See ...... Non-Executive Director Remuneration PolicyNot aware of that and I wouldn't expect that a Listed Company can circumvent an ASX Listing Rule which governs said listing and by which all companies have to abide by if wish to sit on the ASX.
Do you have a reference at all? TIA
11.1 The Committee will review annually the compensation of the Chairman of the Board and other NEDs to determine whether:
11.1.1 an increase in fees should be considered; and/or
11.1.2 a market benchmarking review should be undertaken.
11.2 The Company will transparently report on its remuneration policy and approach in respect to all NEDs in the remuneration report issued as part of the Company’s Annual Report in compliance with the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules.
This Policy was adopted by the Board effective 22 February 2023 and amended 22 September 2023, 07 December 2023 and 19 March 2024.