So much going on, we are in that lull phase again, many are reaching out and clutching at straws.
Our business model (plan) is as tight as you can get, it's the pull and push model, all our engagements to date have borne fruit,
many are possibly a little anxious with the CES tech event on our doorstep, but all I say is, has Brainchip been linked to many top
class companies in the last 12 months? well, we all know the answer to that question.
Fact Finder posted a brilliant opinion/view earlier in the day, taking into account so many factors that can and do effect world markets, but
the most relevant part was the time to market, it's a long-drawn-out process that must be followed, any mistakes by our clients, that
are our IP licensees, well, no sales equals no royalties, it's always the long game, which requires patience and more patience.
To think that our company hasn't made some mistakes along the way would be absurd, we have, we are growing and hiring highly skilled
staff that takes the edge off a little, Sean's moment of truth in around 5 months is fast approaching, he knows what he stated at the last AGM,
and the clock is ticking, I, like many, expect results but are educated enough to appreciate how geo-political events etc. will and do effect all
markets, we all live on this "blue marble" and aren't going anywhere, and that's our reality right there.
Von Neumann architecture is dying a slow death (1945) the way forward is Neuromorphic followed by or in parallel with Quantum Computing,
all computer companies are well aware of where we are all heading, many are still hanging on to the past, they are being slowly left behind.
AI is the future, I know it, all Brainchip shareholders now know it, but change takes time, a lot of time, ask yourself this question, why are major
companies being drawn to us/this space?
Death has a certain smell, and that's Von Neumann, we are the living, breathing, we are AKIDA, we are BRAINCHIP.
Join us, or be left behind to wither up and die, the choice is yours and always has been.
Tech 2022.
Tech writes ".... but the most relevent part was time to market........"
You, ...Tech, and FF are preaching to the choir but it still needs to be said, repeated and said again to calm the yearning masses.
And if these two TSE legends aren't enough to drive the "time to market" point home, let's hear from none other than Rene Haas, CEO of ARM, who made the rounds on TV late this past summer and explained the exact same thing back in August. My post from then is linked below though a hat tip must go to Sirod69 whose original post I was just commenting on to emphasize this important "time to market" point.

BRN Discussion Ongoing
What’s with many bailing out of tse? Happens every time the price rises significantly then drops back down again.

Happy New Year,