BRN Discussion Ongoing

So nobody gets upset, I am only making this post to make fellow Tsexer's aware that they can still continue to vote in Magnus Osbergs poll. .(For those who don’t feel like taking up his offer to participate, then don’t .) :)

Feel free to vote "other" and comment "Brainchip AKIDA".
(Other) is now up to 25% . Two days to go . Get cracking posters . We are only 7% behind .
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Well the sp action today and the lack of a speeding ticket, for me alone is evidence enough of just how much manipulation is going on, and just how crooked the asx really
The ASX very rarely issues speed tickets on the same day. They like to analyse the market data, media or any announcements before jumping in. SYR's SP doubled in a day and a half but no speeding ticket. China announced a ban on graphite exports.
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I'm not sure how much the Optus outage, really had to do with today..

Volume was very big..

Probably over 50 million shares traded, including Chi-X?..
I had a look at the daily trades and shorting did pick up in the afternoon. Whether the stock is being shorted by multiple shorters and some were affected by the OPTUS outage or they decided to go harder with the increase in SP will probably never be known.
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The Pope

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ASX: "OK Brainchip, this is a speeding ticket! Please explain why you went up by almost 39% today without an announcement!"

BRN: "Well just maybe because we are so damn undervalued, and some dudes are starting to figure that out."

ASX: "OK. Point taken."
They don't question the shorting

The Pope

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I wonder if/when we will hear about entering this space some time in the future:

My favorite excerpts (from Sony's release of the α9 III with global shutter):

Reliable recognition of a wider range of subjects

The AI processing unit supports enhanced Human, Animal, Bird, Insect, Car/Train and Airplane
. In the Car/Train category, it is now capable of recognising helmets, such as those worn by the drivers of formula race cars. Animal recognition can recognise the eyes of some grazing and small animals, in addition to the eyes, heads, and bodies of dogs, cats, and similarly featured animals. Bird recognition has also been updated, more easily pinpointing the eyes of a variety of bird types as well as recognising bird bodies. Plus, a new Animal/Bird setting eliminates the need to switch between two settings to shoot animals or birds.

Human pose estimation using a skeleton-based model

With its innovative AI processing unit, the α9 III can use subject form data to accurately recognise movement. Human pose estimation technology recognises not just eyes but also body and head position with high precision. This makes it possible to lock onto and track a subject facing away from the camera or whose face is covered. A distant human subject that occupies only a small area of the frame (even smaller than in previous Real-time Recognition AF iterations) can be recognised if the subject is near the focus area when the shutter is half-pressed while shooting with continuous AF. This can speed up focus acquisition on an athlete approaching from a distance at a track-and-field or ski event, for example.

BIONZ XR image processing engine

With up to eight times more processing power than previous versions, the BIONZ XR image processing engine minimises processing latency while markedly boosting image processing power, producing images with high colour gradation, realistic colour reproduction and low-noise. It's able to process the high volume of data generated by the newly developed Exmor RS image sensor in real-time, even while shooting continuous bursts at up to 120 fps, and it can capture high-quality 14-bit RAW images in all still shooting modes.

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I put up a chart with my post #68,839 on 26th Oct, so have updated the chart and elongated box F, which was 26 days old on 26/10/23.

I said at the time that box F was beginning to get long in the tooth, when compared with most other boxes since the start of the year, so here we are 8 trading days later and we have broken out of the box, and it's in the correct direction.

View attachment 49071

A lot of shorts are feeling the squeeze right now, Fri 17th is options expiry date and if the S/P stays at around this level a lot of shorts get burnt. Someone has thrown a lot of money at BRN today and I suspect that they have been lightening up on their short options over the last week and went long today (and hard too - largest volume day in nearly 2 months), so it becomes a battle between the shorts and longs, but if prices stay where they are, there will be more and more shorts looking for the exit before the 17th.

Time will tell, the buy sell ratio looks crazy good, tomorrow morning will see the players take their positions, regardless someone has decided that it is time to take a different position on BRN today,

On the speculation about a CR, I don't buy it; BRN would not be looking to raise capital with the share price where it has been, they certainly have enough money to continue for several Qtrs, there is also the LDA scenario to play out. Also with the Akida 2 now available to EAPs and NDAs you might think that something could happen on the contract front, so why would you want to front run that possibility, when you might might CR at a significantly better price point going ahead, whilst you are still sitting on plenty of cash. Doesn't make much sense to me - but I could be wrong. Speculations of all sorts here can still be way out there though regardless, mind you I don't mind healthy respectful discussion, everyone has a right to their view, but we also know that some can get pretty boring.

Why was Seans' visit to Oz not communicated to S/Hers??? Not good IMO.

The Nasdaq has been feelin the love since J Powell held rates steady last week, this has also given impetus to tech stocks. Short personal story, I have been a lapsed catholic since I was 13yrs old (pushing 72 now), have gone back to praying (my own prayers), but believe it or not, I put up a small Jesus tapestry in my office this very morning, part of my dreaming/motivation/prayer was that he was going to bring me a change of luck, very happy with his form so far.
The only thing your chart tells me is the shorters are rolling in it
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Guess what?! We're deepening our collaboration with Qualcomm to support small mobility (2-wheelers and 3-wheelers) in India! 🚲

These new features will enable riders to remain focused on the road while connected in real time to their favorite smartphone applications, navigation systems or cloud-based entertainment. Connectivity will also enhance the safety of the vehicle and the passengers on and off the road with real time traffic and potential risk on the road information as well as with software and cybersecurity updates and tracking monitoring of the 2- and 3-wheelers. Isn't that neat?

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(Other) is now up to 25% . Two days to go . Get cracking posters . We are only 7% behind .
Looking at the Leaderboard:


and comparing it to the snapshot from approx 30hrs ago:

- Total votes increaesed by 103
- "Voice Assistent" increase by 8 votes and % share dropped from 37 to 32%
- "OTHER", Brainchip AKIDA increased by 74 votes and % share increased from 15 to 25%

- "OTHER" is trailing "Voice Assistent" by on 40 votes now. There's still about one and a half days left for voting, so based on current trajectory, its quite achievable for "Other" to come out on top.,

So, if you are inclined to vote (and its your choice, so that nobody gets upset) then you can find the poll at the link below:

So, why do I care abot this, well I'll tell you why. I've been a long term holder for about 7 years. I've bought at low proces, higher prices and even supported the company when they had the share offer at 6c.. Ive bought shares in own name, Super and for the children, and to date have not sold one share. I've been patient this whole time and have tried to stay away from the "backwards and forth" conversations arguing with each other why a BRN employee or board member should've or should not have said something, and why it wasn't a ASX ann, price sensitive, etc. We can argue these things all we want, and sometimes we may feel good and other times not, and left pondering what the hell is going on.

We have now been presented with an opportunity. An opportunity to potentially here from one of our early adopters, about questions we would all like answered. Its worth a shot, its not spamming the Linkedin post, and nobody is holding down anyones finger to choose the 4th option in the poll, and I'm sure its something all of you would like to hear about from Magnus.. He may not say anything about AKIDA. He may say it is in the EQA, He could even say they are not using it, or its currently in the pipeline for a potential use by 2030, etc.... If he is bound by an NDA, then so be it, but remember that MB were the ones that told the world that they've been using AKIDA in the EQXX after all. I see this as a lost opportunity for answers if we don't get to the top of the poll.
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Nice work SC....we've both been on this amazing journey, with it's highs and lows..5 months have elapsed since this research was papered,
now with AKD 2.0 the results/accuracy could differ quiet a lot, but it just never really stacks up in my mind, and what do I mean ?

Brainchip and Peter are really ALL ABOUT NATIVE SNN....the CNN2SNN conversion was and still is in my mind just "a means to an end".

At some point, clients who can get over the hurdle of disruptive technology, the "band-aid effect" that the above conversion accommodated
for the mob and their current networks, well, the better off the overall benchmarks will be.

Unless Peter or anyone on this forum can convince me otherwise, we have always wanted to be "Native" SNN so to speak.

Hoping to get a few comments from someone on IBMs NORTH POLE...stay tuned.

Tech (Karikari Peninsula) (y)
Yes but baby steps first imo. Was this work paid for by a company? Would like it to be! At least someone is putting us through our paces in the academic world.

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Looking at the Leaderboard:

View attachment 49076

and comparing it to the snapshot from approx 30hrs ago:

- Total votes increaesed by 103
- "Voice Assistent" increase by 8 votes and % share dropped from 37 to 32%
- "OTHER", Brainchip AKIDA increased by 74 votes and % share increased from 15 to 25%

- "OTHER" is trailing "Voice Assistent" by on 40 votes now. There's still about one and a half days left for voting, so based on current trajectory, its quite achievable for "Other" to come out on top.,

So, if you are inclined to vote (and its your choice, so that nobody gets upset) then you can find the poll at the link below:

So, why do I care abot this, well I'll tell you why. I've been a long term holder for about 7 years. I've bought at low proces, higher prices and even supported the company when they had the share offer at 6c.. Ive bought shares in own name, Super and for the children, and to date have not sold one share. I've been patient this whole time and have tried to stay away from the "backwards and forth" conversations arguing with each other why a BRN employee or board member should've or should not have said something, and why it wasn't a ASX ann, price sensitive, etc. We can argue these things all we want, and sometimes we may feel good and other times not, and left pondering what the hell is going on.

We have now been presented with an opportunity. An opportunity to potentially here from one of our early adopters, about questions we would all like answered. Its worth a shot, its not spamming the Linkedin post, and nobody is holding down anyones finger to choose the 4th option in the poll, and I'm sure its something all of you would like to hear about from Magnus.. He may not say anything about AKIDA. He may say it is in the EQA, He could even say they are not using it, or its currently in the pipeline for a potential use by 2030, etc.... If he is bound by an NDA, then so be it, but remember that MB were the ones that told the world that they've been using AKIDA in the EQXX after all. I see this as a lost opportunity for answers if we don't get to the top of the poll.
You are so focused on "other" but akida could be part of all the others. Just chill I think. There is zero chance a simple question like this will have them announce akida. I would like it but it's so unlikely.
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You are so focused on "other" but akida could be part of all the others. Just chill I think. There is zero chance a simple question like this will have them announce akida. I would like it but it's so unlikely.
Yes you are right, it could be part of all the others. The problem is the word "could", and if the conversation ends up being one of the "coulds" then we can continue on here extrapolating, dot joining, and various other types of wishful thinking as we continue to watch the financials. All I'm saying is that we can have the opportunity for the man to talk about our topic, thats all!
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Yes you are right, it could be part of all the others. The problem is the word "could", and if the conversation ends up being one of the "coulds" then we can continue on here extrapolating, dot joining, and various other types of wishful thinking as we continue to watch the financials. All I'm saying is that we can have the opportunity for the man to talk about our topic, thats all!
All ok. I share your optimism. I just cringe when I see shareholders talking about akida in comments on LinkedIn. I worry it annoys the professional being targeted. I know it would if it was me. I would do the opposite and never talk about it
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Germany is developing its own or a kind of own solution for authorities and administration and companies up here in the EU regarding Ki. Today, a company was provided with 500M€ (second round) via Bosh, SAP and the Schwarz Group. My thought, if one of you has a good connection to the board then Brainchip could at least introduce itself or nock at the door at this company. There will now be a lot of agglomeration around this company here:

Perhaps a bit naive from me, but nothing comes from nothing I would say in German.

And that is also an example of how start-ups work here. Privately financed.

On the radio they are talking about the last chance for Germany or/and Europe.

Data security, most important topic here, I don't know of any technology that would be more suitable.
Yep. Akida is the Swiss Army Knife of processors.
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More than seven hundred and fifty kilometres, or 466 miles*.

This is the anticipated driving range on one charge from our next-generation Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture (MMA) – the platform that underpins our new Concept CLA Class. The electric-drive system defines the benchmark in the class. With its remarkable energy consumption of 12 kWh/100 km (5.2 mi/kWh), the Concept CLA Class is the “one-litre car” for the electric age.

With such remarkable efficiency, I started to think… #MercedesBenz is head-quartered in Stuttgart, so if this city became the starting point, what sort of amazing destinations could be within range?

I crunched some numbers and the results are as surprising as they are mouth-watering. Fancy a weekend in a capital city? Then take your pick from Paris (627km**), Amsterdam (618km**), Berlin (640km**), Brussels (555km**) or Vienna (622km**).
Perhaps some fine Italian culture and cuisine is the order of the day? If so, you could visit Turin (624km**), Genoa (644km**), Milan (505km**) or even the beautiful island city of Venice, which is 698km** from Stuttgart.
Finally, if you fancy something completely different, you could spend time in Bratislava, Slovakia! It’s well within striking distance at 708km**.

So there’s the proof. The advanced efficiency of the Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture (MMA) allows you to go farther on a single charge.
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All ok. I share your optimism. I just cringe when I see shareholders talking about akida in comments on LinkedIn. I worry it annoys the professional being targeted. I know it would if it was me. I would do the opposite and never talk about it
It is a bit cringe yes, but I think harmless enough too.
I doubt he'd pull the plug on Akida just because of our collective comments haha

I think even if "other" wins he will still choose to ignore recognizing Akida if he wants/has to.
Sometimes the silence can be telling, especially if they believe it gives them an "edge", regardless if it's been mentioned before or not.
The company has told us they are still actively engaged with MB, so time will tell to what extent I think!
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I'm not sure how much the Optus outage, really had to do with today..

Volume was very big..

Probably over 50 million shares traded, including Chi-X?..
I agree. I don’t think Optus being out had anything to do with it. The sell side was just non existent today which I put down to who ever or whatever manipulators choosing to do this. Why I have no idea. I guess they don’t trade on logic, it’s pick a stock mess with for their own gain and then move on game. Hopefully with all the work that has been happening in the background it is just a case of us being too close to breakthrough and as such, too risky to play with any more. Or as others have mentioned perhaps it was all about accumulation and now they have their fill.

As you say the volume was such that it wasn’t a matter of not being able to gain access. Plenty did, we just didn’t seem to have those recurrent walls pushing the price down as we have seen in recent times.

Let’s hope today is a sign of things to come and a start back towards a a true valuation of our technology. Just in time for the Brainchip team to smash it out of the park and really give this some legs.
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