BRN Discussion Ongoing

Posted that in the random stuff thread. But suited for here also.
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You ask for the "latest juicy news" and then post an article from 2014? 🤔.. 😛
Oh boy. I really need glasses
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"For mine, the actions required to combat these headwinds will cause the world to enter a recessionary period. As Paul Keating once said…’this is the recession we had to have’…to get things back on a sustainable footing"

Only problem is, that the great majority of the Western World, is simply in too much debt, to be able to "afford" a recession.

They want to fight high inflation, but still need high growth.

The majority of the reason, for the high inflation, other than Putin's lunacy, is the huge increase in the World currency supply, during the "Pandemic", to "prevent" any kind of an economic downturn, or recession.

Real interest rates need to be above the inflation rate, for any real effect, which is a practical impossibility, due to Worldwide government and public debt levels.

The powers that be, really are stuck between a rock and a hard place..
I personally believe that every single person is responsible for the present state of affairs. We can blame politicians, bankers, the ASX the Reserve Bank even Blind Freddie but at the end of the day we all need to take personal responsibility.

I remember my own daughter years ago when I suggested that her money might be better saved than used to buy CD’s saying ‘but I couldn’t live without my music.’

I am probably wrong but I have never read about a case of someone dying or even becoming slightly ill through music abstinence.

We all make choices. A couple that gives up two takeaway coffees a day five days a week will save close to 2,500 after tax dollars.

I ran a personal injury case for a single mother of two children and handed her a cheque of sufficient quantum to buy a home for her self and her daughters and suggested this idea.

Twelve months later I had reason to attend her mothers home and she was present. She said have you seen my mum’s singing fish. It was a trout on a board and when activated turned and burst into song. Her mother said to me yea that’s all that’s left of that money you got her a singing fish.

The world is a complex place and many need our compassion but we are all responsible and can all make a difference.

Peter van der Made is the perfect example of someone doing just that.

He could of course, and he would be right at one level, if he suggested the government should be funding the Alzheimers researchers he donated his shares to or as he did accept that he is uniquely situated to help make a difference.

I listen to the stories that the press run and it seems that they cannot find one person in Australia who is living a positive fulfilled life yet on this investment forum the common thread seems to be of people taking personal responsibility for their futures and making sacrifices to achieve their ends be it a financially secure retirement, a first home or a gentleman’s haircut in Cairns.

My opinion only no research required.

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I personally believe that every single person is responsible for the present state of affairs. We can blame politicians, bankers, the ASX the Reserve Bank even Blind Freddie but at the end of the day we all need to take personal responsibility.

I remember my own daughter years ago when I suggested that her money might be better saved than used to buy CD’s saying ‘but I couldn’t live without my music.’

I am probably wrong but I have never read about a case of someone dying or even becoming slightly ill through music abstinence.

We all make choices. A couple that gives up two takeaway coffees a day five days a week will save close to 2,500 after tax dollars.

I ran a personal injury case for a single mother of two children and handed her a cheque of sufficient quantum to buy a home for her self and her daughters and suggested this idea.

Twelve months later I had reason to attend her mothers home and she was present. She said have you seen my mum’s singing fish. It was a trout on a board and when activated turned and burst into song. Her mother said to me yea that’s all that’s left of that money you got her a singing fish.

The world is a complex place and many need our compassion but we are all responsible and can all make a difference.

Peter van der Made is the perfect example of someone doing just that.

He could of course, and he would be right at one level, if he suggest the government should be funding the Alzheimers researchers he donated his shares to or as he did accept that he is uniquely situated to help make a difference.

I listen to the stories that the press run and it seems that they cannot find one person in Australia who is living a positive fulfilled life yet on this investment forum the common thread seems to be of people taking personal responsibility for their futures and making sacrifices to achieve their ends be it a financially secure retirement, a first home or a gentleman’s haircut in Cairns.

My opinion only no research required.

A lot of people do things due to pressure from society/peer group.
When I bought my first "moderate" home 6 years ago, friends weren't quite amused purchasing a house below the perceived "social status". I couldn't care less what others thought then, nor would I be affected too much by the upcoming interest rate increases now.
I completely agree with you, we do have a choice. It may not be exactly what someone wants, but that's why we call it a choice.
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I personally believe that every single person is responsible for the present state of affairs. We can blame politicians, bankers, the ASX the Reserve Bank even Blind Freddie but at the end of the day we all need to take personal responsibility.

I remember my own daughter years ago when I suggested that her money might be better saved than used to buy CD’s saying ‘but I couldn’t live without my music.’

I am probably wrong but I have never read about a case of someone dying or even becoming slightly ill through music abstinence.

We all make choices. A couple that gives up two takeaway coffees a day five days a week will save close to 2,500 after tax dollars.

I ran a personal injury case for a single mother of two children and handed her a cheque of sufficient quantum to buy a home for her self and her daughters and suggested this idea.

Twelve months later I had reason to attend her mothers home and she was present. She said have you seen my mum’s singing fish. It was a trout on a board and when activated turned and burst into song. Her mother said to me yea that’s all that’s left of that money you got her a singing fish.

The world is a complex place and many need our compassion but we are all responsible and can all make a difference.

Peter van der Made is the perfect example of someone doing just that.

He could of course, and he would be right at one level, if he suggest the government should be funding the Alzheimers researchers he donated his shares to or as he did accept that he is uniquely situated to help make a difference.

I listen to the stories that the press run and it seems that they cannot find one person in Australia who is living a positive fulfilled life yet on this investment forum the common thread seems to be of people taking personal responsibility for their futures and making sacrifices to achieve their ends be it a financially secure retirement, a first home or a gentleman’s haircut in Cairns.

My opinion only no research required.

That sacrifice thing I'm currently dealing with someone who has no idea of the meaning of that word. Always broke and always living beyond their means. Multiple coffees from cafe's daily has to purchase the finer things in life. Couch surfing. And has the audacity to display a slightly shitty attitude when I will not lend money oh and will waste last bit of money on pokies. Hmmmm yeah I've always sacrificed for most of my life was brought up that way. And I should lend this person money to splurge on absolute shit so they can live the life of Riley. Some people!!
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I personally believe that every single person is responsible for the present state of affairs. We can blame politicians, bankers, the ASX the Reserve Bank even Blind Freddie but at the end of the day we all need to take personal responsibility.

I remember my own daughter years ago when I suggested that her money might be better saved than used to buy CD’s saying ‘but I couldn’t live without my music.’

I am probably wrong but I have never read about a case of someone dying or even becoming slightly ill through music abstinence.

We all make choices. A couple that gives up two takeaway coffees a day five days a week will save close to 2,500 after tax dollars.

I ran a personal injury case for a single mother of two children and handed her a cheque of sufficient quantum to buy a home for her self and her daughters and suggested this idea.

Twelve months later I had reason to attend her mothers home and she was present. She said have you seen my mum’s singing fish. It was a trout on a board and when activated turned and burst into song. Her mother said to me yea that’s all that’s left of that money you got her a singing fish.

The world is a complex place and many need our compassion but we are all responsible and can all make a difference.

Peter van der Made is the perfect example of someone doing just that.

He could of course, and he would be right at one level, if he suggest the government should be funding the Alzheimers researchers he donated his shares to or as he did accept that he is uniquely situated to help make a difference.

I listen to the stories that the press run and it seems that they cannot find one person in Australia who is living a positive fulfilled life yet on this investment forum the common thread seems to be of people taking personal responsibility for their futures and making sacrifices to achieve their ends be it a financially secure retirement, a first home or a gentleman’s haircut in Cairns.

My opinion only no research required.

Hey FF. Your daughter was on the money. Music like Akida enhances the brain functioning as described in this book.

This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession

This Is Your Brain on Music describes the components of music, such as timbre, rhythm, pitch, and harmony and ties them to neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, cognitive psychology …. One particular focus of the book is on cognitive models of categorization and expectation, and arguing that music served as an indicator of cognitive, emotional and physical health, and was evolutionarily advantageous as a force that led to social bonding and increased fitness, citing the arguments of Charles Darwin, Geoffrey Miller and others.
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Our market isn´t closed on Monday but on Thursday, I found this youtube video, does somebody nows who Henry Jennings is??

Brainchip Holdings (BRN) | BUY HOLD SELL |​

Certainly not questioning this guys qualifications on stocks, just questioning his depth of research on BRN, He talks of Akida facial recognition technology, when it is clearly much much much much more than just that and then goes on to say they pump the stock with grandiose announcements like Mercedes . When in actual fact , as we all know , Mercedes made that announcement and BRN only made an announcement to stave off the ASX. Minor detail there.
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Posted in a reply to some dribble over at hotcrapper.

One thing i dont understand why people post in here if they dont beleive in the company. I had few companies in the past and i did argue about certain things but since sold never looked back in to those. So why bother when you dont hold. you would bother as you said @Jfibbo to achieve something. only thing which would make sense is ,looking at the shorters data posted here and on the other side to bring the price down by spreading panic and gain from it.

This isn't hotcrapper you fool.
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Deleted member 118

Fed up with your stock you own constantly being red. Then maybe you should invest in a pair of these and I’ll guaranteed you’ll have green days everyday.

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Hey FF. Your daughter was on the money. Music like Akida enhances the brain functioning as described in this book.

This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession

View attachment 9033
This Is Your Brain on Music describes the components of music, such as timbre, rhythm, pitch, and harmony and ties them to neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, cognitive psychology …. One particular focus of the book is on cognitive models of categorization and expectation, and arguing that music served as an indicator of cognitive, emotional and physical health, and was evolutionarily advantageous as a force that led to social bonding and increased fitness, citing the arguments of Charles Darwin, Geoffrey Miller and others.
The free radio in her bedroom would have done the job. LOL
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Deleted member 118

why bother even reading that site? All that it is gained is more views for them thus more revenue. That's a great reason not to click on the site apart from the fact that it's corrupt in the way it is run. Nothing worth reading for me when we have now TSEx full of great posters.
I love reading it over there, as it’s nice to know there are more stupid people in this world than me.

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‘If you can meet with triumph and disaster
and treat those two imposters just the same’

’If you can make one heap of all your winnings
and risk it on one turn of pitch ‘n toss…and lose
and start again at your beginnings’

’If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you’

A few short lines from Rudyard Kipling’s inspirational poem If-

I would encourage those of us here who may be feeling down-in-the-dumps after the past week, to read this poem. Whenever life has delivered me a blow, I have taken comfort from doing just this.

If you ever visit that ‘green and pleasant land’ I recommend a visit to Burwash in the High Weald of East Sussex. Just down the road from The Rose and Crown, a wonderful 15th century pub, you’ll find Bateman’s, Rudyard’s home for his last 30 odd years. There is something ethereal about wandering in the footsteps, and along the pathways of people like Rudyard Kipling.

I have recently been pondering where things are going, given the days of wine and easy, abundant, cheap money are ending. This at a time when the rising cost of living, in fact the rising cost of everything is insane. Inflation is rife, wages are stagnant, uncertainty, anxiety, dare I say fear abounds…and not just here but everywhere.

For mine, the actions required to combat these headwinds will cause the world to enter a recessionary period. As Paul Keating once said…’this is the recession we had to have’…to get things back on a sustainable footing.

What does all this mean for our battler?

Certainly the past week or so has been painful for most of us, and as much as I respect the 1000 eyes and all the research they do to provide us with hope and encouragement, for mine we need a little more. I refer to what our CEO said in an interview shortly after the AGM...’at this year’s AGM I talked about activity, at next year’s I will talk about results’

For what it’s worth I am a true believer…I believe during the next six months we’ll begin to see these results…results which will make all the blood, sweat and tears shed by Peter, Anil and those unknown at least to me…so worthwhile.

’If you can dream, and not make dreams your master’
I'm guessing that many of us true believers have also passed the message on to our nearest and dearest, so BRN will act act as a bulwark against the coming vicissitudes for ourselves and our friends.

Now I know how the survivalists feel.
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I love reading it over there, as it’s nice to know there are more stupid people in this world than me.

Well if that’s the reason you listen they broadcast parliament on the ABC radio when it’s in session.
😂🤣😂 FF
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Deleted member 118

Thanks Funky, that's very kind of you! Always happy to contribute to our Brain Family when I can. :giggle:
Did you manage to untie yourself

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I personally believe that every single person is responsible for the present state of affairs. We can blame politicians, bankers, the ASX the Reserve Bank even Blind Freddie but at the end of the day we all need to take personal responsibility.

I remember my own daughter years ago when I suggested that her money might be better saved than used to buy CD’s saying ‘but I couldn’t live without my music.’

I am probably wrong but I have never read about a case of someone dying or even becoming slightly ill through music abstinence.

We all make choices. A couple that gives up two takeaway coffees a day five days a week will save close to 2,500 after tax dollars.

I ran a personal injury case for a single mother of two children and handed her a cheque of sufficient quantum to buy a home for her self and her daughters and suggested this idea.

Twelve months later I had reason to attend her mothers home and she was present. She said have you seen my mum’s singing fish. It was a trout on a board and when activated turned and burst into song. Her mother said to me yea that’s all that’s left of that money you got her a singing fish.

The world is a complex place and many need our compassion but we are all responsible and can all make a difference.

Peter van der Made is the perfect example of someone doing just that.

He could of course, and he would be right at one level, if he suggest the government should be funding the Alzheimers researchers he donated his shares to or as he did accept that he is uniquely situated to help make a difference.

I listen to the stories that the press run and it seems that they cannot find one person in Australia who is living a positive fulfilled life yet on this investment forum the common thread seems to be of people taking personal responsibility for their futures and making sacrifices to achieve their ends be it a financially secure retirement, a first home or a gentleman’s haircut in Cairns.

My opinion only no research required.

Salmon chanted evening?
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My parents were so poor that at their wedding when the guests threw rice at them they picked up the rice and ate it 🙉
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