Stable Genius
Was just watching this short vid IP Safe Enough To Use In Cars from end of 2020.
Whilst older and things would have changed since then, the tone was that compliance and testing would most likely be more intensive now.
Fron about the 6 min mark gives a good idea about how IP fits in the automotive SoC and what has to be done to get it to a compliant integration level.
Watched it cause I was thinking about MB and the post the other day about Markus and neuromorphic and wanted to understand some of the hoops to be jumped through.
Thanks @Fullmoonfever; another informative post.
It ties in with the MB recent LinkedIn piece which to me read that Neuromorphic is the way forward for efficiency however it will take time to achieve it‘s implementation throughout the vehicle; which I think is MB end goal. PVDM once stated he thought he could do a car with 100 chips. I’m not sure he meant everything within the car but 100 is a lot less than 2-3000 chips I’ve read are in current EV’s. The power efficiency, compute benefits and cost savings will be immense. Just think of the advantage MB will have over their competitors.
Brainchip was recently used in MB test vehicle and received rave reviews. MB have stated they were going to design and build cars from the hardware up. MB are promoting neuromorphic, we are currently their partners and leaders in the field. So you can draw your own conclusion as to whose IP they intend to use. As there will be limited systems certified (due to cost, expertise and manpower to develop and test them) MB could even on-sell their system if they choose to make bigger profits if they are making money via their competitors as well.
Again my opinion but I suspect we will see Akida used in the MBUX system next year. Possibly Driver Monitoring and also 60ghz radar for heartbeat monitoring which they have foreshadowed. I could be wrong but I think these 3 systems have already been tested and meet the necessary standards for inclusion into a motor vehicle. Socionext are already advertising these products for the automotive sector.
Unfortunately for a variety of reasons, including safety testing and certification I can’t see us being ”Throughout” the car until 2026 as stated.
So should I just wait until late 2025 and invest in Brainchip then or does that change my investment decision?
For me no. I see the SP strengthening and growing with a commercial agreement with MB (and possibly Valeo via Scala 3 lidar) by the end of the year. I’d rather sit patiently and gather collective SP rises than try to time the market as to when MB or anyone else is going to sign a commercial agreement and provide a revenue stream.
Of course there is the other 40+ known partners (and many unknown) who could drop an announcement at any time also. As every day passes it draws closer to it occurring: Defence, smart city, medical etc provides so many opportunities for growth.
My strategy requires fortitude and patience so I thank everyone who positively contributes to the forum.
Of course others may have different strategies so each to their own and good luck!
My opinion only so please DYOR.