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Tata Consulting Services remain in the shadows but the following link opens to a research paper which when you open the additional authors discloses all the know AKIDA technology fans. Unfortunately the paper is only available directly from the authors:

My opinion only DYOR


PS: Posted here before but still of interest:

Tata may be hiding in the shadows but Arpan Pal and his team are in my clear view 🙂
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Further to my fixation some might recall a few weeks ago I posted a Harvard research paper which had looked at the conversion rate of customer engagements in the semiconductor space that came up with 35%.

This number, 35%, was intended to be a conservative conversion rate and involved various assumptions such as an equal market place where all competitors had a similar product offering and price and service were the only variables.

If we take the 500 commercial prospects and assume they have just walked in the front door and sat down at the desk of Rob Telson and AKIDA is the same as every other product offering in the market based on this Harvard research we can expect Rob Telson will convert 35 out of every 100 customers to a commercial engagement or 175 customers out of the 500 will sign on the dotted line.

If we add back in that AKIDA has no competition and a two to three year lead and strong market validation thanks to ARM, Edge Impulse, NASA, DARPA and Mercedes Benz then the conversion rate of 35% is obviously very conservative.

Every 5% adds an extra 25 customers signing on the dotted line. So a 40% conversion rate means 200 customers signing up.

If we use the Renesas licence fee of about 1 million dollars this instantly produces 200 million dollars with a further 200 royalty streams once the 200 customer products come to market.

Once again this is a conservative view as MegaChips licence fee and engineering was about 2 million dollars.

Of course we do not have confirmation of the 500 commercial prospects referred to in this article so the above may be based on entirely inaccurate information.

Can we test the feasibility of 500 customer engagements being realistic by some other known facts.

Well we do know that Edge Impulse supports 33,000 engineers each working on projects.

If 10 percent pick up on AKIDA that would be 3,300 engineers working to develop products to take commercial and if only ten percent of those products work their way through to market that would be 330 commercial products in the market containing AKIDA.

The idea of 500 commercial prospects based on this can be seen as not beyond industry scale.

The question becomes then is it likely that the ARM sales team assembled by Rob Telson could have lined up 500 commercial prospects in the 12 month period from the release of the AKD1000 engineering samples in October, 2020.

I think it is realistic particularly when you take into account that in mid 2020 the former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated that Brainchip had ‘well north of 100 NDA customer engagements’.

So to reach 500 Rob Telson and his team already had a flying start of 100 to 150 already onboard.

My opinion only so DYOR

Here is me trying to do the calculations FF
Work Working GIF
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Further to my fixation some might recall a few weeks ago I posted a Harvard research paper which had looked at the conversion rate of customer engagements in the semiconductor space that came up with 35%.

This number, 35%, was intended to be a conservative conversion rate and involved various assumptions such as an equal market place where all competitors had a similar product offering and price and service were the only variables.

If we take the 500 commercial prospects and assume they have just walked in the front door and sat down at the desk of Rob Telson and AKIDA is the same as every other product offering in the market based on this Harvard research we can expect Rob Telson will convert 35 out of every 100 customers to a commercial engagement or 175 customers out of the 500 will sign on the dotted line.

If we add back in that AKIDA has no competition and a two to three year lead and strong market validation thanks to ARM, Edge Impulse, NASA, DARPA and Mercedes Benz then the conversion rate of 35% is obviously very conservative.

Every 5% adds an extra 25 customers signing on the dotted line. So a 40% conversion rate means 200 customers signing up.

If we use the Renesas licence fee of about 1 million dollars this instantly produces 200 million dollars with a further 200 royalty streams once the 200 customer products come to market.

Once again this is a conservative view as MegaChips licence fee and engineering was about 2 million dollars.

Of course we do not have confirmation of the 500 commercial prospects referred to in this article so the above may be based on entirely inaccurate information.

Can we test the feasibility of 500 customer engagements being realistic by some other known facts.

Well we do know that Edge Impulse supports 33,000 engineers each working on projects.

If 10 percent pick up on AKIDA that would be 3,300 engineers working to develop products to take commercial and if only ten percent of those products work their way through to market that would be 330 commercial products in the market containing AKIDA.

The idea of 500 commercial prospects based on this can be seen as not beyond industry scale.

The question becomes then is it likely that the ARM sales team assembled by Rob Telson could have lined up 500 commercial prospects in the 12 month period from the release of the AKD1000 engineering samples in October, 2020.

I think it is realistic particularly when you take into account that in mid 2020 the former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated that Brainchip had ‘well north of 100 NDA customer engagements’.

So to reach 500 Rob Telson and his team already had a flying start of 100 to 150 already onboard.

My opinion only so DYOR

I think I need to have therapy before this fixation becomes a full blown obsession but I just had a thought as a result of which I counted the names on @BaconLover ‘s Iceberg.

There are only 67 names in total above and below the waterline of the Iceberg.

At a minimum we are short 33 names just to reach the lowest rung of the ‘well north of 100 NDA’s’ mentioned by Mr. Dinardo.

So if 500 is correct I know as an increment of probability that the 67 names on the Iceberg the chances of all names being correct increases.

If I add in that the class of customers that have not yet been identified to us by Brainchip are said to be household named and or Fortune 500 then the probability of the companies below the waterline not being customers of Brainchip becomes even less likely.

These random thoughts lead me to only one conclusion @MC🐠 has been far too conservative in his wild speculation as to the companies engaged with Brainchip.

My opinion only DYOR

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I think I need to have therapy before this fixation becomes a full blown obsession but I just had a thought as a result of which I counted the names on @BaconLover ‘s Iceberg.

There are only 67 names in total above and below the waterline of the Iceberg.

At a minimum we are short 33 names just to reach the lowest rung of the ‘well north of 100 NDA’s’ mentioned by Mr. Dinardo.

So if 500 is correct I know as an increment of probability that the 67 names on the Iceberg the chances of all names being correct increases.

If I add in that the class of customers that have not yet been identified to us by Brainchip are said to be household named and or Fortune 500 then the probability of the companies below the waterline not being customers of Brainchip becomes even less likely.

These random thoughts lead me to only one conclusion @MC🐠 has been far too conservative in his wild speculation as to the companies engaged with Brainchip.

My opinion only DYOR

i 2nd that. come out of the shadows
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Here is me trying to do the calculations FF
Work Working GIF
I thought that was Bozo Johnson trying to work out how he’s going to pay Carrie’s divorce settlement.
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Further to my fixation some might recall a few weeks ago I posted a Harvard research paper which had looked at the conversion rate of customer engagements in the semiconductor space that came up with 35%.

This number, 35%, was intended to be a conservative conversion rate and involved various assumptions such as an equal market place where all competitors had a similar product offering and price and service were the only variables.

If we take the 500 commercial prospects and assume they have just walked in the front door and sat down at the desk of Rob Telson and AKIDA is the same as every other product offering in the market based on this Harvard research we can expect Rob Telson will convert 35 out of every 100 customers to a commercial engagement or 175 customers out of the 500 will sign on the dotted line.

If we add back in that AKIDA has no competition and a two to three year lead and strong market validation thanks to ARM, Edge Impulse, NASA, DARPA and Mercedes Benz then the conversion rate of 35% is obviously very conservative.

Every 5% adds an extra 25 customers signing on the dotted line. So a 40% conversion rate means 200 customers signing up.

If we use the Renesas licence fee of about 1 million dollars this instantly produces 200 million dollars with a further 200 royalty streams once the 200 customer products come to market.

Once again this is a conservative view as MegaChips licence fee and engineering was about 2 million dollars.

Of course we do not have confirmation of the 500 commercial prospects referred to in this article so the above may be based on entirely inaccurate information.

Can we test the feasibility of 500 customer engagements being realistic by some other known facts.

Well we do know that Edge Impulse supports 33,000 engineers each working on projects.

If 10 percent pick up on AKIDA that would be 3,300 engineers working to develop products to take commercial and if only ten percent of those products work their way through to market that would be 330 commercial products in the market containing AKIDA.

The idea of 500 commercial prospects based on this can be seen as not beyond industry scale.

The question becomes then is it likely that the ARM sales team assembled by Rob Telson could have lined up 500 commercial prospects in the 12 month period from the release of the AKD1000 engineering samples in October, 2020.

I think it is realistic particularly when you take into account that in mid 2020 the former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated that Brainchip had ‘well north of 100 NDA customer engagements’.

So to reach 500 Rob Telson and his team already had a flying start of 100 to 150 already onboard.

My opinion only so DYOR

Just to clarify.
The $200m is on the presumption that each is their own customer direct to Brainchip and order over 1 mil.
If they are secondary customers through the Big Three that have signed up, this would be seen through hopefully a massive upkick in revenue when the multiple products from 200 seperate businesses using either of the big three chips buy their supplies through them and not us direct.

Have I got the pricing model wrong?
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Just saw this on LinkedIn, not strictly relevant but great weekend viewing

Just saw this on LinkedIn, not strictly relevant but great weekend viewing

Further to my fixation some might recall a few weeks ago I posted a Harvard research paper which had looked at the conversion rate of customer engagements in the semiconductor space that came up with 35%.

This number, 35%, was intended to be a conservative conversion rate and involved various assumptions such as an equal market place where all competitors had a similar product offering and price and service were the only variables.

If we take the 500 commercial prospects and assume they have just walked in the front door and sat down at the desk of Rob Telson and AKIDA is the same as every other product offering in the market based on this Harvard research we can expect Rob Telson will convert 35 out of every 100 customers to a commercial engagement or 175 customers out of the 500 will sign on the dotted line.

If we add back in that AKIDA has no competition and a two to three year lead and strong market validation thanks to ARM, Edge Impulse, NASA, DARPA and Mercedes Benz then the conversion rate of 35% is obviously very conservative.

Every 5% adds an extra 25 customers signing on the dotted line. So a 40% conversion rate means 200 customers signing up.

If we use the Renesas licence fee of about 1 million dollars this instantly produces 200 million dollars with a further 200 royalty streams once the 200 customer products come to market.

Once again this is a conservative view as MegaChips licence fee and engineering was about 2 million dollars.

Of course we do not have confirmation of the 500 commercial prospects referred to in this article so the above may be based on entirely inaccurate information.

Can we test the feasibility of 500 customer engagements being realistic by some other known facts.

Well we do know that Edge Impulse supports 33,000 engineers each working on projects.

If 10 percent pick up on AKIDA that would be 3,300 engineers working to develop products to take commercial and if only ten percent of those products work their way through to market that would be 330 commercial products in the market containing AKIDA.

The idea of 500 commercial prospects based on this can be seen as not beyond industry scale.

The question becomes then is it likely that the ARM sales team assembled by Rob Telson could have lined up 500 commercial prospects in the 12 month period from the release of the AKD1000 engineering samples in October, 2020.

I think it is realistic particularly when you take into account that in mid 2020 the former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated that Brainchip had ‘well north of 100 NDA customer engagements’.

So to reach 500 Rob Telson and his team already had a flying start of 100 to 150 already onboard.

My opinion only so DYOR


Your' mind FF, works in wonderous differing formats, IMHO, probably your professional expertise, plays a part. Anyway, These thought's that you have above are impressionable indeed. Hadn't considered them at all. Much food for more thinking on my part, so, now my thoughts are changing as of now, to the upside, even more, on my expectations in regard to this magnificent technology that we own a part of.

Please, don't stop any time soon, that extraordinary ability you have to communicate with all of us here in no uncertain terms, the working's of your' mind, that appears/ seems to be constantly processing/spiking perhaps even, for our benefit, non stop.

Just well done FF, and I can't wait for your next post, I find most of them quite intriguing, as I'm sure all contributors do.

I wonder what's in store tomorrow in the market place ?. Going to be very interesting !!

gltai here.


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Well, ....strikes me you should read more or somehow glean from all the posts you've read here what a good (no,...great) answer to be. I have, which is why I still own Brainchip shares.

I think even Buddha would send those who sought answers regarding the Brainchip to TSE. As he might say, "the answer is revealed within".
"TSE" is such a great forum that I thought I'd post my question in order to pass on a more complete answer to her than I might provide alone. It worked.
Thanks to everyone who contributed, I believe I have provided a ten-out-of-ten answer and others will benefit too.

Count me as a 6-year BRN enthusiast dippY22. I even flew to the AGM from Adelaide.
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"TSE" is such a great forum that I thought I'd post my question in order to pass on a more complete answer to her than I might provide alone. It worked.
Thanks to everyone who contributed, I believe I have provided a ten-out-of-ten answer and others will benefit too.

Count me as a 6-year BRN enthusiast dippY22. I even flew to the AGM from Adelaide.
We're you impressed with the Agm and do you think Brn akida will be involved in a billon products long-term
Just to clarify.
The $200m is on the presumption that each is their own customer direct to Brainchip and order over 1 mil.
If they are secondary customers through the Big Three that have signed up, this would be seen through hopefully a massive upkick in revenue when the multiple products from 200 seperate businesses using either of the big three chips buy their supplies through them and not us direct.

Have I got the pricing model wrong?
Kind of wrong.

Renesas which is selling to multiple customers purchased a single use IP licence of two nodes not a full 80 nodes for $1 million approximately.

They will put those nodes in a chip of some description and each time they do that they will pay a royalty.

If they sell 10 products with two nodes that will be 10 royalties.

If they sell 10 products with 10 x 2 nodes that will be 100 royalties.

If they sell 1 billion MCU’s each with 2 nodes that will be 1 billion royalties.

As they purchased their licence at a time when Brainchip was still selling chips we might assume that they intend to produce more than 1 million products or use more than 1 million times 2 nodes as Anil Mankar stated at the 2021 Ai Field Day if a customer was intending to use AKIDA in more than 1 million applications then Brainchip would encourage an iP licence as being more cost efficient.

So 200 distinct customers buying two nodes of AKIDA IP just like Renesas to put in products would pay approximately $1 million as a single use licence fee and then royalties on every use of the two nodes in the same way as Renesas.

MegaChips has purchased a full licence of 80 nodes but is going to build it into its customers products and so if Nintendo has AKIDA in hand controllers then the royalties will flow back to MegaChips then on to Brainchip for each use in the Nintendo product. A company like MegaChips opens many doors.

I see two general types of customers ‘users’ and ‘enablers’.

Renesas is a ‘user’. They build MCU’s and sell them to customers as a complete product.

MegaChips and ARM/Edge Impulse where Brainchip is concerned are ‘enablers’ they take a customers product and offer a solution or way to make it or improve it and the customer then produces the product containing this IP.

Within this general framework Brainchip and each customer will negotiate variations depending upon the size of the customer and the scope of the customers reach in the market.

My opinion only DYOR

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It's everywhere you look.

View attachment 9649
Now what is one percent of 188 billion dollars???

$1.88 billion. Too much what about one half of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$940 million. What still too much well what about one quarter of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$470 million. Come on what still too much then what about one eighth of one percent of 188 billion dollars then?

$235 million. Still not comfortable well what about one sixteenth of one percent?

$117.5 million. Happy now.

Come on Freddie surely not one thirty second of one percent? Ok then but remember the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said medical was proving an interesting use case for AKIDA.

$58.75 million it is then I am not going any lower.

My opinion only and speculation so DYOR

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Now what is one percent of 188 billion dollars???

$18.8 billion. Too much what about one half of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$9.4 billion. What still too much well what about one quarter of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$4.7 billion. Come on what still too much then what about one eighth of one percent of 188 billion dollars then?

$2.35 billion. Still not comfortable well what about one sixteenth of one percent?

$1.175 billion. Happy now.

Come on Freddie surely not one thirtieth of one percent? Ok then but remember the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said medical was proving an interesting use case for AKIDA.

$587.5 million it is then I am not going any lower.

My opinion only and speculation so DYOR

I've calculated my share holdings and it works out to be one 30th of 1%. Therefore $587.5 million is all mine, all mine I tell ya.
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Now what is one percent of 188 billion dollars???

$18.8 billion. Too much what about one half of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$9.4 billion. What still too much well what about one quarter of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$4.7 billion. Come on what still too much then what about one eighth of one percent of 188 billion dollars then?

$2.35 billion. Still not comfortable well what about one sixteenth of one percent?

$1.175 billion. Happy now.

Come on Freddie surely not one thirtieth of one percent? Ok then but remember the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said medical was proving an interesting use case for AKIDA.

$587.5 million it is then I am not going any lower.

My opinion only and speculation so DYOR

I don't think even with inflation that will get us there.
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Founding Member
I think I need to have therapy before this fixation becomes a full blown obsession but I just had a thought as a result of which I counted the names on @BaconLover ‘s Iceberg.

There are only 67 names in total above and below the waterline of the Iceberg.

At a minimum we are short 33 names just to reach the lowest rung of the ‘well north of 100 NDA’s’ mentioned by Mr. Dinardo.

So if 500 is correct I know as an increment of probability that the 67 names on the Iceberg the chances of all names being correct increases.

If I add in that the class of customers that have not yet been identified to us by Brainchip are said to be household named and or Fortune 500 then the probability of the companies below the waterline not being customers of Brainchip becomes even less likely.

These random thoughts lead me to only one conclusion @MC🐠 has been far too conservative in his wild speculation as to the companies engaged with Brainchip.

My opinion only DYOR

bless you.gif
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Now what is one percent of 188 billion dollars???

$18.8 billion. Too much what about one half of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$9.4 billion. What still too much well what about one quarter of one percent of 188 billion dollars?

$4.7 billion. Come on what still too much then what about one eighth of one percent of 188 billion dollars then?

$2.35 billion. Still not comfortable well what about one sixteenth of one percent?

$1.175 billion. Happy now.

Come on Freddie surely not one thirty second of one percent? Ok then but remember the former CEO Mr. Dinardo said medical was proving an interesting use case for AKIDA.

$587.5 million it is then I am not going any lower.

My opinion only and speculation so DYOR

Blind Freddie needs to go back and listen to PvdM's video interview with Marc Kennis from the 9th June 2021 where he will find the answer to one of Marc's questions very uplifting.

Marc: Yeah. So, that’s a big thing in edge computing. Yeah, all right. And so, how big is the market, do you think, currently, for what you’re doing?

Peter: We looked at some forecasts from Tractica. Tractica is predicting that the market will grow very rapidly, the market grows to $60 billion size in 2025. So, we are looking forward to getting a significant part of that market.

In more recent times that forecast has grown.

Lift your game Freddie.😁😁
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Genau , dass habe ich auch heute gedacht 😎😎😎😎💥👌
There are 180 officially recognised currencies in the World and more than 19000 cryptocurrencies.

A large part of their "value" is derived from their "scarcity" and their "cost" in electricity, to produce.

Scarcity of what exactly?

Some cryptocurrencies, don't have caps on their creation, such as Dogecoin.

The underlying technologies have value (apart from the engineered in "electrical cost" to produce).

In a World, where saving electricity and more electrically frugal technologies are becoming increasingly important, how can cryptocurrencies, be seen as "The future" of currencies?

How will future generations, view the squandering, of untold sums, of the Earth's valuable, finite, fossil fuel reserves, on something "digital" that has zero sum value, in the furthering of humanity and the planet's health as a whole?

If technologies like cold fusion, or others, intended to greatly increase the electrical supply of the World, hence dramatically lowering its cost, become mainstream.. Wouldn't that make the cost to produce cryptocurrencies, dramatically lower also?
Hence taking away, a large part, of the irresponsible, engineered in, attribute of their perceived value?

Blockchain technologies, will likely be adopted by World governments, but they will be like China’s digital yuan.
Created by the government and regulated by the government.

Although the idea, of a currency, outside of governments and used by the people, has merit.
Cryptocurrencies, have done their dash, in terms of trust, of having an increasing, or even stable value.

Government controlled crypto, won't have exactly the same problems..
Although, they have managed to totally abuse, the use of "fiat" (trust us, we know what we're doing) currencies..
The increased control over currency, which government crypto will allow, could possibly be, the missing "tool" in their use over the populace,
"expiry dates"..

My opinions only, but I guess my disdain of any created currency (which includes fiat), is pretty obvious..

But, back to Brainchip..
I don't think anybody, has a grip on the future value of BRN, if everything we are seeing, is actually what we "think" we are seeing..

The mind boggles..

All we need, is the World to hold it together and I think all shareholders, will be more than handsomely rewarded, in the future.

Brainchip, has produced something, that is low cost, that is wanted and something that benefits the environment.

Everything, the World desires!
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