you privately who I am on HC and X, yet ironically not a single one of you are willing to do that thus far, instead you'd prefer to post gifs, high fivce each other and insult a fellow holder whilst carrying on like a pack of spoiled bully children
Send me the information then
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Aree you Hot Investor? Because you don't understand fuck off just like him
im going to ignore all the bs troll replies and see if anyone of you has some decency
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im going to ignore all the bs troll replies and see if anyone of you has some decency
Yaseen, take a step back and take some time to cool off. You won't win against herd mentality. Sometimes people call me a troll or downramper but I feel like I know as much as the next poster.

You seem normal enough to me (without interrogating every single post you've ever made) but it's getting too hot in here and everyone's a little on edge right now and understandably, but continuing this argument is just turning this forum to shit. Someone be the bigger man/women/they/them/other/it and stfu.
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im going to ignore all the bs troll replies and see if anyone of you has some decency
For someone who continually tells everyone to stay on topic maybe you should take your own advice? Not a mention of AVZ in your recent posts.

Oh, and fuck off!
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For someone who continually tells everyone to stay on topic maybe you should take your own advice? Not a mention of AVZ in your recent posts.

Oh, and fuck off!
you bait, I reply and then you bait some more and tell me to fuck off lol

I'll await Jags verification to the thread and let the Cheif put the minions in their place
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Master of Quan
hahaha Shane had my post modded for saying we need to throw out the trash, priceless!!!
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Master of Quan
hahaha Shane had my post modded for saying we need to throw out the trash, priceless!!!
weak as piss zee

'Reason: The post contains a request for gossip and suggests throwing out the trash. This can be seen as trolling or baiting behavior, which is not allowed on the forum.'

So you cant ask for gossip or to take out the trash? WTF is that?

Welcome to hot crapper. Well done Shane, just what you wanted.
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will there be any apologies forthcoming once Jag verfies what Ive said to be true?

maybe best to not dig your hole any deeper until then hey
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