Hi Chapman,There has never been a time in Brainchip’s history when so many positive facts are in full public view.
I won’t list them all but Renesas, NASA, Valeo, Mercedes Benz, Intel, ISL, US Airforce Research, ARM, SiFive, Edge Impulse, MegaChips, MOSCHIPS, VVDN, Prophesee, Nviso, Numera, Tata, SOCIONEXT, Biotome……….
The CTO Head of Accenture stating publicly on a Brainchip Podcast that Brainchip is already successful commercially.
Highly credentialed people in the semiconductor space electing to join Brainchip during difficult global financial and political times.
A new AKD1500 chip taped out with GlobalFoundries in response to customer demand.
My off the wall theory on this one is SiFive, DARPA & NASA.
SiFive is ARM’s major competitor. ARM is SiFive’s major competitor.
Would SiFive really want to be promoting AKD1000 with it using an ARM CPU? It is illogical to my mind so the solution is to produce an AKD1500 without an ARM CPU using GlobalFoundries a US Defence and Space preferred foundry.
There is clear evidence that AKD2000 is still on track as temporary staff are being employed for the stated purpose to facilitate its launch in the next 2 to 3 months.
Healthy cash reserves and an early call on LDA Capital for purpose of funding dedicated sales staff in Japan and Korea and the funding of AKD1500 which has clearly been accelerated.
More sales enquires in Brainchip’s history.
Staff members being publicly awarded for their research.
It truly is exciting times despite what some will try preach.
I generally agree with what you said but have a couple of differing opinions.
Firstly, I don't think the project manager job advertisement mentioning an immediate 2.0 launch confirms AKD2000 is tracking on time and will be ready in a few months. Assuming that AKD2000 is still going to an optimised AKD1500, this likely won't be finalised until after the first AKD1500 reference chip is back and tested. My guess is AKD2000 will be ready closer to a year from now.
Keeping in mind that this project manager job reports to the CMO, I think it's more likely to be referring to either a brand refresh or the launch of marketing for the new AKD1500 chip (job ad includes mentions of user manuals and training materials). AKD1500 will bring a lot of new functionality - hopefully transformers (which I suspect it will from the changelogs) as this will allow use cases with advanced predictive capabilities and may attract some of the attention currently focussed on ChatGPT. So with that comes a lot of great new marketing opportunities.
Secondly, while I get the potential link with Global Foundries and NASA / DARPA, I wouldn't expect the choice of GF 22nm FDSOI to be their request. A large reason for this is that governments generally take the slow but safer route. Decision making is usually slower and I also don't recall seeing any SBIRs awarded for neuromorphic / SNN transformers. In my view it's more likely that NASA will wait for the reference chip to produced, do internal testing and then decide what they want to do with it. I'm also not convinced they would care about such a low nm node size.
My guess is it's more likely to be a request from the other EAPs like Mercedes, one of the most advanced early adopters. The below link about a joint STMicro and GF facility offers some perspective in favour of this.
Pure speculation, DYOR

STMicroelectronics and GlobalFoundries to advance FD-SOI ecosystem with new 300mm manufacturing facility in France | GlobalFoundries
New jointly-operated, high-volume manufacturing facility to support European and global customers’ demand as the world transitions to digitalization and decarbonization […]

“This new manufacturing facility will support our $20 billion+ revenue ambition. Working with GF will allow us to go faster, lower the risk thresholds, and reinforce the European FD-SOI ecosystem. We will have more capacity to support our European and global customers as they transition to digitalization and decarbonization” said Jean-Marc Chery, President and CEO of STMicroelectronics. “ST is transforming its manufacturing base. We already have a unique position in our 300mm wafer fab in Crolles, France which will be further strengthened by today’s announcement. We continue to invest into our new 300mm wafer fab in Agrate (near Milan, Italy), ramping up in H1 2023 with an expected full saturation by end 2025, as well as in our vertically integrated silicon carbide and gallium nitride manufacturing.”
“Our customers are seeking broad access to 22FDX® capacity for auto and industrial applications.