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Statement by @Gvan on HC:

There is fortunately no slow-walking by the Sami or land owners.

From the Mining Inspectorate:

"Everyone who has been served the decision has returned their signed acknowledgment receipts to us, so we are now awaiting it to become legally binding."

The clock has started. It obviously depends on when these acknowledgement receipts were returned to the Mining Inspectorate, but we should definitely know no later than 3 weeks from now if any appeals are lodged. Considering it has been just over 6 weeks since the initial granting, we could have a decision a lot sooner than that.
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"Gabna appeals graphite mine​

Published today at 11.00 am
  • Gabna Sami village appeals the Bergsstaten's decision on a processing concession for a graphite mine between Vittangi and Svappavaara in Kiruna municipality.
  • The company Talga has previously received a so-called environmental permit for one of the four separate areas for which the company applied for a permit.
  • Talga is also waiting for other permits - hear more about that in the clip."

Press the button "Sök" below on this page. There you will find a list with this info:
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Apparently, it is still being debated:


"Kiruna's municipal council fights back against Ebba Busch's criticism​

Kiruna municipality refused to decide on a detailed plan for the graphite mine in Vittangi. Now the energy and nutrition minister Ebba Busch (KD) has spoken out on the matter.
- We cannot have a development where individual municipalities start holding individual business establishments hostage, she says.


"My general, principled stance is that we cannot have a development where individual municipalities start holding individual business establishments hostage as a way to milk money out of the companies," says Ebba Busch (KD).

The municipal management in Kiruna stopped the detailed plan to make a political mark because they believe that new mines do not give the municipality anything back financially. - We have to get back a little bit of what we deliver to the state, says Kiruna's municipal councilor Mats Taaveniku (S) to P4 Norrbotten. In the radio program Kaliber in P1, Ebba Busch has now spoken out on the issue. - My g..." rbPW

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I'm not quite sure what this above is supposed to do in the newspaper. This debate was held on 1 October, about 9 weeks ago. The government is in control, so dear Ebba, take action! She was probably reminded by PIK in Japan month later that a debate in parliament is not the end of the story. Force this plan at last!
It won't be long before the issue has been with the government for a year and nothing more has happened than warm air being expelled in debates. If it is important to protect the climate, then make a practical commitment to what is clearly and concretely on the table.
What we don't need is a debate that drags on for quarters.
This one should finally give the order. I'm fed up with politicians.


Landsbygds- och infrastrukturdepartementet​

Department of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure​

And at the end of January, the S and Isak From reply that he sees it the same way as Bush and that blackmail is not an option, but that he understands his party comrades in Kiruna. And then he demands that the government take urgent action. We've known that since 1 October.
And some wonders why some are getting tired.

Greta: unconditional urgency!
I'm not laughing out of cynicism.

5 April
Responsible chief officer Department of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure Fredrik Ahlén:
There is unlikely to be a decision before the summer regarding the company Talga's request to the government for a planning injunction for a graphite mine outside Vittangi.

And 8 months later Ebba Bush reminds Kiruna that it is not okay to blackmail.
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I don't know (yet) what exactly is behind it. I can't find any further information at the moment (Bergstaaten nor SGU). Maybe it's It seems to be just an extension of the permit to continue exploring the deposit.

At least a sign of life
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A sign of live from the detailed plan this week!! ...more than that! sb


Government Chancellery


"Order pursuant to Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900) concerning the detailed plan, Stenbrottet 2:1, Nunasvaara, Kiruna Municipality, Norrbotten County
Government case number: II:7 - File number: LI2024/00661 - Responsible official: Fredrik Ahlén - Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure"

follow the link:
and here:

second from the bottom
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10 month later...

Searching the pages is tedious. I really have to look at each entry individually for both ministries (objection to the concession at the Ministry of Climate and Economic Affairs and for the detailed plan at the Ministry of Agriculture and Infrastructure). A keyword search does not work.
But I am grateful to recognise a sign of life at all.
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A sign of live from the detailed plan this week!!

View attachment 76564
Government Chancellery

View attachment 76563

"Order pursuant to Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900) concerning the detailed plan, Stenbrottet 2:1, Nunasvaara, Kiruna Municipality, Norrbotten County
Government case number: II:7 - File number: LI2024/00661 - Responsible official: Fredrik Ahlén - Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure"

follow the link:
and here:
View attachment 76565
second from the bottom

Government gives go-ahead for mine in Kiruna - overrules municipality
Updated today 16:40
The environmental licence was already in place. Now, moreover, the government has effectively overruled Kiruna municipality. This means that most things are ready for the new graphite mine.
- ‘We have concluded that there is a very strong national interest in this particular mining establishment,’ says Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Ebba Busch (KD).

The environmental permit was finally upheld last autumn when the Supreme Court denied the complainants a hearing. But Kiruna municipality was opposed. The municipality did not want to adopt the detailed plan for the mine construction, which prompted the mining company Talga to complain to the government.

Now the government has decided to go along with the mining company's line on the detailed plan.

- ‘We have weighed the interests heavily in this. And the government is not taking this lightly,’ says Ebba Busch.

Not enough reasons
- The arguments put forward by the municipality of Kiruna in support have not been strong enough, she continues.

Among other things, the municipality has pointed out that there is no financial incentive, there is no benefit for the municipality and its residents, it only creates more costs. But the government is not sending any money to patch up the wounds, even though Ebba Busch vaguely points to money that the government set aside in the autumn budget to ‘support housing construction around growth areas’.

- ‘We are now instructing the municipality to draw up a detailed plan for mining activities,’ says Minister Andreas Carlsson (KD).

Important for the EU battery industry
The decision is special. It is the first time the government has used the Planning and Building Act in this way, according to Carlsson. The municipality has until 16 May, otherwise the County Administrative Board will be given the task, at the municipality's expense.*

Last autumn, when Talga had its environmental permit finally clarified, the company said that it should be able to have an anode factory up and running in Luleå, where the graphite will be transported, in 18-24 months once the detailed plan is approved.

- ‘This means that there will be a green light for the next step in a new mine that will be able to provide the graphite needed for much of the European battery industry. Today, both Sweden and the whole of Europe are heavily dependent on China,’ says Ebba Busch.

About half of the active material in an electric vehicle battery consists of graphite. The fact that battery manufacturer Northvolt is having problems is less important for Talga's plans. ‘Negotiations are being held with a large number of potential customers,’ the company's spokesperson told TT last autumn.

"Government gives go-ahead for mine - overrules Kiruna municipality
Published today at 16.00
The government goes on the mining company Talga's line and requires Kiruna municipality to make a detailed plan for a graphite mine in Vittangi.

The government is thus overruling the municipality, which has not wanted to adopt a detailed plan for the mine construction. They argue that there is no economic incentive for Kiruna and that the mine would have cost the municipality more than it would have provided.

However, Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Ebba Busch says that Kiruna's arguments have not been strong enough."


"Press release from the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure
Government orders Kiruna municipality to adopt detailed plan enabling graphite mine
Published 23 January 2025

The Government has decided that Kiruna municipality must adopt a detailed plan that makes it possible to conduct mining activities at the Nunasvaara graphite deposit in Vittangi. According to the government, it is urgent that a detailed plan is adopted as soon as possible.

- Graphite is an important mineral in battery production and the green transition. The European battery industry is currently dependent on imports, while China intends to impose export restrictions that could jeopardise the entire battery value chain. The government has made this decision based on the fact that the area is of national interest for the extraction of valuable substances and materials,’ says Minister for Infrastructure and Housing Andreas Carlson.

- ‘Sweden has the minerals needed and is crucial for the digital and green transition. We are known for standing for sustainability and good working conditions, especially in the mineral sector. The graphite that Talga intends to produce is a key material in the manufacture of batteries,’ says Ebba Busch, Minister for Energy and Industry.

Pursuant to Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Planning and Building Act, the Government has decided to order the Municipality of Kiruna to adopt a detailed plan enabling mining activities at the graphite deposit in Nunasvaara. The deposit contains high levels of graphite and is of national interest for valuable substances. The municipality has previously decided to suspend the planning work, but the government considers it urgent that a detailed plan be adopted as soon as possible.

A company planning to conduct mining activities in the area has requested that the Government order the municipality of Kiruna to adopt a detailed plan allowing land impact from the mining industry at the graphite deposit.

After investigating the matter, the Government has concluded that it is necessary for Kiruna municipality to be ordered to adopt a detailed plan, with reference to the national interest claim for valuable substances or materials.

By 16 May 2025 at the latest, the municipality of Kiruna must adopt a detailed plan enabling mining activities in the area in question in accordance with the request made to the Government."

Make something of it at the opening!

We can only hope.
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The news is spreading very quickly.
I interpret the statements above to mean that Talga does not necessarily need the concession first, now or immediately.

So this is now the important step with a clear timetable. I hope there is no back door and that we will soon hear from the board and that the dates are now fixed for the conclusion of the negotiations.
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Ohh wow! 😲 The detailed plan was the most pressing obstacle in my book. That is very well received!!! Finally! Hope we get things signed now!
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"Disappointment after government mining approval: "Stop seeing us as a colony"
1:37 min

Published today at 19:41
The government is following the lead of mining company Talga and requiring the municipality of Kiruna to draw up a detailed plan for a graphite mine in Vittangi.

This means that most things are ready for the new graphite mine, which pleases Talga's Emma Själin.

Kiruna municipality believes that there is a lack of financial incentives for Kiruna - and Social Democrat councillor Mats Taaveniku is disappointed with the government's decision."

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"Government overrides Kiruna - gives green light for new mine
23 January, 18:28
The government has decided to override the municipality of Kiruna and approves* the detailed plan for mining company Talga's proposed graphite mine in Vittangi. This is reported by TT.

"We have come to the conclusion that there is a very high national interest in this current mining company," says Minister of Economic Affairs Ebba Busch (KD).

The municipality did not want to accept the detailed plan and pointed out that the project would not benefit the municipality and its residents. This prompted Talga to approach the government."

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Talga sacked so many people at the end of last year no one left to write the announcements?
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Well the dead have arisen...myself included and the languishing Talga SP I see.

As you now the legislated dead line for Kiruna municipality to deliver the planning permit is May 16 2025. This is , as far as I can see, an unprecedented overruling of the local Government planning powers by the State Government.

And from the response by the interviewed municipal council representatives, Mr Taaveniku (S) and Ms Poromaa (V) they grudgingly recognise the States superiority.

This decision is just in time to see of the backside of the last reindeer, followed by Sami reindeer owners on their noisy polluting snowmobiles, from the forestclad banks of Torne river near Nunasvaara to the mountains at the Norwegian border 200 km to the west in upcoming spring.

So in summary the long and painful political process has now run its course to completion.

The Sami have threatened to take their case up in the Supreme Court. Does anyone know how their lawyers are faring?

- Beserk
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Well the dead have arisen...myself included and the languishing Talga SP I see.

As you now the legislated dead line for Kiruna municipality to deliver the planning permit is May 16 2025. This is , as far as I can see, an unprecedented overruling of the local Government planning powers by the State Government.

And from the response by the interviewed municipal council representatives, Mr Taaveniku (S) and Ms Poromaa (V) they grudgingly recognise the States superiority.

This decision is just in time to see of the backside of the last reindeer, followed by Sami reindeer owners on their noisy polluting snowmobiles, from the forestclad banks of Torne river near Nunasvaara to the mountains at the Norwegian border 200 km to the west in upcoming spring.

So in summary the long and painful political process has now run its course to completion.

The Sami have threatened to take their case up in the Supreme Court. Does anyone know how their lawyers are faring?

- Beserk
Trevligt att veta att du är tillbaka!!
Nice to know you are back!!
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From Euro Invest Bank Enviromental and Social Data Sheet for Talga Project

-- Published July 2023

"A number of mitigation measures to address the impacts on Indigenous Peoples have been put in place and the Promoter intends to pursue its efforts to engage in good faith and reach agreements with the affected Samebys, including regarding compensation and benefit-sharing measures. The Promoter will continue to engage with the Samebys. However, at the date of this ESDS, signed agreements that confirm the (conditional or nonconditional) consent of Indigenous Peoples have not been provided. "

Looking back into the ESDS documentation provided to the European Investment Bank by the Promoter ie Talga, the Sami Coops have not agreed to even a conditional consent to the mining of graphite in Nunasvaara.

I recall that the Talma Sami coop at that stage promised to further escalate their resistance by hiring lawyers to represent them in a case prepared to be put in front of the Supreme Court of Sweden.

Still looking to see if the Supreme Court or Högsta Domstolen accepted their case and if so how far it has proceeded.
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....and found it.

The Supreme Court or HD, as you no doubt already know, did not allow the Sami reindeer Co-ops to raise their final legal objections but ratified the decision already reached by the Miljö and Mark Domstolen or MMD, allowing conditional mining of graphite. The HD announced its decision in October 2024.

So as far as I can see both the political and juicidal processes have now run their course to the end. At least in Sweden.

The only possible remaining recourse of the anti mining supporters and the Sami in particular now rests with the European Court of Human Rights.

There is a case in front of the ECHR regarding the continuing exploration of oil and gas in the Arctic Norwegian sea and its possible effects on climate change.

It is argued that Arctic indigenous peoples, including the Sámi people, are disproportionally impacted by the effects of climate change due to their high level of dependence on climate-sensitive ecosystems for their health and wellbeing, food security, transmission of cultural knowledge and traditional livelihoods, including reindeer herding.

So Sami and reindeer husbandry is deserving of special protection, or so it is argued, but in our case the graphite extracted will reduce the reliance on oil for the transport sector.

And ultimately benefit the Sami livelihoods and their reindeer. It should be easy for the lawyers to argue the Talga case if it goes this far.

-- beserk
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.....And predictably the anti mining faction now when the national appeals process has run its course with the ultimate and final decision reached by the Swedish Supreme Court, HD or Högsta Domstolen, at the end of October last year.

As you know, the HD go ahead decision was followed by the Swedish Goverment decision to strip the Kiruna council of its limited powers in permitting/refusing land to be used for mining and roads and other required local infrastructure within its boundaries.

So both the judicial and political process have run their final and painfully slow courses.

Now, predictably, the Swedish Nature Protection Society is planning to turn to the European Commission, and the European Court of Human Rights, in a final-final effort to get its claims heard, regarding the ill effects on nature and the ancient and noble reindeer herders and their four hoofed livelyhoods, by the proposed mining of graphite in Nunasvaara by Talga.

The attached heading is from an article appearing in Sveriges Natur, the News letter of the Swedish Nature Protection Society, dated 27 Jan 2025. In it is stated that an additional appeal of the decision reached by the Swedish Supreme Court by October 31 2024 is going to be in front of the EU Commission and the appropriate Court by February.

There is a legislated 6 month deadline imposed by EU on any appeal of a decision reached by a National Supreme Court within EU. So the lawyers of the antis better hurry up. They are running into the wall by end of April.

So now we just have to wait patiently for a couple of months more, as far as I can see, for the last appeal of the antis to float or sink in the EU legal sea.

Stormy weather and choppy seas ahead for the antis I predict...



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