BRN Discussion Ongoing

Genau , dass habe ich auch heute gedacht 😎😎😎😎💥👌
There are 180 officially recognised currencies in the World and more than 19000 cryptocurrencies.

A large part of their "value" is derived from their "scarcity" and their "cost" in electricity, to produce.

Scarcity of what exactly?

Some cryptocurrencies, don't have caps on their creation, such as Dogecoin.

The underlying technologies have value (apart from the engineered in "electrical cost" to produce).

In a World, where saving electricity and more electrically frugal technologies are becoming increasingly important, how can cryptocurrencies, be seen as "The future" of currencies?

How will future generations, view the squandering, of untold sums, of the Earth's valuable, finite, fossil fuel reserves, on something "digital" that has zero sum value, in the furthering of humanity and the planet's health as a whole?

If technologies like cold fusion, or others, intended to greatly increase the electrical supply of the World, hence dramatically lowering its cost, become mainstream.. Wouldn't that make the cost to produce cryptocurrencies, dramatically lower also?
Hence taking away, a large part, of the irresponsible, engineered in, attribute of their perceived value?

Blockchain technologies, will likely be adopted by World governments, but they will be like China’s digital yuan.
Created by the government and regulated by the government.

Although the idea, of a currency, outside of governments and used by the people, has merit.
Cryptocurrencies, have done their dash, in terms of trust, of having an increasing, or even stable value.

Government controlled crypto, won't have exactly the same problems..
Although, they have managed to totally abuse, the use of "fiat" (trust us, we know what we're doing) currencies..
The increased control over currency, which government crypto will allow, could possibly be, the missing "tool" in their use over the populace,
"expiry dates"..

My opinions only, but I guess my disdain of any created currency (which includes fiat), is pretty obvious..

But, back to Brainchip..
I don't think anybody, has a grip on the future value of BRN, if everything we are seeing, is actually what we "think" we are seeing..

The mind boggles..

All we need, is the World to hold it together and I think all shareholders, will be more than handsomely rewarded, in the future.

Brainchip, has produced something, that is low cost, that is wanted and something that benefits the environment.

Everything, the World desires!
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Blind Freddie needs to go back and listen to PvdM's video interview with Marc Kennis from the 9th June 2021 where he will find the answer to one of Marc's questions very uplifting.

Marc: Yeah. So, that’s a big thing in edge computing. Yeah, all right. And so, how big is the market, do you think, currently, for what you’re doing?

Peter: We looked at some forecasts from Tractica. Tractica is predicting that the market will grow very rapidly, the market grows to $60 billion size in 2025. So, we are looking forward to getting a significant part of that market.

In more recent times that forecast has grown.

Lift your game Freddie.😁😁
He has gone off sulking now.

Thank goodness he has such a blind spot when it comes to estimating market share.

He keeps going on and on about all the areas that Brainchip is involved in from Defence to Medical and how if Brainchip were to pick up 10% of the Ai market across all the industries it would be a trillion dollar company by 2025.

He just cannot believe that the WANCA’s are so dishonest. He finds it hard to believe that sighted people are so blind.

It is a hang up of his to second guess what he sees that sighted people don’t.

He is always double and triple checking things. Something one of his teachers said to him in art class about trees not being yellow scarred him.

Anyway it is great to get a break from him. Thanks @Boab 😎


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Newk R

Now what is one percent of 188 billion dollars???

$18.8 billion. Too much what about one half of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$9.4 billion. What still too much well what about one quarter of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$4.7 billion. Come on what still too much then what about one eighth of one percent of 188 billion dollars then?

$2.35 billion. Still not comfortable well what about one sixteenth of one percent?

$1.175 billion. Happy now.

Come on Freddie surely not one thirty second of one percent? Ok then but remember the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said medical was proving an interesting use case for AKIDA.

$587.5 million it is then I am not going any lower.

My opinion only and speculation so DYOR

Not sure if I'm missing the point here, but isn't 1% of 188 billion dollars...$1.88 billion???
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Now what is one percent of 188 billion dollars???

$18.8 billion. Too much what about one half of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$9.4 billion. What still too much well what about one quarter of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$4.7 billion. Come on what still too much then what about one eighth of one percent of 188 billion dollars then?

$2.35 billion. Still not comfortable well what about one sixteenth of one percent?

$1.175 billion. Happy now.

Come on Freddie surely not one thirty second of one percent? Ok then but remember the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said medical was proving an interesting use case for AKIDA.

$587.5 million it is then I am not going any lower.

My opinion only and speculation so DYOR

I know its Sunday and I may be entirely wrong but isnt 1% of 188 billion dollars 1.88 billion?
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Not sure if I'm missing the point here, but isn't 1% of 188 billion dollars...$1.88 billion???
Im a slower typist than you lol!
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The only thing I know of any value about Crypto currency is that it is the most corruptly manipulated market in the world where social media has been turned into a fine art for this purpose by the market makers.

It is the lawless, wild, Wild West compared to the ASX.


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I know its Sunday and I may be entirely wrong but isnt 1% of 188 billion dollars 1.88 billion?
Fixed. LOL Must have been what Blind Freddie was trying to say.
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He has gone off sulking now.

Thank goodness he has such a blind spot when it comes to estimating market share.

He keeps going on and on about all the areas that Brainchip is involved in from Defence to Medical and how if Brainchip were to pick up 10% of the Ai market across all the industries it would be a trillion dollar company by 2025.

He just cannot believe that the WANCA’s are so dishonest. He finds it hard to believe that sighted people are so blind.

It is a hang up of his to second guess what he sees that sighted people don’t.

He is always double and triple checking things. Something one of his teachers said to him in art class about trees not being yellow scarred him.

Anyway it is great to get a break from him. Thanks @Boab 😎


Talking about Blind Freddie and WANKA's how do you believe they will fair when the 2nd Phase of the Akida product drops? Which could very well be any day now. Interesting indeed!

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Not sure if I'm missing the point here, but isn't 1% of 188 billion dollars...$1.88 billion???
Yes now corrected. LOL Those pesky decimal points.
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Talking about Blind Freddie and WANKA's how do you believe they will fair when the 2nd Phase of the Akida product drops? Which could very well be any day now. Interesting indeed!

I have been turning up research papers in the last week where in space and at edge applications are being researched for CNN with LSTM. These research papers are very early conceptual research.

The most recent one was out of China and it was for adjusting the landing pattens of fighter planes on aircraft carriers using the LSTM to predict the roll of the ship and adjusting the plane so that it’s landing takes account of the motion.

Reading these papers I have no doubt that Peter van der Made’s claim that the next generation AKIDA with LSTM will extend the lead to five years is correct.

The idea of using LSTM to predict developing medical conditions or warn of say an epileptic attack is also getting interest as well and of course we already know about autonomous driving opportunities.

My opinion only DYOR

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Sitting at home on a sunday with my covid+ wife and her 86 year old father whom she brought home from hospital post cardiac stenting the same day she tested +ve. He,s also a pack of ciggies smoker for the last 70 years so you can imagine the chest issues. To the point of my post. I have enjoyed and been very grateful for all FF's posts and i would never contadict him in any way UNTIL NOW. As a health worker for the past 35 years i was always cautioned about placing the decimal point in the wrong spot as it could end up being life or death. BUT 1% of 188 billion is 1.88B not 18.8B as you stated.
I,m loving this company and it has and will provide my wife and myself with a secure future IMO
My Achilles has always been my maths particularly when I do not give it my undivided attention.

It was not a test but it proves the point about never believing anything an anonymous poster writes until you have done your own research and in my case your own maths as well.😂🤣😂

Hope your wife and father-in-law return to full health.


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Deleted member 118

The only thing I know of any value about Crypto currency is that it is the most corruptly manipulated market in the world where social media has been turned into a fine art for this purpose by the market makers.

It is the lawless, wild, Wild West compared to the ASX.


Asx ain’t far behind
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Asx ain’t far behind
True but at least the companies on the ASX can be defined, researched and have some substantiation………crypto???
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Asx ain’t far behind
I think that is a tad unkind to the ASX.

If Brainchip ran a commercial wherein they claimed Elon Musk was recommending investing in BRNASX when this was not the case all hell would rain down upon us and BRN would most likely be suspended, delisted and criminal charges laid.

Yet every single day such fake commercials are run all over the web world wide for various crypto investments.

There really is no comparison it is an entirely buyer beware market.

It not a secret it is a largely unregulated market.

I am not opposed to it or using it to make or loose money but it is what it is from a regulatory absence point of view.


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I think that is a tad unkind to the ASX.

If Brainchip ran a commercial wherein they claimed Elon Musk was recommending investing in BRNASX when this was not the case all hell would rain down upon us and BRN would most likely be suspended, delisted and criminal charges laid.

Yet every single day such fake commercials are run all over the web world wide for various crypto investments.

There really is no comparison it is an entirely buyer beware market.

It not a secret it is a largely unregulated market.

I am not opposed to it or using it to make or loose money but it is what it is from a regulatory absence point of view.


In my view, these vapourware currencies are just ePonzi schemes - profit without production is inimical to economic wellbeing.
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In my view, these vapourware currencies are just ePonzi schemes - profit without production is inimical to economic wellbeing.
Despite that if you get in early on a Ponzi scheme and get out quick you can make great money.

It’s just like pass the parcel at a kids party only the winner is the one who is not holding the parcel when the music stops.

Remember we live in a world where the one with the most money wins.

Too big too fail. You must feel the love for this concept.

We are living in a new millennium where the likes of the British East India Company would never be tolerated. LOL

Who exercises the most influence around the World the President of the United States or Elon Musk?

The fact that you have to think about this question says it all.

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Deleted member 118

I think that is a tad unkind to the ASX.

If Brainchip ran a commercial wherein they claimed Elon Musk was recommending investing in BRNASX when this was not the case all hell would rain down upon us and BRN would most likely be suspended, delisted and criminal charges laid.

Yet every single day such fake commercials are run all over the web world wide for various crypto investments.

There really is no comparison it is an entirely buyer beware market.

It not a secret it is a largely unregulated market.

I am not opposed to it or using it to make or loose money but it is what it is from a regulatory absence point of view.


Well what makes the asx worse is that’s it regulated. Least when you invest in coin you know it’s not regulated and you can lose your money at any time.

BTW I’m down $250 in my coin investment so far and I won’t lose sleep if it drops 50% as life’s a gamble and I thought it could be a good time to gamble on coin.

Anyway less on coin let’s go searching anything Akida as I’ve just finished a 12 hour shift and it’s dead boring sitting in bed at 5pm.

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Now what is one percent of 188 billion dollars???

$1.88 billion. Too much what about one half of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$940 million. What still too much well what about one quarter of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$470 million. Come on what still too much then what about one eighth of one percent of 188 billion dollars then?

$235 million. Still not comfortable well what about one sixteenth of one percent?

$117.5 million. Happy now.

Come on Freddie surely not one thirty second of one percent? Ok then but remember the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said medical was proving an interesting use case for AKIDA.

$58.75 million it is then I am not going any lower.

My opinion only and speculation so DYOR

I can see dividends 1 day
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Talking about Blind Freddie and WANKA's how do you believe they will fair when the 2nd Phase of the Akida product drops? Which could very well be any day now. Interesting indeed!

A wild thought could the announcement releasing the next generation AKIDA with LSTM being co-ordinated to coincide with a press release regarding a partnership with a large commercial entity proposing to bring it to market???

I personally have no doubt it is ready to go so must be a reason to delay the release???

My opinion and speculation only so DYOR

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