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Interesting figures about wind turbine blades going into landfills etc ...FF.
I notice having read several papers that there is no mention of the contamination issue posed by Carbon Fiber blades when dumped in landfills and exposed to fire or intentionally burnt.
Carbon fiber is a great product but is highly dangerous when exposed to fir or burnt. Carbon fibres when burnt become so fine and very similar to Asbestos fibers and when burnt are classed as dangerous as Asbestos.
All landfills are at risk of burning or do burn and if landfills are banned from taking Wind turbine blades many will see burning as an option especially in economically poorer countries.
Here in Australia when an aircraft has crashed and burned a special form is completed by CASA inspector determining how much carbon fiber may have been present and the site can be decleared a Hazmat Hazard requiring special clearing. Can be VERY expensive! Fire Brigades responding are aware of these issues also. Cars with carbon fibre will also come under this consideration.
This is one reason why I do not own a Carbon Fibre aircraft or have any parts/panel constructed of it. Crashing a plane is one thing (costly etc) but cleaning up a contaminated crash site of "Asbestos" in a fire another.

Yak52 (if only life would go back to being simple again!) :rolleyes:
ps. - KISS principle works for me every day & all day.
Wow @Yak52 I had no idea about the issues with carbon fibre when burnt.

The country of you beaut good ideas until there not. Better to get it wrong the first thirty times than take your time and get it right the first time.


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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Hi MD and all,
Interesting is the growth of companion friends, and brings to the fore in my mind its relevance, given my last few weeks. If I may, a quick hijack and apologies in advance for a bit off topic but I think worth a mention. I don't know if this happens all over Aust, but it should..., if not the world.
I recently got Covid and generously shared it with my wife. I had a tough time with breathing for awhile, and I was admitted to a "Virtual Covid Ward" from the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. They sent medical equipment to my house including iPad, thermometer, oxygen sensor and blood pressure, all bluetooth to iPad and online and logged in as me. The iPad would ding each morning to remind me to take my vitals and then a Nurse or Doctor would ring at least once a day, sometimes twice, to check in on me, having my vitals already on my "Virtual Chart". I was also able to turn the bluetooth off and take my wife's Vitals and disclose these during the phone calls. I can not speak highly enough of this system and how reassuring it was for both of us to know someone was watching and checking in on us.
It comes to mind that the NVISO monitoring could be an added metric so that the remote doctors also had a visual that had been assessed as well as the vitals assessed and or categorised by Akida.
I guess in the past I might of been a bit "ho hum" on the whole companion robot thing, but I for one, now am a changed man. I can absolutely see the value in many many ways, and think these will become commonplace in the future.
Because of the whole Covid thing, I have been quiet from my normal crappy attempts of humour, and haven't bothered with my daily reading ritual. We are both over Covid, but are both now chocked with the flu, Go figure, 3 Vax's and the flu shot. Anyway not opening to whole Vax can of worms, but for those that think Covid is no big deal, Im sorry, both my wife and I beg to differ.
I expect I will annoy you all again soon, cheers and keep smiling.
@chapman89 Jesse, feel free to share with your mate Tim if you feel worthwhile.
Thank you for sharing macca very interesting! and not off topic at all... this is tse! not the other place! stay safe and take care of each other... and keep up with the humour even if it is "crappy" ;) enjoy your weekend.
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That's the problem, with many so called "Green" energy solutions.
The initial cost, to the Planet, of the infrastructure and then the expected life, of 25 to 30 years, of said infrastructure.

As technology advances and becomes more complex, the ability to recycle it, heads in the other direction..

It's actually madness, if mankind, thinks this will work..
That's right - look at the stuff up we've made with coal and oil.

The option of concentrated solar thermal is looking better all the time. Linear parabolic solar reflectors focused on water/steam pipes - a steam powered generator powered by solar steam, and when the sun goes down, a hydrogen boiler.
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You have shares in companies other than Brainchip? 😂😂
By accident Blind Freddie insists on me letting him type in the buy orders and he is a terrible typist. 😎
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
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This us? Maybe not yet, but I’ve got the same vibe that Dennis Denuto had in The Castle - we’re going to end up being linked to Texas Instruments at some stage

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That's right - look at the stuff up we've made with coal and oil.

The option of concentrated solar thermal is looking better all the time. Linear parabolic solar reflectors focused on water/steam pipes - a steam powered generator powered by solar steam, and when the sun goes down, a hydrogen boiler.
Look at the stuff we've made with coal and oil.
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That's right - look at the stuff up we've made with coal and oil.

The option of concentrated solar thermal is looking better all the time. Linear parabolic solar reflectors focused on water/steam pipes - a steam powered generator powered by solar steam, and when the sun goes down, a hydrogen boiler.
As long as they build them to last hundreds of years and not 50, which if designed well, built well and maintained, shouldn't be a problem.

Coal and oil, are Worlds better than biofuels, because of the much higher energy values and you aren't stripping the living planet for fuel.

There needs to be a variety of solutions and I believe carbon sequestration is one of them, make our own hydrocarbon fuels and regulate the planet's carbon levels, at the same time.

That way, you don't need to scrap billions, of internal combustion engined vehicles (including muscle cars 🙄).

There's not enough resources on the planet, to just wipe the slate clean and start again, each time humanity thinks it has a better solution.

Degrowth not consumerism.

Unless it contains AKIDA and is benefitting the Planet, of course.. 🤔
Maybe a small conflict of interests there..
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As long as they build them to last hundreds of years and not 50, which if designed well, built well and maintained, shouldn't be a problem.

Coal and oil, are Worlds better than biofuels, because of the much higher energy values and you aren't stripping the living planet for fuel.

There needs to be a variety of solutions and I believe carbon sequestration is one of them, make our own hydrocarbon fuels and regulate the planet's carbon levels, at the same time.

That way, you don't need to scrap billions, of internal combustion engined vehicles (including muscle cars 🙄).

There's not enough resources on the planet, to just wipe the slate clean and start again, each time humanity, thinks it has a better solution.

Degrowth not consumerism.

Unless it contains AKIDA and is benefitting the Planet, of course.. 🤔
Hi DB,

The ICE is spilt milk.

Electric cars use less material than ICEs, (and produce the torque up front).

Carbon sequestration:-

As Mrs Beaton says -
first catch your carbon;
then find a hole that doesn't leak under pressure;
then compress your carbon;
then pump your carbon into the hole;
then plug your hole;
then check for leaks;
capture leaking carbon;
find a new hole that doesn't leak;
... .
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I'm quietly looking forward to the close out of this financial year...4 trading days left.

Friday 1 July next week is the beginning of the next most exciting 2 quarters in Brainchips history, I am expecting revenue to finally
start to reveal itself, if nothing of real substance arrives by 31 January 2023, well, I for one will be extremely disappointed.

I think we all feel the same way, maybe to varying degrees, BUT revenue and a product/s must be getting awfully close to revealing I dreaming ??...I don't think so.

Thanks to all the great researchers/posters on this site, I personally appreciate all the time that you all put in, so thanks.

Tech from a sunny Perth x
I have been reading Tech’s posts for 3 years. He has always been bullish on BrainChip and we know how much he respects PVDM and the team, but at the same time he has always been very realistic when it comes to making any predictions on when we might see revenue. I know it’s only his opinion but if Tech has expectations of revenue showing up soon, well then I reckon we must be close. My money is on Renesas getting an Akida infused product to market in the next quarter.
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Hi DB,

The ICE is spilt milk.

Electric cars use less material than ICEs, (and produce the torque up front).

Carbon sequestration:-

As Mrs Beaton says -
first catch your carbon;
then find a hole that doesn't leak under pressure;
then compress your carbon;
then pump your carbon into the hole;
then plug your hole;
then check for leaks;
capture leaking carbon;
find a new hole that doesn't leak;
... .
Not a problem, if you're making fuel from it and not trying to store it 😛

Recycling carbon, which is basically recycling energy.

Nothing wrong with using it, if you recycle it.

How will all the battery tech, lithium etc, be recycled? 🤔
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Not a problem, if you're making fuel from it and not trying to store it 😛

Recycling carbon, which is basically recycling energy.

Nothing wrong with using it, if you recycle it.

How will all the battery tech, lithium etc, be recycled? 🤔
Hi DB,

The ICE is spilt milk.

Electric cars use less material than ICEs, (and produce the torque up front).

Carbon sequestration:-

As Mrs Beaton says -
first catch your carbon;
then find a hole that doesn't leak under pressure;
then compress your carbon;
then pump your carbon into the hole;
then plug your hole;
then check for leaks;
capture leaking carbon;
find a new hole that doesn't leak;
... .
It's called carbon dioxide. Carbon is an element. You guys are usually precise.
It's called carbon dioxide. Carbon is an element. You guys are usually precise.
Once you remove the carbon, you're left with oxygen 😉

And yeah, carbon is a solid anyway Diogenese, why would you need to compress it and pump it into holes 😛
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Not a problem, if you're making fuel from it and not trying to store it 😛

Recycling carbon, which is basically recycling energy.

Nothing wrong with using it, if you recycle it.

How will all the battery tech, lithium etc, be recycled? 🤔

Neometals (NMT) is in the lithium battery recycling business.

Sequestration is the burying solution. I think some of the sequestration projects are smoke and mirrors. Certainly some of the recycling projects are.

CO2 recycling has been talked about, but is it commercially practicable? I haven't been following it because it seems that horse has bolted.

A solar energy collector towers over Rich Diver, a researcher at the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories. The lab's "Sunshine to Petrol" project aims to recycle carbon dioxide into fuel with renewable energy.

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My son is one of them, but I think he intends to go >10,000 after the next pay ( 23 years old, buying shares instead of upgrading his 1999 townace van ... who said they are a smashed avo, wasteful demographic ! Proud Dad speaking ).
Your making me look bad, my son is 3, I’ll have to buy more now and pretend it’s for him
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Once you remove the carbon, you're left with oxygen 😉

And yeah, carbon is a solid anyway Diogenese, why would you need to compress it and pump it into holes 😛
... but it's such a finicky job.
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It's called carbon dioxide. Carbon is an element. You guys are usually precise.
Mrs Beaton isn't all that technically minded.
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