BRN Discussion Ongoing

I like to be conservative!

My motto is to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

Nothing wrong with that train of thought. I'm always thinking of what could go wrong and then plan to avoid the headf&#^$ in life. Of course things come out from the sideline and shit on my parade on ocassions though.
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Just for interest I found a video recording of the ASIS interiew.
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Enjoyed this Spiking Neural Network with Unsupervised Learning overview. They are trying to make a Wearable Device that monitors Heart Patterns (brain monitor). They convert analog EKG signals to Spikes and make decisions when to alert the patient/nurse/doctor of an issue.

I like that she is referring to a specific Use Case here, when explaining how they are attacking the problem using SNNs, with unlabeled data, and at the far edge. I posted the video when it really starts, skipped the intro where she says she has been working on Neural Network solutions since 2004, and SNN since 2009.



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Move on, nothing to see.
This is not intended for any specific member - just a general warning. I feel I need to point out that this is an open-public forum—you don‘t need to login to read it. ANYONE can view our posts, even robot readers.

I am seeing posts in which people are sharing some information that really should be kept private, and others asking for the same sort of information to be disclosed. Please refrain from doing this!

I know we all feel like we belong to an extended family, but just remember that our family is sitting naked, outside, and with some malevolent entities watching our every move.

Remember, identity theft is real and there are bad people in the world.
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That's a very good warning mate which should not be brushed off lightly. Criminals know that stock forums have members that have plenty of money flowing.
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An oldie but a goodie.....
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Watching Nicola Kasabov speak on what Brainchip Akida provides, SNNs, which he says is the Third Generation of Artificial Neural Networks. PVMD was ahead of many massive companies, with huge budgets. Amazing forward thinking.

At some point, unless you are working in this field and actually coding in Python, learning can only be at a high level. Which is fine, as putting neural science smarts using electrical engineering is just too deep for me to understand the actual implementation techniques. And those would be the Trade Secrets folks were talking about. A lot of that would be the specific Brainchip built function libraries encrypted in the IP.

These videos to me, just reinforce how every single major Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor company is chasing Brainchip. We are winning the race for a huge multidecade growth of Smart Edge Sensor Boards (tinyML).

When I put "Nikola Kasabov Brainchip" in google, lots of Brainchip patents and employees come up.

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Still sober, Bowmore only gives you a wee dram to taste.
Others have made this point, but it bears repeating and emphasising because it encapsulates our absolute advantage over all others. First it was IoT and we understood all ’things’ or appliances could receive or benefit from either 4G or 5G. But we are different. We are the AIoT, and this so much more dominant, efficient, safe, secure, private, dependable, life saving, and years ahead of any other dream our competition pretends to have.
We are delivering, now, the artificial intelligence of things and it will become, in the near future, ubiquitous. What a lovely word, it is even fun to say… u b I q u i t o u s. We are delivering to virtually all edge products and situations the ability to be uniquely INTELLIGENT in its decision making process. To learn, and to decide as a result how to deliver the most intelligent solution for problems that the edge product is confronted with. Without the internet. These solutions may save you from being hit by a car, or alert you instantly when a specific person is identified or hundreds of other intelligent solutions.
Golf tomorrow at Machrie on Islay. Can’t wait.
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$10 will be plenty. I’d prefer it to be $20 but $10 will do. Anything more is a bonus!

I watched NVX go from $2.5 to $10 in 12 months on hope.

SYA go from 3c to 43c in 12 months on expectation.

LKE go from 12c to a $1 in 12 months on promies.

Brainchip has the biggest runway of them all.

When the chip was released, results better than expectations BRN was de-risked.

When I watched the Valeo presentation it showed hope, promise and expectation all in one night.

When Mercedes did their big reveal S#!t got real.

In my opinion there is so much in the pipeline this stock could easily exceed my expectations because the possible revenues are massive!

I am buying as much as I can without putting too much stress on my immediate financials so I’m not worried about the short term. That’s when you run into trouble/stress and worry about the daily price: I currently don’t care about the daily price as I’m not planning to sell a Jatz cracker until Valeo have been selling their Scala 3 Lidar’s for a year or two, and then I’ll re-assess.

Sean Hehir’s speech at the AGM said it all. He did his due diligence and took the job on. He is a competitor who likes to win.

He hasn’t taken the role as a CEO of a company that he thought would fail.

When I’ve seen all the companies below the waterline of the iceberg be known above the waterline and selling their products the SP will be awesome. So my $10 price I think is quite realistic!

Cheers all!
I think your 10 call is the bottom end of the scale of potential
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Makeme 2020

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Did we know we had a former Honeywell employee working in Hyderabad? News to me...........

View attachment 10130
Interesting that he started with Brainchip before he finished working at Honeywell…any reason there would need to be an overlap?!…:unsure:
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Founding Member
Mr Walker is still opening his smelly mouth to talk rubbish about BRN, along with his idiot mates.
But hey, it's all okay, we've got to be empathetic and realise they are hurting.
They go to extreme lengths to tarnish the company, attack the holders, attack the CEO and Founder.

These muppets are jealous and I can't wait to tag these mofos when we achieve great things.

View attachment 10084

Edit: He couldn't make a debate and chickened out, blocked all BRN holders on Twitter. The Walker I knew was very passionate on forums, so wonder what happened? May be on Twitter he doesn't have his moderator friends to cry on the shoulders 🤔
The amount of arguments we have got on twitter with people like claude and their stupid analogy of how they evaluate brainchip sp is beyond a joke.... no wonder many are still wary to invest in brainchip as they still go buy/sell shares based on twitter and MF recommendations.

This is a life changing stock, many are going to miss this opportunity thanks to the genuises who act like the warren buffets of asx.
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I have a funny perspective view trully it's kinda sad though you all may get a laugh 😔

Back in lat 2019 I convinced the missus to put here savings into BRN a nominal amount that gave her a pile of shares. I believed in the product so I told here you will get your money back. Well she decieded on a trip to see her family over seas and needed the money for spending. I reluctantly sold it actually at a loss and gave her the difference was a 20 % hit at that time. Lol fast forward the other day I asked her how her 80000 % trip home was and she looks at me and says what I tell her if you never needed all that spending money you'd have about 80 k lol.

She says well I'll give you the 5000 dollars and you can give me the 80k shares 😔
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I have a funny perspective view trully it's kinda sad though you all may get a laugh 😔

Back in lat 2019 I convinced the missus to put here savings into BRN a nominal amount that gave her a pile of shares. I believed in the product so I told here you will get your money back. Well she decieded on a trip to see her family over seas and needed the money for spending. I reluctantly sold it actually at a loss and gave her the difference was a 20 % hit at that time. Lol fast forward the other day I asked her how her 80000 % trip home was and she looks at me and says what I tell her if you never needed all that spending money you'd have about 80 k lol.

She says well I'll give you the 5000 dollars and you can give me the 80k shares 😔
A lesson that may come around a second time in my opinion.
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Question for the top dogs here please. Often I email my friends about Brainchip, all good stuff for Search Engine Optimization. The more positive and informative info on Brainchip's winning formula the better.

I hate to waste content, even email stuff that would go done the drain unless posted. So I am dumping it here, until told a better place! I don't want to waste people's time, but I don't want to waste any paragraph positive on the prize! Is there a place to post, just good vibe stuff, like this?

Message to friend:
After a year or longer learning about Edge AI, why every semiconductor firm is pouring money into it, the Smart Sensor on the Far Edge has arrived. Plus the microchip tech has gotten cheap and small. The little boards with the electronics on it, like in your smart phone.

Take a basic thing like an EKG Heart Monitor, a wearable product. Sensor on the edge, works all the time, even in an Airplane, Tunnel, Cave, as no Cloud.

Brainchip is No Cloud. I don't need to say anymore. The Use Cases are massive as Edge AI goes everywhere as predicted.

Edge AI sensor smarts, with No Cloud!
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Great post but ET will have to get a wriggle on because the Sun is set to supernova well before 20 Billion AD.
When I posted the correct number (500 million approx) others said I was being depressing so as I was predicting aliens why not be upbeat. In all reality nothing will morn Earths passing. FF

But in the interim🥳😎😂🤣 let’s party.

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Interesting that James Packer mentions Ai as a subject of interest.

It’s great to be a shareholder
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