AVZ Discussion 2022


So the most crucial time frame for the company, last 18 months, you went into a shell?
And you have resurfaced again barely a week from AGM that too on TSE where majority of the SHs are with the BOD? Why? What for? What was so important that you have to come here and that too cant stop commenting?
Id expect to be questioned by the cult, but seeing a fellow muslim in a cult is quite alarming

brother if you are sincere PM me and then you can make a public apology thereafter once I answer your cult like questionaire and provide you with any proof you require, what you are doing right now is not befitting of a muslim, so if you are indeed man enough, a decent muslim, and sincere then PM and I'll answer any questions you have just to put an end to the childish cult mentality here once and for all. If you just want to fulfill ego adn granstand then dont PM me and just keep carrying on

This has become totally insane
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Why are you so intent on proving who you are? It's like your over compensating for something. If you don't like how people react to you then put them on ignore and they can do the same to you. Stop crying about it, nobody is sympathetic to you so why waste your energy?

What was your HC username? Why not just post it instead of secret squirrel PMs?
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Id expect to be questioned by the cult, but seeing a fellow muslim in a cult is quite alarming

brother if you are sincere PM me and then you can make a public apology thereafter once I answer your cult like questionaire and provide you with any proof you require, what you are doing right now is not befitting of a muslim, so if you are indeed man enough and sincere then PM and I'll answer any questions you have just to put an end to the childish cult mentality here once and for all. If you just want to fulfill ego adn granstand then dont PM me and just keep carrying on
I asked you genuine questions, you have contradicted yourself on multiple occasions.

You are playing a religion card and insulting others to be cult like but a Muslim cant be? Where does it says in Islam that you can generalise others and have a high regard for your own that you didnt expect that from me? then you questioning me if i am a man enough??? which part in the religion talks about provoking others, so lets keep the religion out.

Now back to AVZ topic, for me , from your very first post to this last one, there is nothing genuine about you. I dont know whats in your heart, but if you have good faith towards AVZ, lets stay quiet for a while and contribute in a positive way for a chgange.
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Also out of my 23 posts you mentioned there was probably close to 20 of them that were merely a response to the cult carrying on like spoiled children and calling me unwarranted names

Use the IGNORE function or dont reply.............simples.

Its only early in the day and you have posted 11 times............thats SPAM , the chances of community moderation against you " imminently" is HIGH

Only 3 - 4 members have to report and you are ....

View attachment 49905
@zeeb0t wont have any hesitation as he wouldnt want to risk losing the mass for the sake of losing one.......;)

Wise up ASAP.

View attachment 49906
Just one point I would like to make about Cath, they have an offtake agreeement and don't own shares in AVZ so how can they vote to spill the board.
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He will make up any story he will make up any narrative purely to get you arguing, rebutting him, anything to get us distracted and annoyed.
Don't bother responding to his content because it's all bait.

He isn't invested in the content he writes, only the reaction he can get.
He isn't trying to be right, he's trying to get us distracted, arguing against him and NOT being united and supportive.

If you must respond, just respond with immature memes because that's about all he's worth.
If you argue, even if you think you're winning, he's actually won because that's his purpose.

Love you all long time ! :)
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Id expect to be questioned by the cult, but seeing a fellow muslim in a cult is quite alarming

brother if you are sincere PM me and then you can make a public apology thereafter once I answer your cult like questionaire and provide you with any proof you require, what you are doing right now is not befitting of a muslim, so if you are indeed man enough, a decent muslim, and sincere then PM and I'll answer any questions you have just to put an end to the childish cult mentality here once and for all. If you just want to fulfill ego adn granstand then dont PM me and just keep carrying on

This has become totally insane
Mate. No one here gives a shit what religion people are.

I'm Chinese and you don't see me flaunt it in every one of my posts.

People who feel the integrity of a person is from what they post and how they post. People here are welcoming of and support criticisms of the current BOD.

The fact that you seemed to bring up irrelevant shit on a day we had a major big win is highly suspect on a new TSE account.. .and the fact that you're so insistent of people trusting you is more of a reason to be suspicious of you.

The way you previously wrote on here really reminded me of tolate, tbh.
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Top 20
Just one point I would like to make about Cath, they have an offtake agreeement and don't own shares in AVZ so how can they vote to spill the board.
I think they have a small holding which doesn't matter, but the story of them voting against us matters.
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Top 20
Just one point I would like to make about Cath, they have an offtake agreeement and don't own shares in AVZ so how can they vote to spill the board.
Exactly, i made this point before.
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Biding my Time 1971
I think they have a small holding which doesn't matter, but the story of them voting against us matters.
This is Pei's holding. It may even have been transferred directly into his name at some point, IIRC

SUZHOU CATH ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES CO LTD - it's not a large holding, ~14/15m, but it is the sentiment which is damaging (for him)

And classified as related entities (with Yibin, as of Oct 22) in the 2022 AR
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thats been my thoughts for some time, but when I see these dogs at Cominiere replying to ppl like Frank and others closer to the inner circle than us with things along the lines of "Im willing to show you why our actions are in the interest of the RDC but this cant be discussed publicly" then I start to wonder well hang on what if Frank(or whoever) turned around and said 'fine, private message me and prove this is in the interest of the RDC and ill shut my mouth"?. At least then we can try to get a feel for just how these crooks are trying to justify their fraud

maybe we can put some pressure on Frank or Kiki to do just that, it's in holders best interest to learn every angle of attack the maggots are attempting to come from
enough is enough ...... on ignore you go. Avoir
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thats been my thoughts for some time, but when I see these dogs at Cominiere replying to ppl like Frank and others closer to the inner circle than us with things along the lines of "Im willing to show you why our actions are in the interest of the RDC but this cant be discussed publicly" then I start to wonder well hang on what if Frank(or whoever) turned around and said 'fine, private message me and prove this is in the interest of the RDC and ill shut my mouth"?. At least then we can try to get a feel for just how these crooks are trying to justify their fraud

maybe we can put some pressure on Frank or Kiki to do just that, it's in holders best interest to learn every angle of attack the maggots are attempting to come from
Maybe you could post some examples of this from X?
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This is Pei's holding. It may even have been transferred directly into his name at some point, IIRC

SUZHOU CATH ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES CO LTD - it's not a large holding, ~14/15m, but it is the sentiment which is damaging (for him)

And classified as related entities (with Yibin, as of Oct 22) in the 2022 AR
Myself and 2 neighbours voting in favour of BoD offset and cancel out the Cath vote.

No more soup for you Mr Pei….Traitor!

Good opportunity for the Saudis and Americans to have another peek aboo now.

Mr Pei’s $1.50 offer without ML was nothing but a low ball attempt to take advantage of the situation.

Fuck him from now on….he’s shown his colours and will hopefully be shown the door along with the puppet clowns and Traitor Bin Gou🤡🤡🤡

Funded to fight for what is right and enforce DRC Law and Mining Code 🤜🤛
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Myself and 2 neighbours voting in favour of BoD offset and cancel out the Cath vote.

No more soup for you Mr Pei….Traitor!

Good opportunity for the Saudis and Americans to have another peek aboo now.

Mr Pei’s $1.50 offer without ML was nothing but a low ball attempt to take advantage of the situation.

Fuck him from now on….he’s shown his colours and will hopefully be shown the door along with the puppet clowns and Traitor Bin Gou🤡🤡

Funded to fight for what is right and enforce DRC Law and Mining Code 🤜🤛
Surely a TO offer of $1.50 would have been put to share holders Chilla?

When was the offer made?
Genuinely interested to know.

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Surely a TO offer of $1.50 would have been put to share holders Chilla?

When was the offer made?
Genuinely interested to know.

Sorry I’m not at Liberty to give anymore….but supports others who are aware and stated same. Remember the Dathcom JV Agreement has clauses that are reciprocal for first right of refusal prior to ML. AVZ playing it by the law with a straight bat.
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Hates a beer
This is Pei's holding. It may even have been transferred directly into his name at some point, IIRC

SUZHOU CATH ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES CO LTD - it's not a large holding, ~14/15m, but it is the sentiment which is damaging (for him)

And classified as related entities (with Yibin, as of Oct 22) in the 2022 AR

Correct - all lumped under the Yibin Group
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Sorry I’m not at Liberty to give anymore….but supports others who are aware and stated same. Remember the Dathcom JV Agreement has clauses that are reciprocal for first right of refusal prior to ML. AVZ playing it by the law with a straight bat.
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Just one point I would like to make about Cath, they have an offtake agreeement and don't own shares in AVZ so how can they vote to spill the board.

Can check ASX listed LPM and Cath relationship. Cath at least has 5% voting power


Why are you so intent on proving who you are? It's like your over compensating for something. If you don't like how people react to you then put them on ignore and they can do the same to you. Stop crying about it, nobody is sympathetic to you so why waste your energy?

What was your HC username? Why not just post it instead of secret squirrel PMs?
I dont need to justify myself ot the cult, but am more than willing to prove to at least one of you privately who I am on HC and X, yet ironically not a single one of you are willing to do that thus far, instead you'd prefer to post gifs, high fivce each other and insult a fellow holder whilst carrying on like a pack of spoiled bully children
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