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I am a holder for more than three years and the company had progressed from a concept to actual technology. Even we have great partnerships with arm, Intel and others.
Renasas and megachips are paying customers and we moved to second gen from gen 1.
So yes progress is happening but revenue is not coming. Reason for the same is because we want to sell the technology and not product. A product cycle is much faster but finishes fast while a technology cycle takes time in adaptation but if got adopted then the benefits will long last for a few decades.
You may have reasons to be upset but things take their own time to materialized.
Three years ago BrainChip’s technology was definitely more than a concept. At that stage the technology development was quite mature and commercialisation was just beginning. Sometimes how you describe the progress being made leaves me a little bewildered.
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I'm not upset. 🤣

I think the Company is financially stronger,
more professionally managed,
more sustainably positioned with both known and unknown commercial and educative partnerships,
and is pushing forward within a growing eco system of collaborative and complimentary allies.

We are also following a well thought out plan with a proven track record of success,
have capable and clever people executing said plan,
and oversight by an experienced, seasoned and hungry management team
who are aboard Brainchip looking for the ride of their life.

Peter and Anil whose minds and initiative seeded the Company are still with us, positioned now, just where they deserve to be, out on the cutting edge where thought is transmogrified into prototype, supported by a braintrust of distinguished thinkers who border on genius level contemplation.

And personally I have never owned as many share's as I currently do, having been accumulating since October 2015 with buy-in prices ranging from under 4 cents to 86 and a half.

Like I said, I'm not upset. 🤣

I too see relevant and promising progress and I understand that things take time to materialise,
I just wish it would hurry the F up. 🤣
If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Cannot hear anything new. Other than usage and benefit of TENN.
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Answered all the questions openly and honestly that people have been asking.

Well done.
IMO .... This will most likely be the spill to be presented / rehashed at the AGM .... I personally thought it was well thoughout, presented and delivered ... BUT, I think that it will be the Q & A's and body language that attendee's will find most interesting at the upcoming AGM this time round.
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Check out this link:

It's nice to get a mention here but it's interesting how IBM's chip and Intel's Loihi 2 get kudos over AKIDA (I recall posters suspecting that Intel was perhaps deferring to AKIDA as the superior chip). Do we actually have a 3 year lead because it raises the old fear that one of the big companies will run over us with neuromorphic technology.

Is it possible that potential customers are waiting until the last minute to see which horse to back in the neuromorphic race?
Unless they pay for the kudos and we don’t 🤓
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Deleted member 118

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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Great work by Tony Dawe. He obviously collected all our concerns from this forum and asked Sean.
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I'm Spartacus!
Hi mate hope you've recovered from yesterday 😂
So does this mean some of the complaining about stuff on here has made it to brn HQ and they have answered a few of the whinge questions?
Haven't listened yet
Yes and yes. 🤣
It is presented as simply as Tony Dawe asking Sean Hairhillbilly a sample of the questions he is asked to field from investors on a daily basis.
Not much fluff or Dorithy Dixers and whilst nothing much was revealed if you've been paying attention Sean baby did answer the questions in a reasonably straightforward way.
I thought it an honest attempt at communication with the retail investor crew.
It also looks to be a new ongoing initiative and forum run by TD and provides a sock for a lot of gobs. 🤣
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Sean stated that Akida 2.0 will be fully commercially available by the end of the year. I was hoping for a few license agreements earlier than that but I guess we'll have to wait.
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Deleted member 118

If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

Looks like I’ll have plenty more time to keep on accumulating at these prices after listening to that.
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Looks like I’ll have plenty more time to keep on accumulating at these prices after listening to that.
Yes, I think that pod cast indicated that revenue might be further away than what we think. We also need to hear announcements on signed licensing agreements before we get too excited. I thought this was a reality check for many holder who have gotten too far ahead of themselves. We just need to be patient now, it will come but not as soon as most of us had hoped
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Looks like I’ll have plenty more time to keep on accumulating at these prices after listening to that.
yep just accumulated more 🤗
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If you haven't listened to this yet. Spend a good 20 minutes of your time

@Dr E Brown .............. thnx for posting, where did you locate this podcast as i can"t see it on the BRN website under IR/News ?

Well, that was 20mins of my time i will never get back ................ :rolleyes:

First thing i heard from SH was ......................:eek: AKIDO ? SERIOUSLY ? ( 1.16 min ) ............ FFS

Then, .......... "Segments of the market" ........................ what dont we know already?
"IP fees/Royalties" ....................................... "
"Ecosystemn/Sales ...................................... "

Great that the company is addressing shareholders concerns, but lets be real and get some real info on where things are at.

Thank goodness the Technology is "revolutionary".

AKIDA ( not happy with SH performance to date ) BALLISTA
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Great work by Tony Dawe. He obviously collected all our concerns from this forum and asked Sean.

Only thing i don't agree with is the Shorting situation..
@Dr E Brown .............. thnx for posting, where did you locate this podcast as i can"t see it on the BRN website under IR/News ?

Well, that was 20mins of my time i will never get back ................ :rolleyes:

First thing i heard from SH was ......................:eek: AKIDO ? SERIOUSLY ? ( 1.16 min ) ............ FFS

Then, .......... "Segments of the market" ........................ what dont we know already?
"IP fees/Royalties" ....................................... "
"Ecosystemn/Sales ...................................... "

Great that the company is addressing shareholders concerns, but lets be real and get some real info on where things are at.

Thank goodness the Technology is "revolutionary".

AKIDA ( not happy with SH performance to date ) BALLISTA

Well damn..

AKIDO... i guess no one actually listened to the podcast before it was actually released.

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I don't think there is any chance of us not generating revenue or share price going to zero (although if it does, does that mean I can have as many free shares as I want?). We already know Mercedes Benz is on board so there is a customer and revenue in the works. Have people really forgotten this already? Also, does anyone seriously believe that we are never going to pick up any customers at all in the whole world with all the positive feedback on Akida from partners and the unique, revolutionary nature of the technology? Yes, I agree that the success and money has not come as quickly as we all had hoped or according to the timeline management predicted but that does not mean that it will not come at all. And I for one certainly want to be here when it does. The reality is that for all the share price runs we've had in the past the underlying business has never been in a stronger position to launch and to me at least the likelihood that the product cannot be sold seems very remote and if the product can be sold then the share price will climb. That's just my opinion anyway but I'm not only continuing to hold I'm continuing to accumulate shares. Make your own decision but I don't want to be the one that sold only to see the company go on to do what we all know it is capable of and very likely will do for all the reasons we have identified on this forum many, many times before.
Really? How do you know whether Mercedes is still on board? For all we know, they tried our tech and thought it's very efficient and worth considering. Who knows if they will decide to go with Google/Nvidia as it might be easier for them to intergrate given they are already partnering Google/Nvidia for Maps, ADAS n etc? Did they sign IP contract with us? Did we hear back from our management?

Yes yes we will always be in better position than yesterday given we are burning few millions each quarter...

I am not selling nor suggesting anyone to sell... I do hope that all the partnerships & joining eco systems will help us to land more IP contracts soon... (I still don't get why there is such a long gap)
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Akido wtf. I think his brain was probably thinking akida 2.0 and his mouth just blended it together.
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Why do you deem the astonishing achievements, both technical and ecosystem based, to be not worthy of reward?

After all, the share issues would probably have been dependent on set milestone as an incentive, so when the milestones are achieved, the payment is a contractual obligation on the company.
Hockey stick?
Explosive sale's?
Eight years and about the same result as compound interest
Please don't get me wrong, I think we have brilliant people in management, I think we have brilliant technology
I understand that it takes time to achieve ubiquitous status and I believe that the management are making great progress
Sorry I brought my opinion to the forum
Please be kind to each other
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Really? How do you know whether Mercedes is still on board? For all we know, they tried our tech and thought it's very efficient and worth considering. Who knows if they will decide to go with Google/Nvidia as it might be easier for them to intergrate given they are already partnering Google/Nvidia for Maps, ADAS n etc? Did they sign IP contract with us? Did we hear back from our management?

Yes yes we will always be in better position than yesterday given we are burning few millions each quarter...

I am not selling nor suggesting anyone to sell... I do hope that all the partnerships & joining eco systems will help us to land more IP contracts soon... (I still don't get why there is such a long gap)

From what Tony said to me in his email, I strongly believe Merc has signed on through Megachips. See below:

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Akido wtf. I think his brain was probably thinking akida 2.0 and his mouth just blended it together.
I think that's exactly what happened, he even stuttered a little inbetween
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Deleted member 118

Well, that was 20mins of my time i will never get back ................ :rolleyes:
very rare I ever read a full article or listen to anything and now I know why and to be honest I hardly took anything positive out of this.

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My 2 cents:
They can't/won't disclose any more info than they currently are.
Expecting "tomorrow" to pose a fundamental change to this approach is futile.
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