BRN Discussion Ongoing

Our market isn´t closed on Monday but on Thursday, I found this youtube video, does somebody nows who Henry Jennings is??

Brainchip Holdings (BRN) | BUY HOLD SELL |​

I for one am delighted to have it closed on Monday 13th June

Before the DOW wrought I was buoyed to see the trading towards the EOD friday. It seemed encouraging with a pull off the low, support for the tripple bottom and buy sell numbers evening up.
Ill take the close and hope a bounce softens the asx day on tuesday.
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Mea culpa

In the good old days you could buy genuine Leatherette but now there are so many good fakes it is almost impossible for a lay person to tell the difference.😞


Mercedes uses a faux leather upholstery, Artico, in their C-Class. Looks like leather, if I had a sense of smell it may smell like leather. I'm a lay person. :rolleyes:
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Hi mkm,

Like you I think leather is aesthetically pleasing.

However, the use of the pejorative term "plastic" is misleading in this context. The "leather" used in Mercedes is made from mushroom mycelia reinforced with bamboo fibres. It is not made from oil.
There is a huge problem of logic involved and my brain is too small to resolve it:

1. Cattle, sheep, goats etc are not native therefore they are feral animals in Australia

2. We eradicate other feral animals to protect the environment for native animals ie feral rabbits, foxes, cats, dogs etc;

3. Do we therefore slaughter all domestic animals to appease vegan sensibilities.

4. Do we let them die of old age but prevent them from breeding somehow.

5. Do we eat them till they run out.

6. Do we send them back to their countries of origin.

7. If their numbers are the problem it is because of the size of the market should we therefore cull humans to reduce demand and bring the system back into balance.

8. Is it sensible to waste any part of a food source when scarce resources have been consumed to produce the food.

9. Is using an alternative such as mushrooms definitely not producing more of some offending chemical if you produce at sufficient scale to supply the leather substitute for every vehicle and piece of furniture that would have been leather in the world.

10. Would the production of mushrooms at the required scale for this purpose lead to scarcity of protein necessary for maintaining good health and reduce the production of other necessary agricultural products and use too much water etc;

So many questions???


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The following research does not reference AKIDA but comes to an interesting conclusion which I have extracted:​


Front. Neurosci., 01 April 2022 |

Automotive Radar Processing With Spiking Neural Networks: Concepts and Challenges​

Bernhard Vogginger1*, Felix Kreutz1,2, Javier López-Randulfe3, Chen Liu1,
Robin Dietrich3, Hector A. Gonzalez1, Daniel Scholz1,2, Nico Reeb3,
Daniel Auge3,4, Julian Hille3,4,
Muhammad Arsalan4, Florian Mirus5,
Cyprian Grassmann4, Alois Knoll3 and Christian Mayr1,6
  • 1Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Principles of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
  • 2Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co., KG, Dresden, Germany
  • 3Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
  • 4Infineon Technologies AG, Munich, Germany
  • 5BMW Group, Research, New Technologies, Garching, Germany
  • 6Centre for Tactile Internet (CeTI) With Human-In-The-Loop, Cluster of Excellence, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany

“When it comes to AI-based autonomous driving, ensuring functional safety of both software and hardware is a critical issue. The principles that are currently developed to support machine learning models (Henriksson et al., 2018; Mohseni et al., 2019) will also apply to SNNs. Similarly, neuromorphic hardware will have to fulfill the same standards as any automotive electronic system: adhere to temperature ranges, be resistant to vibrations, be deterministic and redundant, or contain self-monitoring. For that reason,

only digital neuromorphic systems are candidates for integration in cars,

while the use of analog or mixed-signal neuromorphic hardware seems out of scope at the moment due to their intrinsic variability.

Hence, we suggest to focus on advanced digital systems such as SpiNNaker2 (Yan et al., 2021) or Loihi2 (Orchard et al., 2021) to further explore neuromorphic hardware for automotive radar processing and automated driving in general.”

Their opinion places AKIDA digital SCNN with LSTM at the very head of the queue.

My opinion only DYOR

Haha, cue a call from all of the above to our glorious leaders!
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Hi mkm,

Like you I think leather is aesthetically pleasing.

However, the use of the pejorative term "plastic" is misleading in this context. The "leather" used in Mercedes is made from mushroom mycelia reinforced with bamboo fibres. It is not made from oil.

The interior: between luxury and nature.​

Mercedes-Benz has forged new paths when developing the interior. The VISION EQXX features a surprising mix of sustainable materials in its interior: from mushrooms to bamboo, cactus and vegan silk. These show that it is still possible to achieve the utmost in automotive luxury without using animal products, whilst creating an inimitable feeling of premium comfort. This fascinating journey has halved the carbon footprint of the leather alone.
I stand corrected on Mercedes, however it doesn’t stop cows from growing skin, or reduce the cow population. So what is the point?
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I agree, I think more and more companies are turning to vegan leather to show their support of climate change.

Surprisingly, ‘A hefty slice of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the smelly bodily functions of livestock’, in the US cow contribute to 4% of all greenhouse gases produced.

Personally, I’d prefer Betty covered seats.
Hair Wind GIF

@Rocket577, I can confirm it’s only a wig.
I never understand these figures.
If the same amount of grass was left to rot, and not be ingested by a cow, wouldn't it produce an equivalent amount of green house gas?
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White Horse

There is a huge problem of logic involved and my brain is too small to resolve it:

1. Cattle, sheep, goats etc are not native therefore they are feral animals in Australia

2. We eradicate other feral animals to protect the environment for native animals ie feral rabbits, foxes, cats, dogs etc;

3. Do we therefore slaughter all domestic animals to appease vegan sensibilities.

4. Do we let them die of old age but prevent them from breeding somehow.

5. Do we eat them till they run out.

6. Do we send them back to their countries of origin.

7. If their numbers are the problem it is because of the size of the market should we therefore cull humans to reduce demand and bring the system back into balance.

8. Is it sensible to waste any part of a food source when scarce resources have been consumed to produce the food.

9. Is using an alternative such as mushrooms definitely not producing more of some offending chemical if you produce at sufficient scale to supply the leather substitute for every vehicle and piece of furniture that would have been leather in the world.

10. Would the production of mushrooms at the required scale for this purpose lead to scarcity of protein necessary for maintaining good health and reduce the production of other necessary agricultural products and use too much water etc;

So many questions???


The answer to question #7 is yes. If we start the culling with those against the meat eaters, our problem should be resolved fairly quickly.
That's all there is, I have to get to the butchers.
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With all said and done ,AGM now gone everything spoken, all the companies linked to us, are we still a risk or are we ready to take off
T minus June 20 and counting in my opinion....

When we really hit the afterburners after that is anyone's guess. Brainchip's SP has knocked me on my arse (in a good way) once already this year with its incredible growth back in January. What this proved to me is how many sets of eyes are on us. And now withe the upcoming inclusion In the ASX200 along with the increased marketing campaign and general activity by the company I expect more than ever are having more than a second look our way.

We already know what our company and our tech can do, we see the application and are comfortable in the role we will play in shaping the future. I count myself fortunate to have come across Brainchip many years ago, shortly after I found Crapper and watched and learnt over there (while building a strong ignore library of posters!) along with continuing to do my research. Everything I read only strengthened my belief in the quality of the comapny and the tech and I continued to accumulate as a result.

Many investors are only just finding Brainchip, likewise with upcoming inclusions many institutions will only now be able to begin building positions. With more eyes on us than ever before It is my firm belief that when we go, we will go!
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It’s idiotic;
leather is a perfect use of a byproduct of the meat industry.
Replacing it with a plastic alternative will do more harm then good for the environment and will not stop the byproduct from being produced
Some vegan people just can’t use their brains properly and marketing is just taking advantage of it.
I will still be ordering leather in my car and furniture
I’m with you on this and I’m disappointed that some companies are removing leather as an option completely.
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There is a huge problem of logic involved and my brain is too small to resolve it:

1. Cattle, sheep, goats etc are not native therefore they are feral animals in Australia

2. We eradicate other feral animals to protect the environment for native animals ie feral rabbits, foxes, cats, dogs etc;

3. Do we therefore slaughter all domestic animals to appease vegan sensibilities.

4. Do we let them die of old age but prevent them from breeding somehow.

5. Do we eat them till they run out.

6. Do we send them back to their countries of origin.

7. If their numbers are the problem it is because of the size of the market should we therefore cull humans to reduce demand and bring the system back into balance.

8. Is it sensible to waste any part of a food source when scarce resources have been consumed to produce the food.

9. Is using an alternative such as mushrooms definitely not producing more of some offending chemical if you produce at sufficient scale to supply the leather substitute for every vehicle and piece of furniture that would have been leather in the world.

10. Would the production of mushrooms at the required scale for this purpose lead to scarcity of protein necessary for maintaining good health and reduce the production of other necessary agricultural products and use too much water etc;

So many questions???


Sorry I forgot about horses and deer even the cute ones in the Snowy Park etc;

Cane Toads were a great scientifically proven green biological alternative to chemicals until there weren’t.

Australia the home of ‘You beaut good ideas’ until there not.

Absolutely no idea what should be done but responding to populist opinions usually ends up with an outcome you did not expect.

Who would have thought rabbits would love Australia so much???


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Top 20
There is a huge problem of logic involved and my brain is too small to resolve it:

1. Cattle, sheep, goats etc are not native therefore they are feral animals in Australia

2. We eradicate other feral animals to protect the environment for native animals ie feral rabbits, foxes, cats, dogs etc;

3. Do we therefore slaughter all domestic animals to appease vegan sensibilities.

4. Do we let them die of old age but prevent them from breeding somehow.

5. Do we eat them till they run out.

6. Do we send them back to their countries of origin.

7. If their numbers are the problem it is because of the size of the market should we therefore cull humans to reduce demand and bring the system back into balance.

8. Is it sensible to waste any part of a food source when scarce resources have been consumed to produce the food.

9. Is using an alternative such as mushrooms definitely not producing more of some offending chemical if you produce at sufficient scale to supply the leather substitute for every vehicle and piece of furniture that would have been leather in the world.

10. Would the production of mushrooms at the required scale for this purpose lead to scarcity of protein necessary for maintaining good health and reduce the production of other necessary agricultural products and use too much water etc;

So many questions???


1. Your taxonomy is askew - you need to add domestic, domesticated, free-range, ... . But even domestic cats take an unconscionable toll on native birds, lizards etc.
2. Feral from ferox - wild, ferocious, or, in this case non-native predators.
3. If they can get a majority in both houses (the vegans, not the animals of which we have an ample sufficiency).
4. That's a lot of condoms.
5. Depends on how quickly we distribute the condoms.
6. Just need to adjust the live sheep/cattle trade destinations.
7. Genetic engineering with lemmings is a solution.
8. As mother used to say: "You will eat your Brussel sprouts ... AND ENJOY THEM!
9. Just steer clear of the red ones, the white ones, some of the orange ones ...
10. So we need more solar desalination ... and lots of Berocca.
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I’m with you on this and I’m disappointed that some companies are removing leather as an option completely.
It's like margarine - can you tell the difference?
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I stand corrected on Mercedes, however it doesn’t stop cows from growing skin, or reduce the cow population. So what is the point?
I think it's a 1-all draw - the current production does use vinyl.
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Top 20
I never understand these figures.
If the same amount of grass was left to rot, and not be ingested by a cow, wouldn't it produce an equivalent amount of green house gas?
and the cow methane thing - is that just for lot-fed grain eating cows or does it also include free-range cattle. Most of North America was covered in bison before Columbus.
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Top 20
Sorry I forgot about horses and deer even the cute ones in the Snowy Park etc;

Cane Toads were a great scientifically proven green biological alternative to chemicals until there weren’t.

Australia the home of ‘You beaut good ideas’ until there not.

Absolutely no idea what should be done but responding to populist opinions usually ends up with an outcome you did not expect.

Who would have thought rabbits would love Australia so much???


But that's why we needed the foxes.
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You may want to follow that page if you have not already. @chapman89
The #mbux page

Vegan leather is such a joke. It is vinyl! It's just been rebranded.
"Marketing" at its finest 🙄..
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It's like margarine - can you tell the difference?
I can’t believe it’s not butter skit from The Vicker of Dibley is hilarious. 😂🤣 FF
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T minus June 20 and counting in my opinion....

When we really hit the afterburners after that is anyone's guess. Brainchip's SP has knocked me on my arse (in a good way) once already this year with its incredible growth back in January. What this proved to me is how many sets of eyes are on us. And now withe the upcoming inclusion In the ASX200 along with the increased marketing campaign and general activity by the company I expect more than ever are having more than a second look our way.

We already know what our company and our tech can do, we see the application and are comfortable in the role we will play in shaping the future. I count myself fortunate to have come across Brainchip many years ago, shortly after I found Crapper and watched and learnt over there (while building a strong ignore library of posters!) along with continuing to do my research. Everything I read only strengthened my belief in the quality of the comapny and the tech and I continued to accumulate as a result.

Many investors are only just finding Brainchip, likewise with upcoming inclusions many institutions will only now be able to begin building positions. With more eyes on us than ever before It is my firm belief that when we go, we will go!
Big names wouldn't of signed on if it wasn't something game changing,some experience tech heads on board which shows strength, and I have no doubt because some haven't been mentioned, doesn't mean there not ready to go, there ready after years of tinkering with us, it could take off like Afterpay did just saying
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