AVZ Discussion 2022

Dave Evans

so strange that Ive offered to prove to multiple ppl in PM that I am a genuine holder and also who i am on the crapper and X. To add to that Im pro board, anti MMGA and anti chinese coup. Yet instead of a sinlge person attacking me showing some genuineness the attacks persist

truly baffling, it really is

I have no idea how anyone can deny these individuals are attacking like a cult

anywho, if everyone cld just stick to discussing the stock and sticking the site rules all would be fixed, lets see

With less than a week to go to the most important AGM in AVZ’s history and you turn up here posting more than 10 posts a day of rubbish.

Long term shareholders and members of tse have been posting information here for nearly 2 years and there are over 50 threads on tse…. with over 30 of those just containing over 18 months worth of stored facts.

How convenient with less than a week until the most important AGM in AVZ’s history that you turn up here wanting everyone to take notice of you, and the only thing you offer on MMGA is calling them maggots, and at the same time distracting the conversation away from their links to the Chinese companies backing them.

All you have done is keep insinuating that AVZ won’t be able to reach an agreement with Felix Tshisekedi and you further suggest we won’t relist.

The exact same agenda that MMGA is pushing. Then you like to throw CATH into the mix to try and imply into the narrative that the current BOD hasn’t got any good relationships.

It’s Nigel who has had conversations with Felix Tshisekedi and he has explained that his reasons regarding disclosure have been because of the respect and good relationship he has with Felix, unlike MMGA who have only had discussions with Simon Cong, Kibeya Kabemba and lower ranked ministers like Guy Loando.

Unfortunately in an election year, Felix’s powers have been limited by those ministers who carry votes for his political party as well as colluding and holding sway over the mining portfolios.

Felix increased the power of Jules Alingette (IGF) who has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to rid the DRC of corruption. Not an easy job when we even see corruption being swept under the carpet by our own political parties here in Australia.

Also in regard to Felix, Michael Carrick implied that he had spoken to Felix when he told shareholders that Felix is waiting until after the AGM before signing any MOU, but as I stated earlier, Carrick and the other MMGA nominees have not had an audience with Felix.

Most shareholders here recognise you are a narcissist and are ignoring you. That hasn’t stopped your attempts to disrupt the threads and do your best to bring the tse community into disrepute. We know many shareholders have learned that more information is shared here on tse than anywhere else, and it has been shared by those you refer to as being in a cult.

You use the same methods as others who have previously trolled tse and no one cares about you saying you own AVZ shares, short sellers own them too.

Everyone here sees you for who you are and any shareholders who are new to tse can access a library of information on the threads and know that you should be ignored.

You deserve to be permanently suspended for trolling these threads, but seeing zeebots hasn’t done it yet, I’ll be ignoring you like so many others are. Don’t bother wasting my or anyone else’s time on here with more of your constant bullshit.
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With less than a week to go to the most important AGM in AVZ’s history and you turn up here posting more than 10 posts a day of rubbish.

Long term shareholders and members of tse have been posting information here for nearly 2 years and there are over 50 threads on tse…. with over 20 of those started by me and contain over 18 months worth of stored facts.

How convenient with less than a week until the most important AGM is AVZ’s history that you turn up here wanting everyone to take notice of you, and the only thing you offer on MMGA is calling them maggots, and at the same time distracting the conversation away from their links to the Chinese companies backing them.

All you have done is keep insinuating that AVZ won’t be able to reach an agreement with Felix Tshisekedi and you further suggest we won’t relist.

The exact same agenda that MMGA is pushing. Then you like to throw CATH into the mix to try and imply into the narrative that the current BOD hasn’t got any good relationships.

It’s Nigel who has had conversations with Felix Tshisekedi and has has explained that his reasons regarding disclosure have been because of the respect and good relationship he has with Felix, unlike MMGA who have only had discussions Simon Cong, Kibeya Kabemba and lower ranked ministers like Guy Loando.

Unfortunately in an election year, Felix’s powers have been limited by those ministers who carry votes for his political party as well as colluding and holding sway over the mining portfolios.

Felix increased the power of Jules Alingette (IGF) who has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to rid the DRC of corruption. Not an easy job when we even see corruption being swept under the carpet by our own political parties here in Australia.

Also in regard to Felix, Michael Carrick implied that he had spoken to Felix when he told shareholders that Felix is waiting until after the AGM before signing any MOU, but as I stated earlier, Carrick and the other MMGA nominees have not had an audience with Felix.

Most shareholders here recognise you are a narcissist and are ignoring you. That hasn’t stopped your attempts to disrupt the threads and do your best to bring the tse community into disrepute. We know many shareholders have learned that more information is shared here on tse than anywhere else, and it has been shared by those you refer to as being in a cult.

You use the same methods as others who have previously trolled tse and no one cares about you saying you own AVZ shares, short sellers own them too.

Everyone here sees you for who you are and any shareholders who are new to tse can access a library of information on the threads and know that you should be ignored.

You deserve to be permanently suspended for trolling these threads, but seeing zeebots hasn’t done it yet, I’ll be ignoring you like so many others are. Don’t bother wasting my or anyone else’s time on here with more of your constant bullshit.

Very well said my esteemed TSE brother.

Clear and cut right through the bullshit.

Great Gatsby Movie GIF by Sony
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will there be any apologies forthcoming once Jag verfies what Ive said to be true?

maybe best to not dig your hole any deeper until then hey

Not sure if this is worth the effort tbh on seeing what's transpired since your first posts

If you are indeed genuine, what's with the blatant inability to address the patent mistake you made introducing yourself on here on a day of positivity (ICC announcement) and instead of taking the win (one we have had too little of over the last 2years) and celebrating like any long suffering shareholder would. You made that mistake. Of course that's suspicious behaviour.

If you were indeed also a long-time lurker on here, you would damn well know through experience in seeing others that coming on here all negative and then abusing members calling them childish and cult members wouldn't win you any favour. Indeed, you would know, it would result in people calling you a troll and reporting you practicing their right to expel any underhanded characters from the forum. You made that mistake.

On that note, in being a new member at such a heightened time, an of course, being a genuine shareholder you would know that these are tense times for the company. One would think that you would be self-aware enough (especially as a SH) to realise that, an of course, having read the forums, you would be painfully aware this forum in particular gives no quarters to trolls. You made that mistake, that is suspiciously similar to **************s mistakes of past.

We have had many trolls try enter this place, it gets boring, so yeah don't expect the red carpet if you turn up and start calling people childish and this place a cult. Which begs the question why are you so desperate to enter a cult?

So is it indeed you that needs to apologise?

Simply put Yaseen, if everyone in the room has an issue with your behaviour, maybe, just maybe its your actions/words and not every single other individual.
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You made that mistake, that is suspiciously similar to **************s mistakes of past
Ruh roh you said the forbidden name
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Albo is starting to catch up to Felix in frequent flyer miles too.
Ahh I see you've been swindled by sky news, what else does a PM do but meet and greet, it's their job
Your goal as usual Geist is to destabilise, disrupt, cause worry and concern. Bring focus away form the unity we have here and get people upset, arguing with you etc.

You're the arrogant creepy fuck who thinks he's some super spy, with multiple identities, thinking you're tricking everyone, manipulating everyone.
You're really sickening you know that?

You must be beside yourself at how many times you've tried to creep your way in to TSE but been rejected.
Careful old boy, your rage is poking through on your last post.

I don't read your posts and I encourage everyone to pay attention to how much effort Geist here puts into writing things that trigger/annoy/anger you, and that's the goal of course to get everyone raging and upset instead of unified.
And in the end he'll use that anger and try to steer it towards the BoD.

"Remember the BoD is the enemy", haha remember that one Geist? Went a bit far that day old boy.

You're not clever Geist, anyone who's sick enough can manipulate people. But decent people choose not to.

The unity we have here (most of the time) is a HUGE threat to our enemies.
Rumour has it der douche is working for MMGA
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Why is anyone giving this Yaseen any airtime. He is obviously trying to clog the thread with meaningless garbage, his goal is to keep us all off topic, replying to his BS.

Just ignore!
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Id expect to be questioned by the cult, but seeing a fellow muslim in a cult is quite alarming

brother if you are sincere PM me and then you can make a public apology thereafter once I answer your cult like questionaire and provide you with any proof you require, what you are doing right now is not befitting of a muslim, so if you are indeed man enough, a decent muslim, and sincere then PM and I'll answer any questions you have just to put an end to the childish cult mentality here once and for all. If you just want to fulfill ego adn granstand then dont PM me and just keep carrying on

This has become totally insane
You have accused us of circle jerkers and now a cult, so you expect for that, we have to give you a kiss behind each ear and be mighty thankful, drop on the floor and kiss your feet as well?

Whoopie doo, I am seriously impressed with your absolute lack of judgement.
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Mate. No one here gives a shit what religion people are.

I'm Chinese and you don't see me flaunt it in every one of my posts.

People who feel the integrity of a person is from what they post and how they post. People here are welcoming of and support criticisms of the current BOD.

The fact that you seemed to bring up irrelevant shit on a day we had a major big win is highly suspect on a new TSE account.. .and the fact that you're so insistent of people trusting you is more of a reason to be suspicious of you.

The way you previously wrote on here really reminded me of tolate, tbh.
Thaz I have worked and socialised with people all over the world, I only dislike people because of their actions, never their religion, or colour of their skin, or race.

Oh, better rectify, I don't like BS artists, is that being a racist?
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Ahh I see you've been swindled by sky news, what else does a PM do but meet and greet, it's their job

Rumour has it der douche is working for MMGA

Sky who?

If all a PM does is meet and greet, a Concierge would be cheaper.
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DYOR. Do the mathematics. A sale of Dathcom asset in DRC is subject to a DRC Income Tax of 30% if I recall correctly, so the CATH offer worked out to be approx $1.00, not $1.50. After that you'd have to pay CGT in Aust, maybe say 20%, so you'd get AU 80c ? IMO, I would not trust any verbal offer from CATH or Pei. Their true colours are obvious now.

Aus Govt needs to man-up & tell China they have 24 hours to sell their shares in AVZ off-market, back to AVZ at the original <20c buy price.
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Deleted member 2378

yibin, lithium plus & now huayou. Together they have over 600 millionen, this agm voting is going to be crazy. I hope a lot people voted, over 600 millions would be close to the needed 50% if there would be the same amount of votes like the last years. And we only talking about 3 shareholders, I guess there are a lot more Chinese holders in the registry. But this year will be a record of votes.

What could happen to our investment if mmga win?

I mean after „drc law“ we own nothing anymore. If they stop all the court cases we have theoretically no asset with value left and would be worth not a cent. They could easily say the drc law was against us no chance to change it, and fuck us completely. What do you believe is more likely, a complete fuck over, a possible low offer sellout or a little percentage of the south because cominiere is so friendly to us? 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮


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Where is the feasibility study on this PR15775?

At @cominiereSA. A friend is in conflict with Kamoa over his study. These Chinese could simply use the Dathcom Feasibility Study
@AvzMinerals as in the DRC, they do not carry out studies and explorations, distort the data. Case of @SICOMINES and CMOC at TFM.
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I'm guessing 75% of shares will vote this AGM. MMGA will have say 19% from 1,3, 5th big holders. Then let's say another some randoms make up another 10%. It's likely Chinese affiliated entities have holdings in HSBC custody and BNP Paribas nominees and have asked them to vote for their Chinese portions in a certain way.
Doing the math (assuming my 10% is right from other big holdings and randoms corrupted by MMGA), it gives us about 8.5% buffer from people voting in those custodian accounts.
It's gonna be close.

Shall we all take bets on the percentage outcome rather than beating up on new accounts?

My bets on a 53-47 win for the current board
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That’s correct , it’s a sacred name and MY name,

View attachment 49910 which conveniently he chose for HIMSELF when he allegedly migrated from HC or shall I say when MMGA revealed DeBoss’s identity.

He all of sudden decided to be so vocal here on TSE, which begs a question why? Why all of a sudden an urge to reply to all the posts?? In his initial posts he/it said, it was watching the forums from “sidelines” and decided to be part of the discussion (now just before the AGM) so much so he can’t stop.

View attachment 49909

Then he tried to justify his loyalty for AVZ to Wombat by saying he was also vocal on HC against Tolate. So what is it? He was active on forums for a long time but now wanted to stir things here ? Or he was just “reading” the discussion from side lines.

View attachment 49908

So I ask again, which is a true part, sitting at sidelines for too long or posting on HC? When a person is a liar, or with multiple personalities, they cant keep track of what they said where.

TSE doesn’t need his persuasion, and he better change his name to his other confused identities from HC. I am tired of reading his negative narrative under my name. I am going to report to @zeeb0t to send this trash back to HC where it belongs.
Been away for w/e. Caught up 10, 3 pages to go. I hope you got this Y Fkn Troll banned soon. They're wasting too much of our time!
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Wrong 1.75 billion ish is 50%
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I'll be fucking amazed if they get over 20% - stupid cunts.

Minus Lars, Boatman the MMAGOTS and other trolls and detractors they'd be lucky to get 1-2% of informed shareholders and they might luck out with a smattering of retards.
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so strange that Ive offered to prove to multiple ppl in PM that I am a genuine holder and also who i am on the crapper and X. To add to that Im pro board, anti MMGA and anti chinese coup. Yet instead of a sinlge person attacking me showing some genuineness the attacks persist

truly baffling, it really is

I have no idea how anyone can deny these individuals are attacking like a cult

anywho, if everyone cld just stick to discussing the stock and sticking the site rules all would be fixed, lets see
Whats your HC account then?
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