AVZ Discussion 2022


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Sorry mate . I'm not interested . Your PM shall remain unopened and unread . Cheers
Or open the PM & repost it:D
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Maybe you could post some examples of this from X?
i'd have to dig through cominiere and/or Kiki n Franks response to find them, but it was just a couple of days ago I read it again, pretty sure it was to kiki and im 100% sure some here have seen it and can back that up
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No it's a biggie let me interperate his message for you.

Go Fuck Yourself,

Reaction GIF
I think wombat can speak for himself mate, he asked for it, but Im sure Wombat is flatered by you attempting to speak for him
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Hi Yaseen

anyone want to discuss the stock, this is getting a touch childish now

For the record, i do believe a few posters have been childish towards you regards to taunts, degradation ( i have given you a few sympathy votes as a result )... they should know better and simply IGNORE if they dont like what they are reading, afterall, this is public forum and folk are entitled to a opinion, right or wrong, so i am not here to bash you around the gills accusing you of being a cunt, or a troll, its simply not my style.

You mentioned you want to discuss stock, well ok, lets do that.

We just found out the guys who were expediating $240m to us 2 years ago, have backdoored us all along and are voting against our current board

You dont know that for sure, nobody does, pure conjecture based on what MMGA have stated, which have no credibility and are the true TROLL / evil in this sordid caper along with Cominiere / Zijin / Dathomir and the brown paper bag society within DRC govt.

The CATH status will one of the questions i will be asking our current bod come the AGM, the truth metre will hopefully come out then....;)

I feel Cominiere (in their totally warped selfish mind) actually have convinced themselves they are doing the right thing for the country.

Well, you are right in saying that Cominiere is warped and selfish, but doing the right thing for their country ?

Bullshit, they have sold 15% of Dathcom to Zijin illegally for a pittance compared to market value and have squandered the proceeds on snacks , how is that doing the right thing for the country?....:mad:

It was also revealed they picked up a extra brown bag for the transaction...:mad::mad:

IGF report is scathing of Cominiere...;)

Primarily, Cominiere is responsible for the delay in construction / production of Manono for 18+ months, denying taxes / royalties for the DRC govt who desperately need the funds to uplift there poverty stricken locals......:mad::mad::mad:

My hunch, as mentioned earlier is that Felix has been offered some security from the CPP(in his recent visits there), be it military or what idk(his complete silence is very telling), but something that has convinced them it is in the best interest of their country to continue with the Chinese.

Yet again pure speculation on your part, dont get me wrong, i am scathing of the inaction of FT, but as yet, no one knows the real motivation behind it, i intend to ask our BOD about FT and his status / attitude towards AVZ...hopefully the light will shine on that regard.

Tell me who honestly now wishes they'd listened to ppl like Geist

Der Geist is a TROLL, speaks in riddles and attempted to heist / control this forum a while ago, suspending long term posters who dared speak against his narrative, complete fuck wit, the fact you made that statement above is concerning.....:cautious:

It's like they'll be the ones to go to the AGM and wlak away feeling all fluffy again like the last 2 AGM's after the board sprinkle a little fairy dust around our "imminent: ML

I didnt feel fluffy at the last AGM ( how could you be considering AVZ were suspended for 6 months back then ), i asked alot of probing questions , i think overall, Nigel answered them with integrity / honesty, spoke to Graeme Johnston about the forgery accusation / 3 yrs prison sentence and subsequent fine, he looked me in the eye and said it was complete bullshit, i believe him. Were there some over ambititous statements by Nigel, such as "we could possibly finish construction Q4 2023 all going well "........yes, that was fairy dust clearly, did Nigel treat the allegation conflict of interest with AJN arrogantly.........yes he did, not a good look.
Did Nigel boo hoo online questions.?..........yes he did, not a good look.

Last years AGM was a tame affair all considering, many shareholders thought this would all blow over " we are all good mate, we got this "...yada yada, well 12 months on, clearly we arnt all good, this upcoming AGM is going to be a battle ground, tough questions will be asked of the current bod, it will be brutal to say the least, utmost clarity will be expected no doubt, it will be even more brutal if MMGA attends too let me give you the tip...........pineapple brutal if you ask me.

The key to this upcoming AGM is crystal clarity going forward from the current bod, then back them to the hilt to get the best result for shareholders, the current bod aint perfect, but the alternative is not worth thinking about......MMGA

View attachment 49887

Just toughen up and ask some real questions for once, or the only thing imminent for all of us will be delisting

For over 18+ months this great forum has been seeking / asking the tough questions, some of the most intelligent minds have put together some amazing intel here, open minded, respectful in the main, i suggest you have a look at @MoneyBags1348 great file collection, have a look at past posts from our other great sleuths ( too many to mention ) , educate yourself and over look the hate attributed to you if you can, high tension on this forum, lots of money / futures on the line here for lots of posters who are all in on AVZ, tolerance is on the wane, jaded, but we are all galvanised together in high spirit , positive in our thinking that eventually our support for the current bod will eventually bear fruit.............delisting aint a option, more speculation on your part.

Read the room.

Finally, i collated that you did around 23 posts in a 24 hour period, thats a all time record for any poster at AVZ TSE, never lone a newbie ,in fact, you are keeping pace nicely with TOLATE at HC..........something for you to consider in the future 🙏🙏🙏;)

Yā Sīn[2] (also Yaseen; Arabic: يٰسٓ, yāsīn; the letters 'Yāʼ' and 'Sīn') is the 36th chapter of the Quran.

The meaning of the letters Ya Sin, while being primarily unknown, is debated amongst Muslim religious academics. One of the interpretations is "O human being!" referring to Muhammad since the verses that follow are translated as "By the Qur´an, full of Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the messengers".[5] Tafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni beginners exegesis (tafsir), concludes, "God knows best what He means by these [letters]."[6]

I knew I had heard the word in my world travels.
Yaseen is our gift, he is one of the messengers and full of wisdom.

Thank you for giving us the pleasure of you presence, you have done your bit, so it is time....🚪
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Im seriously baffled by the behaviour of most here right now. Im pro current board, anti MMGA, anti chinese coup and almost everything I have said has been said in other words by some cult posters here at some point in time, yet because Im new and want to discuss how we can overcome the hole we have been in for the last 2 years I am labelled a troll and the cult blindly are going in to bat for each other and dragging the forum down to a all new pathetic level

All I have asked is to discuss the stock, and Im more than happy for anyone to point out any errors I might post about the stock, is it that hard to stick to the rules of the forum and act like mature adults, without the cult bullying and childish gifs?
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Yā Sīn[2] (also Yaseen; Arabic: يٰسٓ, yāsīn; the letters 'Yāʼ' and 'Sīn') is the 36th chapter of the Quran.

The meaning of the letters Ya Sin, while being primarily unknown, is debated amongst Muslim religious academics. One of the interpretations is "O human being!" referring to Muhammad since the verses that follow are translated as "By the Qur´an, full of Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the messengers".[5] Tafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni beginners exegesis (tafsir), concludes, "God knows best what He means by these [letters]."[6]

I knew I had heard the word in my world travels.
Yaseen is our gift, he is one of the messengers and full of wisdom.

Thank you for giving us the pleasure of you presence, you have done your bit, so it is time....🚪
as I openly stated, I chose Yaseen because I am a muslim. I have been more transparent than most here yet still the off topic attacks continue

its so lame
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Getting to the pointy end now MMGA....
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Thanks for the response Beisha,

-CATH voting: I hope they dont vote against the current board, but it seems odd that MMGA could be that bloody stupid to officially spread a lie like that when they know the truth will be revealed, although of course we all know they are a pack of scumbags so anythign is possible at this stage as the desperation increases

-100% agree that Cominiere are not doing whats best for their country. It's just that they are so deluded they have somehow convinced themselves they are, and they have reasoning for these delusion which they dont wish to discuss publicly. So yeah as a stab in the dark I assume the Chinese mafia has offered something to further expolit their vulnerability and the countries as a whole (beyond a few bribes). Unfortunately anything the board says abt FT or these high ranking officials is just words thus far(like the last few years) and I cant see them even being in a position to reveal the detials of those discussion in front of MMGA maggots (and there chinese buddies) and these 'words' are all wearing very thin in the face of 18months of increasingly dragged out court cases still no no definite end in sight.

-Hoping the AGM is a battle ground, it shouldnt be anything less under the current circumstances. Pitchforks and all. Hopefully those pitchforks can be used to shove up MMGA's arse once their scam fails

-I understand the skepticism when a new poster comes along based on all the trolls that have gone under the bridge thus far, but I've asked for a legit dialogue and have openly stated im against MMGA and all the Chinese coup crowd, and the contents of my posts are nothing like Tolates Chinese arse licking bs. Also out of my 23 posts you mentioned there was probably close to 20 of them that were merely a response to the cult carrying on like spoiled children and calling me unwarranted names rather than address what Ive said as you have just done. It was the cult who in fact took the roll of the trolls

Anyway, Cheers for an hoenst response without any cult indocrination attached
Also out of my 23 posts you mentioned there was probably close to 20 of them that were merely a response to the cult carrying on like spoiled children and calling me unwarranted names

Use the IGNORE function or dont reply.............simples.

Its only early in the day and you have posted 11 times............thats SPAM , the chances of community moderation against you " imminently" is HIGH

Only 3 - 4 members have to report and you are ....


@zeeb0t wont have any hesitation as he wouldnt want to risk losing the mass for the sake of losing one.......;)

Wise up ASAP.

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I have some info, will wait till he gets banned to send to main forum.

buckle up let's go GIF by Comedy Central
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as I openly stated, I chose Yaseen because I am a muslim. I have been more transparent than most here yet still the off topic attacks continue

its so lame
If I go back through your posts your contribution has been zero, other than filling the pages with crap Yaseen posts, trying to find out people'd opinion.

The general consensus is that MMGA, Zijin, Cominiere, CONG and Raus Klaus are mafia, trying to steal AVZ.
You can take that bit of info and tell your masters.

It is painfully obvious you do not have any intention to contribute, only to obstruct and annoy.

Please go back under your rock where you came from.
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Also out of my 23 posts you mentioned there was probably close to 20 of them that were merely a response to the cult carrying on like spoiled children and calling me unwarranted names

Use the IGNORE function or dont reply.............simples.

Its only early in the day and you have posted 11 times............thats SPAM , the chances of community moderation against you " imminently" is HIGH

Only 3 - 4 members have to report and you are ....

View attachment 49905
@zeeb0t wont have any hesitation as he wouldnt want to risk losing the mass for the sake of losing one.......;)

Wise up ASAP.

View attachment 49906
yep, you're right, silly me for getting sucked in to the trolling, my bad and apologies to any sincere mature posters here for almost lowering myself to their level by even acknowledging their egotistical off topic grandstanding responses

I'll respond to stock discussions only and leave the ego fishing replies Im constantly getting to the cult to high-five each other over

This also repsonds to Cruiser and Co.
Also Cruiser I did just offer a potential way to help get to the inner machinations of how Cominiere are trying to justify their bs in their own warped heads, but instead of any constructive dialogue, once again I was met with totally off-topic cult like bullying responses. It's truly baffling beyond words, we cant even discuss all the negative attacks we have at our doorsteps without some holders having massive childish tantrums. 100% any neutral bystander right now would think you have all lost your minds
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Yā Sīn[2] (also Yaseen; Arabic: يٰسٓ, yāsīn; the letters 'Yāʼ' and 'Sīn') is the 36th chapter of the Quran.

The meaning of the letters Ya Sin, while being primarily unknown, is debated amongst Muslim religious academics. One of the interpretations is "O human being!" referring to Muhammad since the verses that follow are translated as "By the Qur´an, full of Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the messengers".[5] Tafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni beginners exegesis (tafsir), concludes, "God knows best what He means by these [letters]."[6]

I knew I had heard the word in my world travels.
Yaseen is our gift, he is one of the messengers and full of wisdom.

Thank you for giving us the pleasure of you presence, you have done your bit, so it is time....🚪

That’s correct , it’s a sacred name and MY name,

which conveniently he chose for HIMSELF when he allegedly migrated from HC or shall I say when MMGA revealed DeBoss’s identity.

He all of sudden decided to be so vocal here on TSE, which begs a question why? Why all of a sudden an urge to reply to all the posts?? In his initial posts he/it said, it was watching the forums from “sidelines” and decided to be part of the discussion (now just before the AGM) so much so he can’t stop.

Screen Shot 2023-11-19 at 1.20.54 pm.png

Then he tried to justify his loyalty for AVZ to Wombat by saying he was also vocal on HC against Tolate. So what is it? He was active on forums for a long time but now wanted to stir things here ? Or he was just “reading” the discussion from side lines.

Screen Shot 2023-11-19 at 1.21.52 pm.png

So I ask again, which is a true part, sitting at sidelines for too long or posting on HC? When a person is a liar, or with multiple personalities, they cant keep track of what they said where.

TSE doesn’t need his persuasion, and he better change his name to his other confused identities from HC. I am tired of reading his negative narrative under my name. I am going to report to @zeeb0t to send this trash back to HC where it belongs.
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$AVZ focuses on training and employment for young people in the region. On collaboration with the local population, respecting traditions, on the development of the territory. At AVZ, each worker has a name, an identity and not just a number.
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That’s correct , it’s a sacred name and MY name,

View attachment 49910 which conveniently he chose for HIMSELF when he allegedly migrated from HC or shall I say when MMGA revealed DeBoss’s identity.

He all of sudden decided to be so vocal here on TSE, which begs a question why? Why all of a sudden an urge to reply to all the posts?? In his initial posts he/it said, it was watching the forums from “sidelines” and decided to be part of the discussion (now just before the AGM) so much so he can’t stop.

View attachment 49909

Then he tried to justify his loyalty for AVZ to Wombat by saying he was also vocal on HC against Tolate. So what is it? He was active on forums for a long time but now wanted to stir things here ? Or he was just “reading” the discussion from side lines.

View attachment 49908

So I ask again, which is a true part, sitting at sidelines for too long or posting on HC? When a person is a liar, or with multiple personalities, they cant keep track of what they said where.

TSE doesn’t need his persuasion, and he better change his name to his other confused identities from HC. I am tired of reading his negative narrative under my name. I am going to report to @zeeb0t to send this trash back to HC where it belongs.
both mate...posted for yrs on HC, but barely at all in last 18months on HC due to all the trolling. I sent who I was to Wombat after he requested it but he decided he didnt want to know, and wombat and I got along just fine previously

You as a muslim would know when a person reverts to islam he chooses an islamic name for himself, Yaseen is what I chose. I am an Australian revert, so perhaps instead of attacking your brother with no foundations you start to act like like the prophet(saws) and show good character. May Allah help you

here are my two proxy forms I was sent for my two diff AVZ holdings, pretty sure they dont send them to shorters, i'll await an apology if your man enough ahki

Its so very very lame its come to this, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves
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Yā Sīn[2] (also Yaseen; Arabic: يٰسٓ, yāsīn; the letters 'Yāʼ' and 'Sīn') is the 36th chapter of the Quran.

The meaning of the letters Ya Sin, while being primarily unknown, is debated amongst Muslim religious academics. One of the interpretations is "O human being!" referring to Muhammad since the verses that follow are translated as "By the Qur´an, full of Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the messengers".[5] Tafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni beginners exegesis (tafsir), concludes, "God knows best what He means by these [letters]."[6]

I knew I had heard the word in my world travels.
Yaseen is our gift, he is one of the messengers and full of wisdom.

Thank you for giving us the pleasure of you presence, you have done your bit, so it is time....🚪
The other very important aspect that you highlighted via wiki is
"The meaning of the letters Ya Sin, while being primarily unknown"
There is no KNOWN meaning for Yaseen, then what made him choose this name?
It clearly means one and only one thing, he just wants to stir things up.
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Biding my Time 1971

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Master of Quan
I have some info, will wait till he gets banned to send to main forum.

buckle up let's go GIF by Comedy Central's go GIF by Comedy Central
That should get people smashing the report button............
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both mate...posted for yrs on HC, but barely at all in last 18months on HC due to all the trolling. I sent who I was to Wombat after he requested it but he decided he didnt want to know, and wombat and I got along just fine previously

You as a muslim would know when a person reverts to islam he chooses an islamic name for himself, Yaseen is what I chose. I am an Australian revert, so perhaps instead of attacking your brother with no foundations you start to act like like the prophet(saws) and show good character. May Allah help you
View attachment 49913
here are my two proxy forms I was sent for my two diff AVZ holdings, pretty sure they dont send them to shorters, i'll await an apology if your man enough ahki

Its so very very lame its come to this, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves
So the most crucial time frame for the company, last 18 months, you went into a shell?
And you have resurfaced again barely a week from AGM that too on TSE where majority of the SHs are with the BOD? Why? What for? What was so important that you have to come here and that too cant stop commenting?
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Master of Quan
So the most crucial time frame for the company, last 18 months, you went into a shell?
And you have resurfaced again barely a week from AGM that too on TSE where majority of the SHs are with the BOD? Why? What for? What was so important that you have to come here and that too cant stop commenting?
Simple answer........
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