AVZ Discussion 2022


If you are Lars then you are a massive shitstain, go back to X and continue the one way circle jerk with your mates at MMGA, CKK and Tommy
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I actually wish Deboss would still post all the info he has on these vermin. Surely he can make the post and ensure that everything he states is facts to ensure the maggots have no leg to stand on with a defamation case, He could of course post the information and just say "this information was given to me by an anonomous source and Im asking the public to investigate how sound it is", the media do it all the time. He could also not use there real names and just call them things like "bitch tits" did this and that
You know the deal everyone. This isn't HC - time to put the flame out on this new character from Wednesday who is trying to bait everyone to get information out. It must pain you not knowing what secrets we have uncovered. Report, goodbye 👋🏼
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Do I need to post proof to Zeebot that I own the stock and he in turn can put all you arrogant lame cult members in your place just to shut you up. How pathetic some of you have become

Is that the level you kids have raised this too?

grow the hell up ffs
Your goal as usual Geist is to destabilise, disrupt, cause worry and concern. Bring focus away form the unity we have here and get people upset, arguing with you etc.

You're the arrogant creepy fuck who thinks he's some super spy, with multiple identities, thinking you're tricking everyone, manipulating everyone.
You're really sickening you know that?

You must be beside yourself at how many times you've tried to creep your way in to TSE but been rejected.
Careful old boy, your rage is poking through on your last post.

I don't read your posts and I encourage everyone to pay attention to how much effort Geist here puts into writing things that trigger/annoy/anger you, and that's the goal of course to get everyone raging and upset instead of unified.
And in the end he'll use that anger and try to steer it towards the BoD.

"Remember the BoD is the enemy", haha remember that one Geist? Went a bit far that day old boy.

You're not clever Geist, anyone who's sick enough can manipulate people. But decent people choose not to.

The unity we have here (most of the time) is a HUGE threat to our enemies.
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You know the deal everyone. This isn't HC - time to put the flame out on this new character from Wednesday who is trying to bait everyone to get information out. It must pain you not knowing what secrets we have uncovered. Report, goodbye 👋🏼
Indeed my dude.
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100% agree that Cominiere are not doing whats best for their country. It's just that they are so deluded they have somehow convinced themselves they are, and they have reasoning for these delusion which they dont wish to discuss publicly. So yeah as a stab in the dark I assume the Chinese mafia has offered something to further expolit their vulnerability and the countries as a whole (beyond a few bribes). Unfortunately anything the board says abt FT or these high ranking officials is just words thus far(like the last few years) and I cant see them even being in a position to reveal the detials of those discussion in front of MMGA maggots (and there chinese buddies) and these 'words' are all wearing very thin in the face of 18months of increasingly dragged out court cases still no no definite end in sight.
Cominiere are just using the mantra of resource nationalism to drum up support in country for them rat fucking AVZ for the benefit of China

Doing it for the Congo sounds better than we signed contracts and didn't put any money into drilling but now we want a bigger share of the reward from the financial risk taken by AVZ which China will give to us
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one last time...Im here to stick to the tems of the forum and discuss the stock that I own only, and I suggest others do likewise

No matter how hard some try I have no interest in ego's, cults, arrogance, grandstanding or delusions of granduer

Stick to the rules of the forum and discuss the stock like mature adults
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Cominiere are just using the mantra of resource nationalism to drum up support in country for them rat fucking AVZ for the benefit of China

Doing it for the Congo sounds better than we signed contracts and didn't put any money into drilling but now we want a bigger share of the reward from the financial risk taken by AVZ which China will give to us
thats been my thoughts for some time, but when I see these dogs at Cominiere replying to ppl like Frank and others closer to the inner circle than us with things along the lines of "Im willing to show you why our actions are in the interest of the RDC but this cant be discussed publicly" then I start to wonder well hang on what if Frank(or whoever) turned around and said 'fine, private message me and prove this is in the interest of the RDC and ill shut my mouth"?. At least then we can try to get a feel for just how these crooks are trying to justify their fraud

maybe we can put some pressure on Frank or Kiki to do just that, it's in holders best interest to learn every angle of attack the maggots are attempting to come from
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Do I need to post proof to Zeebot that I own the stock and he in turn can put all you arrogant lame cult members in your place just to shut you up. How pathetic some of you have become

Is that the level you kids have raised this too?

grow the hell up ffs

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but when I see these dogs at Cominiere replying to ppl like Frank and others closer to the inner circle than us with things along the lines of "Im willing to show you why our actions are in the interest of the RDC but this cant be discussed publicly"
Maybe you could post some examples of this from X?
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Master of Quan

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one last time...Im here to stick to the tems of the forum and discuss the stock that I own only, and I suggest others do likewise

No matter how hard some try I have no interest in ego's, cults, arrogance, grandstanding or delusions of granduer

Stick to the rules of the forum and discuss the stock like mature adults
"wrap it up man, Ive responded to tolates bs on the crapper numerous times when he started talking his crap"

Mate what name do you go by on the Crapper ? Not Yaseen obviously .
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i'll PM you Wombat as I dont think I owe everyone here an explanation under the circumstance and then maybe you could vouch for me against the cult, you've always been level headed so I think I can trust you
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one last time...Im here to stick to the tems of the forum and discuss the stock that I own only, and I suggest others do likewise

No matter how hard some try I have no interest in ego's, cults, arrogance, grandstanding or delusions of granduer

Stick to the rules of the forum and discuss the stock like mature adults
As a self professed hot crapper migrant, you need to understand that this is a community moderated forum and you're looking at the wrong rule book.

Once you start up with this persistent inflammatory bullshit and spam posting your days are numbered.

"A troll is a person who posts or makes inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages online or in real life, with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception, thus acting as a bully or a provocateur. Wikipedia"

I'm starting to wonder if your lack of punctuation is another form of trolling designed to do people's heads in even more so. 🤔
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one last time...Im here to stick to the tems of the forum and discuss the stock that I own only, and I suggest others do likewise

No matter how hard some try I have no interest in ego's, cults, arrogance, grandstanding or delusions of granduer

Stick to the rules of the forum and discuss the stock like mature adults

Are you LaRsDrank-cum-Yaseen?
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at the rate it's going, it will likely be like this on Thursday


one last time...Im here to stick to the tems of the forum and discuss the stock that I own only, and I suggest others do likewise

No matter how hard some try I have no interest in ego's, cults, arrogance, grandstanding or delusions of granduer

Stick to the rules of the forum and discuss the stock like mature adults
I wasn't going to reply to you again SE, but cut the crap! Firstly, In your first post, for some unknown reason you mentioned what religious faith you were. Who the fuck cares what religious beliefs you have, - that has nothing to do with this forum!
Secondly, you might own shares (minimal), but you didn't pay for them, you were actually gifted them! Isn't that correct?
Go back to your Twitter account (O&G) and bait people there!
Hopefully you enjoy the rest of your Sunday. There's alot more to come, if you keep going!

Nells xx
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i'll PM you Wombat as I dont think I owe everyone here an explanation under the circumstance and then maybe you could vouch for me against the cult, you've always been level headed so I think I can trust you
Sorry mate . I'm not interested . Your PM shall remain unopened and unread . Cheers
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As a self professed hot crapper migrant, you need to understand that this is a community moderated forum and you're looking at the wrong rule book.

Once you start up with this persistent inflammatory bullshit and spam posting your days are numbered.

"A troll is a person who posts or makes inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages online or in real life, with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception, thus acting as a bully or a provocateur. Wikipedia"

I'm starting to wonder if your lack of punctuation is another form of trolling designed to do people's heads in even more so. 🤔
that definiton of troll you just gave is exactly what im facing, not what im doing, some need to get the mirror out and just stick to discussing the stock. Community moderated but Zeebot has clearly laid down the rules that most are in breach of with their responses to me genuinely trying to discuss teh stock only


Sorry mate . I'm not interested . Your PM shall remain unopened and unread . Cheers
fair enough mate, you asked for the info that I shouldnt have to give but I gave it anyway just to try to silence the cult, your choice if you wish to ignore the evidence yo uasked for, no biggie
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Are you LaRsDrank-cum-Yaseen?
far from, in fact I hate that dude with a passion
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