Hi Zeeb0t.

Thank you for looking at this again for us.
Obviously there are some issues with the recent implementation of the measures you have taken to safeguard this forum for all of us.
I realise that you have a lot on your plate and again wish to thank you for providing this forum for us all to enjoy and profit from.
I am glad to hear that it requires a minimum of 5 complaints before action is taken on any particular post but wonder if any weight or consideration is applied to the "likes", " hearts", "fire" emoji's that are also bestowed upon said posts?
Surely these "votes" have a similar value as clicking the "report" icon?
Perhaps we are mature enough here to contemplate the incorporation of a thumbs down icon whereby it is possible to show public displeasure at any particular post or sentiment expressed. At the moment the closest we can go towards that is to express sadness.
I think we are close to a satisfactory solution that may just involve a little detuning of the hair trigger and desensitisation of the application of what is currently being condemned as profanity, personal abuse, baiting and flaming and interpretations of what is confrontational and aggressive behaviour. In the posts where I have been accused of such things I have been flabbergasted at these reactions.
Much is seeming to be banned on these lines when in fact the intent behind their use was humour, sarcasm or irony as a way of making a point.
Without these subtle tools it can all become too dry and brittle.
I am glad to see that you are open and aware of the potentialities of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Thank you again Zeeb0t.
We are grateful to you for creating this safe place for us all and appreciate your efforts in allowing it to evolve, incorporating the feedback of its users.